Email Marketing Best Practices for Improving ROAS

One of your main goals as a marketer is to increase your Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). This metric measures how effectively your email marketing campaigns bring in revenue. 

By focusing on strategies that can enhance your ROAS, you can ensure that every dollar you spend on your campaigns yields maximum returns, boosting your revenue and keeping your customers happy.

Ready to improve your ROAS? We’ve got some best practices to follow. Here’s where to get started. 

Understand Your Audience

Feels obvious. But the reality is if you don’t know who you’re targeting and what your audience wants in your campaigns, it’s hard to get the most out of them. Here’s where data can make a difference. 

By tailoring your messaging, you’re more likely to hit the mark with your campaigns. A well-targeted email increases the likelihood of engagement and conversions, directly enhancing your ROAS. It’s not just about reaching people; it’s about getting the right people the right message.

Embrace Email Personalization

Personalization is no longer just an option; it’s a necessity. With consumers inundated with emails, making your message stand out is crucial. Use your data on your customers to personalize emails beyond just covering the basics. Instead, hyper-personalize.

Instead, tailor messaging based on past purchases, browsing history, or engagement patterns. Personalized emails can drive action, increasing open and click-through rates, which leads to higher engagement and more revenue. 

A personalized approach helps ensure your marketing spend is more likely to result in sales, improving your ROAS.

Leverage Automation and AI

Personalizing emails is great, but personalizing at scale hasn’t always been easy — until now. Embrace automation and AI to help you send timely and relevant personalized emails to your list.

Rather than worrying about time-consuming tweaks or manual errors, automated triggered email sequences such as welcome, abandoned cart, and re-engagement campaigns can drive engagement and conversion rates.

Our AI-powered Campaign Decision Engine reads and analyzes your customer data, looking at shopping history and behavior, then predicts the messages most likely to get engagement. It all happens with a single snippet of code, leaving you more time to develop winning campaigns and less time worrying about manual processes and workflows.

Optimize For Mobile

In a mobile-first world, emails must be readable and engaging on smaller screens. Mobile optimization ensures your emails are accessible to a larger audience, increasing the likelihood of engagement. Better engagement means more clicks, more conversions, and a higher ROAS. 

Here’s another area where Smart Banners™ help you stand out. Because they sit at the top of every email, your most important, revenue-driving messages take up the most valuable real estate on a mobile device. That ensures your calls to action are seen and easy to engage with, especially since consumers are less likely to click the more they have to scroll

Utilize User-Generated Content  

User-generated content, such as customer reviews, testimonials, photos, and videos, is crucial in building trust and authenticity in your brand. Plus, research shows that consumers respond to the ratings and reviews of other customers more than anything else. So, it’s important to find a way to highlight them.

Beyond building trust and credibility, UGC is an effective way to drive engagement and add more personalization to your emails. Smart Banners™ are the perfect tool to add personalized UGC to your emails. These dynamic content blocks allow you to feature product images and animated ratings and reviews, helping to encourage clicks and conversions.

Let Zembula Help Boost Your ROAS

If you’re ready to maximize your ad spend to get more out of your email campaigns, we’d love to help. We’ve worked with brands like Forever 21 to help boost their ROAS 11x. 

With the Zembula platform, creating personalized email campaigns that automate at scale is easy. We do the heavy lifting for you, ensuring every email you send is tailored to your reader based on the display parameters you set. 

Interested in learning more? We’d love to chat. Click here to request a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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What Does ROI Mean in Email?

In an ideal world, every business decision drives a return on investment; the same is true for email marketing. Return on investment (ROI) is a profitability ratio used to measure the profitability of marketing efforts. 

In email marketing, ROI helps determine the effectiveness and profitability of email campaigns. Understanding metrics like ROI, along with return on ad spend (ROAS), allows marketers to measure campaign performance.

Here’s what you need to know about ROI and email marketing. 

How do we measure ROI in email?

Email marketing ROI helps you determine the revenue you’ve pulled in from your marketing while accounting for the expenses of conducting it. So, it shows how much money you’re making (or losing) from your email marketing campaigns.

