
How To Use Performative Personalization

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Hopefully, by now, you’re familiar with the importance of doing more than just basic personalization. We’re talking about going beyond using a customer name and delivering a much more engaging experience, something that drives actual clicks and conversions.

We call it performative personalization.

But how do you actually use performative personalization? How do you take this concept and apply it to your marketing stack?

Zembula has proprietary solutions that make it simple for you to make each one of your customers feel as if they are the most important person to you. Using the data you’re already collecting, we can help you generate deeply personalized content that delivers actual results.

Below, we’ll run through what this might look like for your business as well as a bit of explanation about how it all works.

Let’s do this!

Unleash Your Data’s Full Potential

Performative personalization is all about unlocking the full potential of the data you’re collecting by utilizing it to identify what each individual customer wants.

For example, past purchases or browsing history can provide valuable insights. Your job as a marketer is to use that information to create a personalized experience for each customer.

Sounds hard, right?

Zembula actually makes it easy.

Our Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ make personalizing emails and texts a snap. Just pick a template, add a bit of code, and set your customizations. Our AI-powered Campaign Decision Engine takes care of the rest.

This tool quickly analyzes your data to determine the best banners and blocks for each individual customer. All of this happens in just a few moments. Just one pixel is needed to deliver the right content at the right time to the right person.

Smart Banners™ are perfect for getting your audience’s initial attention, while Smart Blocks™ can be used to highlight extra information like loyalty program updates.

Our technology, combined with your data, can give you a huge advantage over your competitors. Leveraging this combination will help you become a more effective marketer.

Triggered Messages Offer Nearly Unlimited Potential for Performative Personalization

If you’re looking for an effective way to engage with customers, triggered messages are a great option. These are automated emails or texts that are sent in response to customer actions.

But to take your triggered messages to the next level, you’ve got to make them relevant to each individual customer. That’s how to use performative personalization.

Consider adding performative personalization elements to these three areas:

Order shipping confirmations.

When a customer orders from you, thank them for their purchase and let them know when the order will ship. Then, take it a step further and send a personalized message with product recommendations your data suggests they may like.

This is an excellent opportunity to create 1:1 engagement with your customers instead of sending out generic, nameless messages.

Invite user-generated content.

Give your customers a chance to be a part of your brand. Ask for their feedback. When they share their opinions, you can collect more data about their interests and use it for future personalized content.

Encourage them to leave ratings and reviews so that you can continue to improve your service and so that your customers can see what their fellow consumers think.

Cart abandonment notifications.

If you want to make your abandoned cart notifications more personal, consider including a product recommendation based on your customer data. You could also offer a limited-time promotion tailored to that specific customer. Give them an incentive to complete their purchase.

Performative personalization is all about creating a better customer experience.

Getting Started Is Simple

Now that you understand how to use performative personalization, you’re probably wondering what you need to do to get started. That’s where Zembula comes in.

We can help you separate from the others who are using the same-ol’ same-ol’ generic tricks. Performative personalization is about delivering tangible results and increasing revenue.

Our customers regularly report 10%-17% more revenue per email when they use Zembula Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™.

Our solutions are easy to integrate. You could start to see game-changing results almost immediately.

If you’re ready to take your marketing to the next level, let’s connect.

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