
Why Personalization in Email is the Future of Marketing

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Email personalization has never been more critical. As consumers get bombarded with content, ads, and products, it’s harder than ever to differentiate what makes you stand out. 

Competing on price alone won’t cut it. But in a sea of competition, it’s not always easy to highlight your special sauce or reach your target audience with the right message at the right time. 

As email marketing has become a vital channel for reaching customers, you need to know how to personalize those emails in a way that gets results. 

That’s the future of marketing.

Performative personalization leads the way

Personalizing just for the sake of it is old news. Instead, you need to turn to your data. What is it telling you about customer behavior — their likes and interests? What messaging moves the needle and gets conversions?

It’s time to embrace performative personalization. Instead of guessing or adding a reader’s name to a subject line and calling it a day, performative personalization helps you take a data-driven approach to personalize your messaging

By digging into the data, you can level up your email personalization, knowing which messages are more likely to deliver clicks, conversions, and revenue.

So that’s the start — data matters, and you need to know how to read into it to get results. 

Offer a cross-channel customer experience

Many brands are trying to stand out today by focusing their marketing efforts on meeting subscribers where they are. 

Having a strategic approach that incorporates personalized messaging across channels, from email to SMS, means customers choose when to engage and interact with you. It’s no longer a one-way conversation. 

zembula personalized sms email

That’s one reason why email and SMS personalization work so well together. You can create individualized emails for your readers and customers while still delivering that same level of personalization through text messages. 

Drive more engagement (and revenue)

What brand doesn’t like seeing more clicks, conversions, and revenue? For many companies, those are the markers of success. But what happens when you don’t see those numbers grow? 

It could mean your messaging is stagnant and not relevant to your customer’s needs or interests. Of course, no marketer wants that to happen. So instead, turn to a solution that makes it easy to personalize every message you send, making your emails more interesting and relevant

That’s what’s going to help drive engagement. When your customers see emails individualized on a 1:1 level based on their zero and first-party data, they are far more likely to take action. Improve your ROI by focusing on data-driven email personalization

Use Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ to get results

If you want to see that boost in ROI and real results in terms of boosted conversions and revenue, then turn to Zembula’s Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™.

The clients we’ve worked with have seen a 10% to 17% boost in revenue in emails that have used Smart Banners™. And combining Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ means you have multiple ways to drive action in every email. 

Use your Smart Banners™ as your primary revenue-generating calls to action — think abandoned carts and promotional events. Then, use Smart Blocks™ in the body of every email to highlight secondary actions, such as loyalty point updates, event reminders, and product recommendations. 

Now you have a power-packed, data-driven email that will stand out above the crowd. 

Let Zembula show you the way

Are you ready for the future of marketing? If not, we can help. The Zembula platform makes it easy to deliver first-class personalized messaging to your readers, building trust, improving customer experience, and driving revenue. 

That’s a win for everyone.

If you want to take your email marketing into the future, get in touch. One of our experts will show you how your brand can embrace email personalization and connect with more customers. 

Click here to request a demo.

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