How to Expand the Visibility of Your Abandoned Cart Email Messaging

Do you want more of your readers to actually see your abandoned cart email messaging? Here’s how to use Smart Banners™ to get it done.

Liz Froment

A potential customer browses your online store, carefully selecting items and adding them to their shopping cart. They’re just a few clicks away from completing the purchase when they abandon their cart and leave your site. 

Sound familiar?

It’s a frustrating scenario many eCommerce businesses face. But fortunately, there’s a powerful tool at your disposal to recover those lost sales: abandoned cart Smart Banners™.

Smart Banners™ allow you to add more visibility to your abandoned cart messaging. With them, you’re more likely to reach potential customers and have them complete the sale. 

Why abandoned cart emails are important

When customers abandon their carts, it doesn’t always indicate lost interest. More often than not, external factors or distractions interrupt the purchasing process. We’ve all been there; your kid needs you, the doorbell rings, you get a phone call. And by the time you’ve taken care of those tasks, you’ve forgotten about that cart.

Abandoned cart email messaging provides a unique opportunity to re-engage these potential customers and guide them back to completing their purchase. Here’s why it matters:

Personalized Smart Banners™ are a perfect way to improve each of these while enhancing customer experience and their shopping journey.

And, with Zembula, it’s easy to add abandoned cart Smart Banners™ to every message you send; you’re not limited to just abandoned cart campaigns. That helps supercharge your message visibility, ensuring more subscribers see it and are incentivized to click.

The power of personalized Smart Banners™

Smart Banners™ offer a streamlined and automated way to enhance the visibility and effectiveness of your abandoned cart email messaging. These personalized banners enable you to captivate your audience with animated content tailored to each individual’s preferences and behavior. 

Here are a few examples in action.

Loyalty points

Reward your loyal customers by tying their loyalty points to a Smart Banner™. One really cool option to incorporate into your Smart Banner™ is showing your loyalty program members how they can purchase the items left in their cart using their points. 

They can take advantage of their loyalty rewards and see a lower price, which is a great motivation for someone to buy.

Financing options

Financing options have been a recent addition to the eCommerce landscape, but many customers really seem to love them — especially during heavy shopping periods like the holidays. 

With your Smart Banner™, highlight personalized financing options for the product, displaying affordable monthly payments that may make it easier for someone to complete the purchase.

Free shipping and personalized discount codes

With abandoned cart Smart Banners™, you can add free shipping notifications or personalized discount codes to your abandoned cart messaging. It’s another way to add to the sense of exclusivity to your messaging.

Using a tailored approach like this is another way brands can use Smart Banners™ to make customers feel valued and incentivize them to complete their purchases. 

Start converting more abandoned carts

In online shopping, abandoned carts pose a significant challenge for businesses. Customers who leave without completing their purchase represent lost sales opportunities — no brand wants that.

However, you can recover these potential customers and boost conversions with the right strategies. And that’s where Smart Banners™ stand out. 

By including personalized and timely messaging to customers who abandoned their carts in every email you send, it’s easy to re-engage and nudge them towards completing their purchase. But how can you take your abandoned cart email strategy to new heights? 

We’d love to show you how. Click here to request a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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