
Make The New Year Even Better With Live Images In Email

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Dynamic email with personalized content is one of the best ways to really engage your customers. Now, add in the ability to create a customized email that has live images and moment-of-open real-time content, and you’ve got something that’s going to stand out in a crowded inbox. 

The great news is creating these kinds of emails isn’t nearly as complicated as you think. In fact, with drag and drop modular content blocks, you can add all sorts of live images to your emails that will make your emails better. 

Here’s what you need to know about live images in email and a few ways to use them to wow your customers.

What are live images in email?

Live images are images that can update in real-time the moment your customer opens their email. These images can cover a range of needs, from pictures associated with featured products with high ratings and reviews to personalized loyalty reward updates and package tracking. 

With modular emails, you can pick from a bunch of live image templates to fit your needs and then mix and match exactly what kind of updates you want to be included.

More integrations

Today, you have all sorts of available data on your customers. When you open up your email service provider, your customer relationship management (CRM) tool, your ecommerce data, and even your browser tracking information, you’re hit with a ton of data. 

What you can do with all that data is use it to improve your emails. That means you can segment your lists based on location through geotargeting or VIP customers with the highest loyalty program rewards. When you consider customer behavior in segmenting and targeting your emails, you can do so much.

Here are a few examples. 

Location updates

Geotargeting is the hot thing for retailers to dig into right now. With it, you can create emails that target your reader’s location down to their zip code, or even neighborhood, if you have the right information. 

With live images, there are few ways you can use geotargeting in email. One way is through using location with live moment-of-open updates. 

Here’s an example in action:

Opening a zembula email in two different locations

With this email, you can have your email target customers and direct them to their local retail location. But, let’s say they are out of town on business or vacation, with real-time moment-of-open live images when they open their email in this new location, the email will update based on where they are at the time. 

Featured products

Including images in your email has been a best practice for a long time. But, with live images in email, you can have your product images update seamlessly based on your inventory. 

For instance, you can have your email send out some featured products for a special sale. As customers buy the products, your inventory will likely get low. When that does, your customer will get an update on low stock when they open their email in real-time. 

ratings and reviews email

You can even have your email update with new product ratings and reviews for specific items too. That can help entice your customer to buy. 

Abandoned cart 

Another way retailers could use live images in email is with abandoned cart notices. With these emails, you can include images of the products your shoppers have left in their cart, plus have live updates of related suggested products or upsells. 

You can even add them as email notification bars, which can sit at the very top of any email you send and alert readers to updates in shipping, loyalty, and abandoned cart information, for example.

With this method, you can include abandoned cart notifications in ways that aren’t intrusive. The live image notification bars can be added to everything from weekly newsletters to post-purchase emails such as receipts. 

Live images make everything better

With endless possibilities, you can find a variety of ways to engage your customers with live email. Adding live images can help you build a better relationship with your customers because you’re giving them the information they want in real-time.

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