
5 Email Personalization Predictions for 2023

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As marketers review some of the lessons from 2022 to craft strategy approaches, we’d love to share some of our findings on email personalization in 2023.

After a few turbulent years and with a bit more uncertainty to come, communicating with your customers and readers is more important than ever. That’s why email remains such a core component of any marketing plan. 

But as we look ahead into the rest of 2023 (and beyond), email personalization will play a more prominent role than ever in five key ways. 

Rotating product images become a must-have

Promotional emails represent the vast majority of send for most brands. And if you’re in retail or eCommerce, you will use those emails to highlight products. 

So how can you make them stand out and capture attention?

Add personalized product information into the mix. By rotating product images, you’re giving your potential customers an entirely new way to engage with products — for the better. 

Revenue-driving actions move to the top of emails

Sure, make revenue-driving CTAs easier to see; that probably feels like a no-brainer. But the reality is most brands aren’t capitalizing on the opportunity. 

That’s where Smart Banners™ can make a massive difference in delivering a revenue boost in every email you send. 

The brands we work with, like Thrive Causemetics, have seen a 10-17% lift in revenue in the emails that use Smart Banners™

If you don’t use this valuable real estate to promote your revenue-driving CTAs, it could take away from your sales. 

Abandoned cart messages start featuring user-generated reviews

Speaking of valuable real estate, let’s take another look at a Smart Banner™ — specifically abandoned cart Smart Banners™

Abandoned cart Smart Banners™ are an incredible way to get more revenue-generating CTAs at the top of your email. So, you want to make the most of them. 

Here’s how to do it: by adding user-generated star ratings and review copy in them. And since it’s easy to animate Smart Banners™, you can add multiple positive ratings and reviews for every product.

We know consumers respond to other people’s ratings and reviews. So highlighting them right at the top of the email, right next to the items they’ve left behind, helps remind them why they loved the product in the first place. And it drives them to complete the transaction. 

Loyalty points play a role in conversion

Loyalty programs work. Brands that have them see a boost from their VIP customers. These programs help build long-term customer relationships and boost revenue at the same time. 

That’s a win-win. 

We know loyalty points are great, but we found something interesting from our customers in 2022. We learned that revenue went up when brands added loyalty points to their abandoned cart banners.

One way to use this is to show customers they can use their loyalty points to reduce the item’s price in the cart. It’s an easy way to reduce friction for customers. They’ll see the final cost of the product with the points applied. 

It also reinforces the value of your loyalty program. Members see the program’s benefits, get a better price, and it’s easy to buy.  

Hey [Name] goes everywhere

One of the first frontiers into email personalization was adding Hey [Name] into emails and subject lines — and it worked. Data shows it caught customers’ attention.

So now it’s time to lean into this even more. Going all-in on personalization in emails means finding ways to connect with readers in a way that drives action. And adding their name throughout key points in the email helps reinforce value. 

For example, adding a reader’s name in the Smart Banner™ and throughout various Smart Blocks™ helps call attention to what’s most important. 

Instead of ‘just’ being loyalty points or recommended products, they’re ‘my’ points and product recommendations. It makes a difference. 

Tap into email personalization 

If you want to hit your 2023 revenue goals, you won’t want to miss out on our recent webinar: 5 Lessons Our Customers Taught Us in 2022 About Personalization.

In it, you’ll hear more about what we learned from our customers in 2022 to help us figure out what will matter in 2023. 

Click here to watch today.

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