
How Zembula Helps You Maximize Your Data for Better Results

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Data is everywhere. There’s no doubt about that. 

But what are you doing with it? If you’re not tapping into all of the opportunities customer data presents, you will get left behind. 

It’s unfortunate but true. But, on the other hand, the possibilities of what marketers can do with data are endless. You can improve customer experience, reach more consumers, build loyalty for the long term, and generate more conversions and revenue. 

The key is making it easy to use data to personalize messaging and build your customer base. Here’s how Zembula can help you do more with your data. 

Start with performative personalization

Every brand has a couple of big goals: drive more revenue, improve customer experience, and build long-term loyalty. But it’s increasingly more challenging to do that, even with a treasure trove of data at your fingertips. 

Performative personalization helps. It goes beyond personalization for the sake of it. After all, today’s customers can see right through that. The goal of performative personalization is to go all in on the personalization that directly drives conversions and revenue

That doesn’t mean getting rid of the surprise and delight that’s still there. Instead, it’s using data to use personalization strategically, so it does more for your company and your email list.

Sound complicated? Here’s the good news, it doesn’t have to be — especially if you rely on Zembula to help streamline your workflows and start automating the process.

Easily connect your data

Do you feel like you’re swimming in data sometimes? With information coming from email service providers, eCommerce and shopping tools, CRMs, loyalty programs (and more), it can feel like you’re marketing team is spending their time staring blurry-eyed at spreadsheets instead of doing the stuff that matters. 

Zembula helps you change that. When it’s easy to access and understand your customer data, it’s fun to dig into it, play around, test strategies, gain insights, and design better campaigns around it. 

Let’s face it; when it’s easy to design emails that offer 1:1 customer personalization automatically, it’s far more likely you will do more with your emails.

Get going quickly

Between massive technological leaps and constantly changing consumer trends, brands need to get up and running quickly. Wasting any time means losing out on potential competitive advantages. And with email and SMS marketing, that’s more important than ever. 

Marketing Stack Image

With the Zembula platform, you can transform your approach to email in weeks. Our platform is intuitive and straightforward to use. It connects with your current marketing stack, and with dozens of templates to choose from, you don’t have to spend weeks designing emails. 

Instead, you can hit the ground running, from onboarding to launching your first fully personalized campaign based on customer data in about a month. That means spending less time wading through spreadsheets and more time creating individualized emails that boost conversions and revenue.

Do more with less time and effort

Another way Zembula helps you maximize your data in less time is through a single pixel. Forget spending hours designing templates, running a million A/B tests, messing around with code, or stopping and starting your campaigns to review the data. 

Platform Scenario

Instead, transform your entire ecosystem with a single pixel. To get started within the platform, all you need to do is add a single snippet of code. Then hook up your data sources, set your display parameters, and you’re good to go. 

From there, you can drop that pixel into various templates and messages using Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ to extend variety and visibility. From promotion emails to shipping updates, your readers and customers will automatically receive personalized messages that help drive engagement. 

Improve your personalization with Zembula

Do you want to generate more clicks, conversions, and revenue through performative personalization? 

We’ve got a few ways to help. Check out our recent webinar, 5 Reasons that Make Zembula the Best Personalization and Dynamic Content Solution. 

In it, you’ll see how Zembula can help you get a better ROI for your marketing efforts through personalization, improved customer experience, and boosting revenue. 

Click here to watch today.

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