
Why Do Consumers Respond To Personalized Content?

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It’s a crowded world out there, and virtually speaking, there’s no more crowded space than the average consumer’s email or text in boxes.

Marketers, advertisers, and influencers bombard consumers with content. So much so that most people tune out most of what they receive. It’s all just too much. It’s information overload.

That’s why personalized content is so critical to actually getting a customer’s attention. In a world where they have non-stop, one-size-fits-all content shoved down their throats; people crave the things that speak to them as individuals.

People want to know, or at least feel like, someone out there understands their unique challenges, needs, and desires. That’s why they are so much more likely to respond favorably to content that feels like it was made just for them.

If you want to stand out and see results with your email or SMS marketing, personalization is the single most important component. And luckily for you, pulling it off isn’t nearly as difficult as it may sound.

Putting Your Data to Work

The key to effective personalization is using the data you’re likely already collecting.

What Zembula does so well is give you a tool to use your own data to maximum effect. The Zembula platform allows you to create deeply personalized and sophisticated email and SMS content for every single campaign. You’ll be able to use your own data to create campaigns that take only minutes to build and that can be updated automatically without editing the code.

Using Zembula’s editor, you can design and even animate email and text content with any of your data sources or APIs. You can even manage your content remotely with Zembula’s Campaign Decision Engine, which lets you automatically send the most relevant content to each individual user.

Consider what your data can tell you. Names, purchase histories, wish lists, etc. Think about how you can harness that data to create things like personalized product recommendations, loyalty status updates, targeted promotions, and more.

Bring Your Content to Life

Zembula is the first platform that lets you animate your data. Combine that with your creativity, and there’s really no limit to what you can do.

Rather than send boring messages that look like everyone else’s, you can create dynamic emails and texts with 1:1 animation. With your own data, you can create sophisticated, engaging, personalized animations that grab attention.

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The animations are lightweight gifs that load easily and work with almost all email and SMS platforms. And if you run into a system that will not support an animated gif, you can display a conventional live image in its place.

How Zembula’s Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ Make Personalization a Cinch

Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ make it easy to add personalization to every email or text you send. Forget about messing around with code or running multiple A/B tests. Instead, choose a template, add just a small snippet of code, set your personalization parameters, and presto! Zembula’s Campaign Decision Engine takes it from there.

Our AI-powered optimization tool runs through all of the variables to select the banners and blocks that are most likely to inspire customer action. And it’s all done in a fraction of a second when the customer opens the message rather than when you send it.


Smart Banners™ are perfect for primary attention-grabbers, such as for inspiring customers to return to their abandoned cart. Smart Blocks™ work well for secondary calls to action like a loyalty program status update.

Don’t Get Lost in the Crowd

People want to be seen, heard, and recognized. They want to be a name and a face rather than a number. If you can be the content provider that makes your customers feel special and understood, you can win big-time.

Blow your customers away with content they’ve never seen before. And then start watching your transaction volume increase.

Schedule a Zembula demo to learn how easy it is to stand out from the crowd.

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