
3 Tips for Improving Email ROI

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As a marketer, you know how effective email is. Compared to other channels, the return on investment of email blows the rest away. But that doesn’t mean creating winning email campaigns is always automatic or easy. 

You may have run the numbers on your most recent campaigns and found the returns not quite where you need them. That puts more pressure on your team to create successful campaigns, especially if you’re operating on a tight budget. 

So, anything you can do to help improve email ROI matters. And that’s where we come in. We have a few key tips to help you create better emails and boost your ROI. 

Personalize your emails

You should know by now that personalization is here to stay. And on top of that, consumers want tailored messaging in their emails, not the same old basic personalization from a decade ago. 

How do you do it? Enter Zembula’s Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™. These dynamic content blocks make it easy to automate personalization. Now, you can create hyper-personalized emails tailored for each reader from top to bottom. It’s not only what consumers demand; it will help you boost revenue and improve your ROI.

Use Smart Banners™ to highlight your best revenue-generating calls to action like abandoned cart and browse, birthday or anniversary announcements, and welcome campaigns. And Smart Blocks™ can feature loyalty updates, product recommendations, and event reminders. All of these are designed to drive more revenue through personalization.

Optimize for mobile

Most people check their emails on mobile devices. But can you believe some brands still aren’t optimizing emails for mobile? There’s a huge opportunity to boost your email ROI by making minor tweaks to email templates so they’re more mobile-friendly.

We’ve also got a few secret weapons to help encourage clicks and conversions on mobile, featuring our dynamic content blocks. 

zembula dynamic decision engine smart banners

The most important for mobile is the Smart Banner™. Let’s face it: on a phone, you only have a tiny amount of real estate to make a real impression and drive action. And research shows the more you ask a reader to scroll, the less likely they are to click. So why not put your most important revenue-generating messages at the top of the email

And it works. That’s why our amazing clients see a 10-17% lift in revenue in campaigns using Smart Banners™.

Tap into triggered emails

For most brands, triggered emails — abandoned cart notifications, shipping updates, and even post-purchase messages — see the highest open rates. So rather than send the same generic expected email, get innovative instead.

With triggered messages, you can re-engage readers and convert subscribers, but generally, they’re only a small percentage of your send. Rather than keep these emails on the back burner, push them to the forefront with Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™.

The Zembula approach takes triggered messages, personalizes them, and makes it easy to add them to any other email you send, from promotions to newsletters. Why let the opportunity to improve email ROI pass you by?

Take your most powerful revenue-driving messages and updates and give them better visibility. It will improve your reader’s experience, train them to open your emails, and give you more chances to drive engagement and revenue. 

Want to improve email ROI? Zembula is the answer!

Data-driven marketers have to keep track of a lot of metrics today. If you feel overwhelmed trying to make improvements and optimize your email strategy, we’d love to help. 

With the Zembula platform, it’s easy to personalize at scale — automate instead of manually segmenting and updating your lists or playing around with code. We have the tools to help you optimize personalization for revenue without adding time or complicated processes to your workflows. 

Interested? Get in touch. We’ll set you up with a demo

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