Here’s the formula to help calculate it:

Email ROI = (net profit of email campaign – the cost of the email campaign / the cost of the email campaign) x 100%

Here’s an example to help you run the numbers:

Email ROI = ($300,000 – $25,000 / $25,000) x 100%

Email ROI = 1,100%

So, the ROI for this campaign is 1,100%.

It means that for every dollar spent on your email marketing campaign, you gained a return of about $11, in addition to recouping your initial investment.

Where to find the numbers

You may not love digging into numbers as a marketer, but the data is where the magic happens for many successful email campaigns. The good news is that calculating email ROI is relatively straightforward. 

But you’ll need to know where to find your numbers, especially since some may overlap. 

You may have a dashboard for net profit that calculates it for you. If not, you’ll want to identify all the sales directly attributed to the campaign and then multiply the number of conversions by the average value of each to get the total revenue. Then you’ll subtract the campaign costs from that number — you’ll need to find the campaign costs anyway to determine ROI.

When calculating the campaign costs, don’t forget to include the following:

Once you have these numbers, you can get a much more accurate picture of your ROI. 

Why is email ROI important?

Understanding ROI helps you determine if your email marketing efforts are profitable or if you’re spinning your wheels and need to make changes.

Not knowing the actual profitability of your marketing can lead you in the wrong direction. So, it is critical to understand what it can tell you.

There are many reasons why email ROI is important, including:

According to recent data, email ROI ranges from around $32 to $45, depending on the industry, with an average of $36. So, for every dollar spent, brands see $36 in return. That shows the power of email marketing and why it’s such a critical channel for brands to connect with consumers. 

Let Zembula help improve your email ROI

Every marketer wants to find ways to help boost the bottom line and operate more efficiently. We can help you do that. 

With the Zembula platform, it’s easy to create personalized email campaigns that generate clicks, conversions, and revenue without adding extra time, energy, and expense. 

We’d love to help you improve and optimize your email campaigns. Contact us to learn more. 

Click here to request a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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Performative Personalization Ideas for Email

Personalization, in and of itself, is one thing. And make no mistake, not only is it important, it’s absolutely essential for your success now that today’s consumers have come to expect it.

But let’s cut through the hype and get to the heart of the matter: Does personalization truly translate into tangible, revenue-boosting outcomes?

That’s what we’re talking about today.

When personalization evolves into a dynamic force that drives substantial results, it takes on a distinct identity. We call it “performative personalization”. In other words, it’s personalization that actually performs and delivers measurable results.

If you’re curious about how leading companies have harnessed Zembula’s performative personalization solutions to enhance their bottom line, you’re in for an enlightening journey.

Let’s get to performative personalization ideas for email so you can apply these same methods to your email marketing.

Ready to boost your bottom line? Let’s get started!

Achieving remarkable revenue growth: The Thrive Causemetics story

Passion for meaningful causes and a commitment to cruelty-free, vegan beauty products define Thrive Causemetics. However, like any business, they aim to optimize their revenue streams. When Thrive Causemetics recognized the transformative potential of personalization in their email marketing, they turned to Zembula for solutions.

The goal was clear: Enhance customer engagement and boost revenue. To achieve this, Zembula and Thrive Causemetics crafted a message pool consisting of six distinct Smart Banners™ strategically designed for emails addressing various scenarios, including browse abandonment, cart abandonment, loyalty promotions, shipment tracking, birthday greetings, and a welcome series.

The magic happened with Zembula’s Campaign Decision Engine, which seamlessly determined the most suitable Smart Banner™ for each individual recipient with precision and accuracy.

The outcome?

Thrive Causemetics witnessed a remarkable 10-17% surge in revenue for emails featuring these personalized banners — a bottom-line boost that’s nothing short of attention-grabbing.

