
Bookend Email Personalization with Smart Banners™ and Smart Kickers™ and Drive Revenue

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One of our favorite dynamic content blocks to use is the Smart Banner™. This banner sits at the top of your emails, making the most of valuable real estate. With a Smart Banner™, you can ensure every email sent has relevant, personalized content to help drive engagement and action. 

Our amazing clients love adding Smart Banners™ into the mix, and with so many different templates, it’s been pretty cool seeing them develop innovative use cases. 

But what happens when your reader scrolls to the bottom of your email? Are you making the most of that space? 

If the answer is no, we’ve got a tool for you: the Smart Kicker™. Here’s more about this footer content block and why combining it with a Smart Banner™ is such a winning combination.

What is a Smart Kicker™?

A Smart Kicker™ is a dynamic content block sitting at the very bottom of your email. Usually, that space between the end of your messages and the legalese is a no-man’s-land — maybe you’ll have a few social media icons, but not much else. 

The Smart Kicker™ changes that, opening up this space for yet another way to engage with readers. It uses a similar approach to Smart Banners™, pulling in customer data to personalize the block with content optimized for clicks. And, with Zembula’s templates, you can switch up the sizes of the banners and kickers, making a larger, more eye-catching kicker at the bottom of the email. 

Our recommendation is to bookend it with your Smart Banner™ messaging and personalization. We’ve found this combination works most effectively, and preliminary testing has shown a 25% increase in revenue per email send — so you don’t want to miss this opportunity. Abandoned cart and browse updates are great examples of typical triggered messages that Smart Banners™ and Smart Kickers™ can use to optimize for more revenue. 

A Smart Kicker™ gives you one more chance to grab attention with a personalized and relevant message tailored to the reader’s needs. It’s another place to get the reader to click, and since you’re using the same content (with just minor tweaks), it’s not creating additional efforts for your processes and workflows. 

A Sneak Peek at Forever 21’s Smart Kicker™

Interested in seeing what a Smart Kicker™ looks like in action? Well, look no further than our client, Forever 21. They’re using Smart Kickers™ to bookend promotion content. They lead with a Smart Banner™ at the top of the email and a kicker at the bottom.

forever 21 smart kicker

Here’s an example of an abandoned cart Smart Kicker™. As you can see, the kicker can be much larger and eye-grabbing than a banner. Or, you can reverse the approach and use a larger banner and a smaller kicker. Smart Kickers™ have all the features you’ll see with Smart Banners™, including personalized animation, rotating images, and inventory updates.

Smart Kickers™ offer a last chance for a highly relevant, highly personalized message to drive conversion. For those readers who’ve scrolled down and haven’t clicked yet, it’s a chance to change their minds and complete a purchase. For your brand, it’s another place to capture revenue. 

Give the Smart Banner™ and Smart Kicker™ Combo a Try

If you’d like to use data-driven personalization to optimize revenue, you’re in the right place. That’s our approach at Zembula. And now, adding another dynamic content block, like a Smart Kicker™, into the mix gives you a suite of personalization tools to transform your emails.

This powerful one-two combination improves customer experience, boosts engagement, and drives more revenue. Are you interested in checking it out for your brand? 

We thought you’d never ask. Click here to request a demo, and we’ll show you how to implement Smart Kickers™ into your email personalization strategy.

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