
How to Get the Most Out of Your SMS Campaigns

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SMS marketing has been going through some pretty incredible changes over the last decade. While it’s been around for a while, new technology means you can take your text message marketing to some new heights — including having messages featuring personalization and animation.  

We all know the data around SMS marketing is really good. Consumers open and read text messages at levels that far exceed email, and with that comes a higher click-through rate and more revenue. So it’s definitely an opportunity you want to capitalize on for your brand.

You need to focus on three key areas to make the most out of the potential of SMS campaigns. Here’s what you need to know.

Use your data to personalize messages

If you’re already doing a good job of using your customer data to create more personalized content in your email marketing, you’re on the right track. You can (and should) do the same for your SMS campaigns. Let’s face it; customers love personalization, and there are few channels where you can do that at scale. Email is one; let SMS be the other.

image of phone showing personalized text message

And this takes personalization beyond a first name. Sure, it’s a start, but you can do much more with personalized SMS. As with our Smart Banners™, we can leverage data from your CRM, ESP, eCommerce and retail management tools, loyalty management systems, and even ratings and reviews and personalize it for consumers. 

Create better customer experiences

A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Well, the same is true with your messaging. We all know the power of using videos and animated images in our email campaigns. Personalized images (especially animated ones) help attract your customer’s attention and boost engagement. Plus, customers love that added layer of personalization.

phone showing text message with shipping data

So why not take the same approach to your SMS campaigns? It can help you stand out from your competition, especially since with SMS, there are hard caps on size and character limits for the messages. So, creating a compelling, personalized image can add so much to your campaigns without exceeding those limits.

Include SMS in your marketing ecosystem

One of the biggest reasons email and SMS marketing tie together so well is that it’s easy to tie them together for cross-channel promotions. Doing so not only gives your messages more visibility and longevity, but it also helps provide an omnichannel experience for your customers. They’re getting the same types of personalization and messaging from you. For a lot of consumers, that kind of continuity matters. 

image showing an email and text message the compliment each other

But that doesn’t mean you want to look at text campaigns as an either-or option. You want to find the optimal ways to mix SMS with your other channels while always keeping in mind how you communicate with your customers throughout their experience. A text can help enhance an email message. Your customer may see your email before they go to bed, but a text first thing in the morning that still ties messaging back to the email may be the thing that drives action.

We can help

Ready to learn more? Check out our latest webinar: What’s Next in SMS – 3 Tips for Innovative Marketers. You’ll learn how the latest innovations in SMS technology can help improve your campaigns. 

Click here to watch today.

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