Makeup Cartel’s Smart Banner™ success story

When it comes to elevating email marketing to an art form, Australian beauty brand Makeup Cartel stands out as a shining example. Once again, their secret weapon has been Zembula’s innovative solutions, which have breathed new life into their campaigns and propelled their revenue to impressive heights. And just like with Thrive Causemetics, Makeup Cartel’s Success Story starts with personalized Smart Banners™.

One Smart Banner™ that has truly stolen the spotlight is their birthday banner. It’s a masterpiece that seamlessly weaves together uniqueness, animation, and, above all, personalization. It’s not just an eye-catching visual; it’s a sophisticated tool that leverages customer data to suggest products tailored to each individual shopper.

Think of the common practice of offering a birthday gift. Now, think about transforming this routine gesture with the power of Zembula’s Smart Banner™ technology. These dynamic banners, meticulously crafted for each recipient, rise above the noise of a cluttered inbox.

City Mattress hits the bullseye with personalization that pays

Zembula embarked on another transformative campaign, this time partnering with City Mattress. We helped them charter a path toward amplified personalization in email marketing.

The strategy? A carefully crafted message pool designed to cater to the diverse buying stages of City Mattress’ typical customers. Using their customer data, our Campaign Decision Engine selected the right Smart Banner™ for each individual recipient.

City Mattress no longer sent generic messages to its entire email list. Instead, it delivered emails hyper-focused on each customer’s journey.

Corey Schuchman, Director of Marketing and eCommerce for City Mattress, summarized the results: “Adding Zembula to our marketing mix has been a huge success for our brand. We’ve been able to add sophisticated personalization to our emails with little extra effort. It has improved our customer experience and engagement. Month over month, we have seen emails with Zembula banners be our top-performing emails.”

How can Zembula’s solutions help you?

Hopefully, in reading these use cases, you’ve been able to picture your own situation and how Zembula’s proprietary tools can help you be more effective.

The thing to remember is that all of this is so easy. All you need is the data you’re already collecting. Our solutions take care of the rest.

If you’re ready to turn personalization into performative personalization, we’re excited to help you.

Contact us to learn more.

Marc Sheforgen

Marc Sheforgen writes email service provider content for Zembula. Beyond that, he’s all about parenting, coaching kids, record collecting, travel, and adventure. If it’s fun, he’s for it.

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15 Email Personalization Stats for 2024: Here’s What to Know

Email personalization is no longer just nice to have. If you want to see real success in your email marketing and drive revenue, it’s a requirement. 

Consumers increasingly expect custom content from brands, 1:1 messages tailored to their needs and interests. That’s the minimum to get them to pay attention to you, so if you aren’t doing it? 

You’re facing an uphill battle to get attention, never mind clicks and conversions. Still not sold on how personalization in email can drive more revenue? Here are some convincing email personalization stats for 2024.

The data to know about personalization in email in 2024

If you want to run successful email marketing campaigns, personalization can impact your success. At Zembula, we focus on personalization for revenue optimization — ensuring your emails are personalized using data-driven insights based on customer interest, needs, and behavior. 

We call it performative personalization. It’s the personalization that matters to your subscribers and moves the needle, helping drive conversions and revenue.

Let’s dive into the numbers.

1). Almost 75% of consumers say they get frustrated with an impersonal shopping experience. 

2). Over 60% of consumers say they’ll stop buying from companies that don’t effectively use personalization strategies.

3). Personalized emails have been shown to deliver six times more transactions than generic, non-personalized ones. 

4). Data shows that companies that invest in personalizing email outreach earn 40% more than their competitors.

5). Customized email copy and personalized offers are some of the most important predictors of marketing email success for B2B and B2C brands.

6). Over half of consumers say they’ll go somewhere else to find the product or service they want if emails from a brand aren’t personalized.

7). Personalized emails get a 14% higher click-through rate.

8). Personalized emails also help open rates, seeing a 29% higher rate of opens compared to non-personalized emails. 

9). Personalized calls to action result in 42% higher conversion rates than regular CTAs.

10). Studies show that 63% of consumers will stop buying from brands that don’t use effective personalization strategies.

11). Personalization is critical, yet only about 20% of retailers currently personalize emails.

