
Cut Through The Clutter With Real-Time Ratings and Reviews In Your ToutApp Emails

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Zembula brings a solution to the thing that plagues email marketers maybe more than anything else: including ratings and reviews in email messaging.

Sure, most every marketer understands the power and importance of ratings and reviews. But consistently incorporating them in their emails? Well, that’s an entirely different story. Let’s face it: Most marketers don’t have the time or know-how to create HTML templates and test them for each browser for every send. 

And email service providers (ESPs) have done next to nothing to make this task manageable.

If your job is to produce email messaging, we’re probably describing your regular struggle. You know your target audience and understand what they want. You’ve developed effective marketing strategies. If only you could harness the power of ratings and reviews and include them in your emails.

Great news. You absolutely can. And Zembula makes it easy. Not only can you include ratings and reviews, but you can also make the information real time. You can do it all with drag-and-drop modular content blocks built and updated using a single snippet of code. And integration with ToutApp by Marketo is quick and easy.

Reach More Customers With Zembula Through ToutApp

Sharing user-generated content with potential customers? Zembula makes it easy.

Including that latest rave review? With Zembula, you can not only include it but you can update it all the way up to the moment the user opens the email.

More than likely, your current approach is limiting you to moment-of-send email messaging. Your email is potentially outdated between the time you send it and the time the user opens it. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Using Zembula, you create email images that contain live data. You plug those images into your email, and you can update the content in Zembula’s platform whenever you want without having to edit the code.

ratings and reviews header

And it’s not just ratings and reviews. You can update tracking information, rewards program points, cart abandonment notifications and more – all the way up to the moment that email is opened by the end-user.

You can also completely personalize your messaging.

Win at Email! Use Zembula!

If ratings and reviews are a pain point rather than a leverage point, you need to reconsider your approach. User-generated content, like ratings and reviews, goes a long way towards building trust in your brand. Think of your own experience as a consumer. Everyone checks out reviews while shopping.

Zembula ratings and reviews content block example

You’ve got to not only keep up in this space but to use it to your maximum advantage. Zembula can integrate with ToutApp seamlessly. In no time at all, you could be completely transforming your outreach as your emails include real-time information updated all the way to the moment of open.

Schedule a free demo to learn how Zembula could help you turn shoppers into buyers.

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