
5 Email Marketing Best Practices for eCommerce Brands

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Email is one of the best tools eCommerce brands have to improve conversion rates. It’s not something you want to ignore. Instead, create time to make email marketing a crucial part of your overall marketing and growth strategy — you won’t regret it.

There are plenty of ways eCommerce brands can benefit from email marketing. Beyond having a high ROI, you can use email to reach your customers directly and track what’s moving the needle. That’s very hard to do on other channels. 

So, how do you make the most out of email marketing? We’ve got a few best practices eCommerce brands should consider when digging into email marketing. 

Understand the benefit of email marketing for eCommerce brands

Why does email marketing matter? Well, for a few reasons, but a couple stands out.

For eCommerce shops, email is the primary source of communication with your customers. They will look to their inbox to hear from you, confirm transactions, and track packages. It’s a great way to start to connect on a regular basis.

In addition, it’s a way to focus on building engagement, gathering feedback, and learning more about your customers. So don’t talk at them. Instead, make your email communications a two-way street. 

Finally, email presents an opportunity to improve your customer’s lifetime value. Grow your loyalty program, give them exclusive deals and offers, and send them personalized recommendations to encourage them to buy again.

Create a few key email campaigns

Even small eCommerce shops can successfully run a few different email campaigns to build up a list and get customers to keep shopping. 

These campaigns include:

  • Welcome
  • Loyalty
  • Abandoned cart
  • Post-purchase
  • Stock updates
  • Re-engagement
  • Promotions
  • Price drops
  • Feedback/ratings and reviews

Plus, a coordinated email strategy can help boost your email numbers and sell more products. 

For example, use your welcome series to encourage people to sign up for your loyalty program, recommend related products in post-purchase emails, and tie promotions or price drops to products your customers have already browsed. 

Make sure to include personalization in your emails

The more personalization you can offer in your emails, the better. And that can translate across email campaigns too. Smart Banners™ can help.

Browse Abandonment

Add a Smart Banner™ to your email template, and it can add another dimension to your existing campaigns. Now, instead of hoping your customers open one of your abandoned cart emails, they’ll see a banner that reminds them to complete their purchase on every email you send.

Add more interactive content to your emails

Dynamic emails are more than a hot trend. They are a great way to boost engagement and gather more data on your customers by learning what they want.

Carousels, wheels, collapsable menus, interactive maps, and live polling are all tools you can use in your emails to make them interactive and get customers clicking. 

Use customer data to learn more about them

Speaking of making conversations with your customers a two-way street, use your email campaigns to make that happen. Ask them questions, get their feedback, learn about the products they love and want to see more of on your site.


All of that data is very useful when it comes to creating more personalized emails. Yes, it helps you create a better customer profile. But, it also means the more you know about your customers, the better you can tailor the content you send them.

Include clear calls to action in the emails you send

At the end of the day, the ultimate goal is to get your readers to buy your products. It’s that much harder when you don’t ask them to take action and buy. So a CTA is something you need to include in your emails. 

Here’s another reason why Smart Banners™ can help your emails stand out. Add a personalized CTA to your banner, and you’ve got an easy way to ask for conversions in every email you send — whether it’s to use loyalty points or return to a cart.

Zembula can help you get there

If you want to get a few more ideas on how your eCommerce store can do more with email, get in touch.

We’d love to show you how to use Smart Banners™ to make your emails more engaging and drive conversions.

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