
Use Personalized Ratings and Reviews to Freshen Your Email Outreach

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Think of your very best email marketing campaign. What if you could have that kind of effectiveness with every email you send?

You can. But first, you’ve got to overcome the hurdle that trips up so many email marketers: How to easily include ratings and reviews in your emails. You understand that they are important, no doubt. But to regularly add them – well, email service providers haven’t done enough to remove the obstacles.

We’ve all wasted too much of our life already creating HTML email templates and then testing them for different browsers. All just to include ratings and reviews in our emails. It shouldn’t have to be this difficult.

Finally, there’s an answer to this common problem. Zembula! Now, you can not only easily add ratings and reviews to your emails, but personalize your content so you’re only sending what’s relevant to each individual. And you can do it all with drag-and-drop modular content blocks built using just a single snippet of code.

Zembula ratings and reviews content block example

You can take your eCommerce email marketing outreach with Rejoiner and massively boost your return on investment — in no time at all.

The Power of Personalization

Think of how much more effective your emails could be if you could include those critical ratings and reviews and easily personalize each one of your messages.

Think of the times that you’ve maybe had a really favorable review on a certain product. You’ve likely worked really hard to include it in an email newsletter. And then you’ve sent that email to everyone on your list.

The problem, of course, is that not everyone on the list cares about that product, no matter how favorable the rating or review. 

With Zembula, you can include ratings and reviews without having to manually add them. That means you can send personalized product recommendations that automatically include reviews for those items.

Zembula Platform Ratings and Reviews

Zembula allows you to create email images that contain your data. All you have to do is plug those images into your email and then update them in Zembula’s platform as often as you want. And without having to edit the code.

When you talk to your customers as the individuals that they are, they are far more likely to actually purchase from you.

Integration Is Super Simple

Rejoiner esp

With Zembula, you’ll have a What You See Is What You Get system. It’s simple to learn, and operation is entirely straightforward. 

Integration with Rejoiner can be done in no time.

Forget creating HTML email templates. Leave that to the developers. It’s time for simple and regular incorporation of ratings and reviews in your emails. The power of user-generated content can literally transform your business.

You could get started with Zembula today.

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