12). Another 60% of shoppers return to finish their purchase after getting a personalized abandoned cart reminder.

Now, how about some of our stats in action? That’s right; our fabulous clients have seen significant growth in conversions, clicks, ROAS, and revenue using our platform. 

Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ open up a world of possibilities, both improving your customer experience and boosting email marketing return on investment.

13). Thrive Causemetics has seen a 10-17% boost in revenue using personalized Smart Banners™ in their campaigns. 

14). After implementing more email personalization, Bully Bunches saw an 8% lift in revenue and a 17%+ increase in conversions.

15). Fashion giant Forever 21 saw an 11x in ROAS using a Smart Banner™ strategy.

In 2024, personalization in email marketing becomes increasingly important. Stop sending generic messages; instead, tailor your emails from top to bottom for each reader. 

Let Zembula help boost your revenue in 2024

Now you know that personalization matters more than ever. In 2024 and beyond, email personalization becomes increasingly critical to success. 

So, if you’re worried you don’t have the tools, skills, and expertise to personalize at scale, we can help. The Zembula platform is designed to make it easy, automating personalization using data-driven insights. 

We help you collect your customer data and deliver the personalized messaging that matters most to them, building more trust in your brand and driving engagement over the long term.

Want to know more about how email personalization can drive more revenue in 2024? Get in touch. We’ll set you up with a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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How to Use Smart Banners™ for Email Personalization in 2024

Are you ready to make 2024 the year of email personalization? It sounds good to us. After all, personalization is a driving factor for consumers today — if your brand struggles to deliver personalized messaging, you’re in trouble. 

The data shows personalization drives audience engagement and revenue. But if you do fully embrace a hyper-personalization strategy?

Get ready to build better relationships with your readers, improve the customer journey, and make an impact on your bottom line. So, as we move into 2024, here’s how to embrace email personalization — and Smart Banners™ are the way to do it.

Smart Banners™ help you hyper-personalize emails

Generic emails don’t fly anymore with consumers. For them, the more personalized your emails, the better. But historically, that’s been hard to do at scale without a lot of time-consuming manual intervention.

With Smart Banners™, you can automate personalization to everyone on your list. Feel confident that every reader gets a personalized message, regardless of the type of email. 

Use Smart Banners™ to relay a variety of personalized information. Zembula offers a big message pool to choose from, including:

Now, you have a complete toolbox of personalized information at your fingertips. Add an abandoned cart Smart Banner™ to a promotional email, for example, and see how it drives engagement and revenue. 

Get more revenue from every email you send

The secret? Taking personalized use cases from triggered emails and pushing them to the rest of your campaigns — from promotional to transactional emails. Rather than having to rely on one or the other to get your message out, combine the best of both worlds and embrace personalization.

Triggered emails only represent a small percentage of your total send. But they’re also responsible for driving action and revenue.

Zembula makes it easy to repurpose those triggered messages into your promotional (and other) emails. Check out this example:

Instead of just sending an abandoned cart email, you can add that personalized Smart Banner™ to other messages. That does a few things, like increasing message visibility, allowing for more email personalization, and encouraging your audience to click. 

Smart Banner™ success for 2024

This approach to personalization in email works. We call it the Smart Banner™ prescription. The clients who’ve implemented it have seen a 10-17% increase in revenues in the emails using Smart Banners™. And that’s in addition to other benefits, such as improved customer experience and engagement and a significant lift in email return on ad spend (ROAS).

Here are a few strategies for getting the most from Smart Banners™.

Forever 21 uses an abandoned cart Smart Banner™ with a few key touches of personalization, including name personalization, an image of the product, and star ratings.

But it also has a powerful driver for reader engagement — inventory data. With this Smart Banner™, the reader sees the item they’ve behind and may experience some FOMO based on the real-time low inventory notification.

Thrive Causemetics relies on a pool of Smart Banners™ to deliver a variety of personalized messaging. Abandoned cart and browse are there, but they also do a great job personalizing loyalty information.

