How to Use Smart Banners™ to Feature Ratings and Reviews
If you want to build trust with customers, you need to start featuring more user-generated ratings and reviews in your emails. Smart Banners™ can help.
There are a few things that really move the needle for consumers today. Getting personalized emails is one. Another is seeing user-generated content, especially in the form of ratings and reviews.
As much as you may try, it’s still hard for consumers to trust brands. But, who do they trust? Other shoppers. So when they go onto your product page or storefront and see positive comments and reviews on the items they’re thinking about buying, it makes a difference.
Retailers and eCommerce brands know this; that’s why you see star ratings and other reviews on sites more often. But, you can (and should) bring it into your email too. How? With Smart Banners™.
Ratings and reviews matter to customers
Did you know over 92% of consumers want to read a trusted rating or review about a product before buying? It’s something customers want to see, and it helps improve purchase intent.

So featuring ratings and reviews on your site feels like a no-brainer. Now, you want to do the same thing with your emails.
Remember, your email is one of the most effective channels you have for communication. And if you’re an eCommerce brand, it’s one of the few channels you have to connect with your customers and speak to them directly.
Having a way to showcase ratings and reviews, testimonials, and recommended products with high reviews)are all possible through email. Here’s how to start.
Use Smart Banners™ to highlight ratings and reviews
Customers today are savvy, and they are also overwhelmed by emails. So you have to do more to stand out and get your email opened.
Creating more personalized emails is one way to start building customer trust. That will help get your emails out of the archive pile and into something that always gets opened. Something else you can do is capitalize on the opportunity with triggered emails, such as transactions, shipping updates, and receipts.

With Smart Banners™, you can use those emails, which have a much higher open rate, to highlight specific products and feature positive ratings and reviews.
The above email is one example. You can create a banner that features a product you know your customer looked at or left in their cart using customer browsing intent data. That’s a good start, but Zembula allows you to add more to it, including a review from another customer about that product.
Here’s another example that uses a star rating. Again, you can grab your customer’s attention with this Smart Banner™.

This banner is doing a couple of good things.
- First, it’s alerting a customer about a product they looked at or is related to something they’ve bought in the past. So you’ve got a level of personalization there right at the start.
- Then, it highlights positive reviews for the product, bringing in user-generated content and building trust.
- And finally, the copy reiterates this product is something other customers love and are buying right now. Adding a little FOMO never hurts, right?
Toss in a call to action button, and you’ve got something that’s pretty compelling for a consumer to engage with when they open their email.

You can also do a version like the one above. Here, the copy is a bit more subtle. It lets the customer know that the items they’ve left behind are favorites, indicating other customers like these too. So, the banner helps reinforce the idea that these products are popular and other customers like them.
Starting to get the picture?
Embrace the possibilities
Adding Smart Banners™ to your emails means you can tap into user-generated content and feature ratings and reviews or positive product recommendations in every email.
Zembula makes it easy. All you need to do is hook up your data sources and add a snippet of code to your email template. From there, Zembula’s Dynamic Decision Engine does the rest, using an AI-powered tool to determine the best Smart Banner™ for your customer in a fraction of a second.
When your customers open their email, boom, they get the personalized Smart Banner™ that best fits their needs. The banners can help drive more engagement and boost your conversions.
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