
The Zembula Approach: Smart Banner™ Prescription

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If you’re following along in our “The Zembula Approach” Z-Talk series, you know we left off with our philosophy around personalization and revenue improvement. During this episode in the series, we are taking a deep dive into how that works, focusing on our Smart Banner™ prescription! 

The Zembula Smart Banner™ Prescription

We have mentioned this before, but we recommend all our customers start with a minimum of six Smart Banners™ that feature their triggered messages. Your triggered messages are some of your most profitable. Smart Banners™ increase the visibility of these messages to 100% of your promotional emails. 

How are brands doing this? 

Our customers come from all verticals with many different types of products and offerings, but one thing stays the same, and that is the Smart Banner™ prescription. As mentioned, all brands start with six banners. We suggest an abandoned cart, abandoned browse, shipment tracking, welcome, loyalty and product recommendation banner. The last two use cases could be switched out with something more applicable if a brand doesn’t have a loyalty program for instance. 

It works. That’s why we require our customers to do it! 

We’ve had a front row seat to tons of testing when it comes to the Smart Banner™ and email personalization. And this prescription works to get all that use it 10-17% more revenue per email send. That’s why we have set up our onboarding process to guide our customers through this exact set up. When something works well, you just can’t not share it and repeat it! 

If you want to learn more about how our Smart Banner™ prescription works. Watch our Z-Talk. 

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