Loyalty Smart Banners™ highlight real-time member updates. You can personalize even further by showing readers how much a product in their cart, for example, would cost using a combo of loyalty points and cash.

Makeup Cartel uses Smart Banners™ to offer personalized product recommendations to shoppers based on their customer data. This type of banner has lots of personalization available. 

Start with name personalization and add animation to highlight the product and include customer ratings and reviews. Then, suggest items likely to attract shoppers’ interest and watch your conversions soar.

Let Zembula help you stand out

If you’re tired of seeing your click and conversion rates slowly decrease, it’s time for change. Email personalization may be exactly the answer you need. 

We’d love to help you started a new personalization strategy — an innovative approach built for the future. Sound interesting to you?

Let’s chat. One of our email experts will show you how the Zembula platform can make a huge difference in your return on investment. 

Click here to request a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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How Personalization Improves Email ROI

Personalization is more than just a buzzword. It’s the key to the kingdom — especially when it comes to email marketing. As budgets squeeze and brands need to do more to stay competitive, it’s increasingly difficult to see a significant return on investment (ROI). 

However, email marketing can often be the exception. Research shows it has a powerful ROI, seeing $42 in return for every $1 spent. And since email marketing is still most brands’ primary (and most successful) communication channel, getting the most out of every email sent matters. 

That’s why email personalization matters so much. It’s proven to drive clicks, conversions, and revenue, improving ROI and adding to your bottom line. If you want to see how email personalization helps ROI, keep reading.

Personalizing emails can significantly improve email marketing ROI

A better ROI has a direct impact on brands. In the practical sense, improving ROI can help justify or increase your marketing budget, highlight efficiency, and dictate where funds should be allocated. 

But exactly how email personalization can achieve that may be a bit more fuzzy, especially if you aren’t sure where to start. Here’s the good news. There are plenty of approaches you can take in your email marketing strategy that will have a direct positive impact on your email ROI.

Personalization plays a big role in it. We use an approach called performative personalization. It’s a data-driven method targeting the personalized messaging most likely to lead to conversions and revenue. If you want to improve email ROI, here are a few reasons why focusing on email personalization can help you move the needle.

Increased conversions and revenue

Getting a reader to open an email is the first hurdle. The next? Clicks. Content tailored to each reader based on their interests and behavior makes your calls to action far more compelling, leading to more clicks and conversions. Our clients have seen a 10-17% lift in revenue in emails using personalized Smart Banners™.

More relevance

Consistently delivering relevant messages to your audience is a challenge. But, with email personalization and tools like Smart Banners™, it’s easier than you think. When readers consistently get emails relevant to them and their needs, they’re more likely to see your brand in a positive light and engage. When you have seconds to make an impression in the inbox, relevant messages capture attention.

Better customer experience

Customer experience is critical to overall brand success today. So, thinking about how your audience receives and reads your emails matters more than ever. Tailor every email you send with Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ and give your reader a custom email experience from top to bottom. That will help build brand loyalty, turning shoppers into your biggest fans while improving lifetime customer value.

More selling opportunities

The Zembula platform makes it easy to personalize product recommendations for every subscriber. Pulling in customer data, you can display recommendations based on past browse and buying history. Use Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ to feature additional personalization tactics, including up-sells and cross-sells, more likely to convert. With our approach, you have a variety of tools that tap into data to help drive more revenue.

Better customer retention and re-engagement

While many brands focus on filling the funnel with new customers, savvy marketers also realize the importance of keeping those who have bought from you engaged. Personalized emails help you connect with your current customers and reach those former shoppers who haven’t bought in a while.  

Embrace email personalization with Zembula

Personalizing emails makes messaging more targeted, effective, and engaging, which can directly impact the ROI of email marketing campaigns. 

If you want to stop seeing metrics decrease and instead boost KPIs like ROI and return on ad spend, then it’s time to take email personalization seriously. 

We’d love to help. Our clients have seen 10-17% lifts in revenue when using the Zembula approach to email personalization. Want to see similar numbers?

Get in touch. We’ll set you up with a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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