What is a Smart Kicker™?

Zembula is happy to announce we’ve launched a brand new product and a new email best practice along with it. We already have customers using it and they are racking up an astounding 28% increase in revenue when using it! You won’t want to miss it. 

What is a Smart Kicker™?

The Zembula Smart Kicker™ is the newest addition to our suite of hyper personalized email content! A Smart Kicker™ is a content block that goes at the bottom of your  email, typically just before the legalese.

How does the Smart Kicker™ work? What is the new email best practice?

Just like our Smart Banner™ the Smart Kicker™ can contain a multitude of use case and be highly personalized. We specifically recommend using the same content as your Smart Banner™ to bookend your email with personalized triggered messages. We’ve found that this increases revenue upwards of 28% per email send. Additionally this means that you don’t need to recreate content! Just some light reformatting and you’re done! You can go further with less effort. 

Another great way to use the Smart Kicker™ is for “next best action” content. Try adding in product recommendations or some other secondary action as a final incentive to engage with your email. 

If you’re interested in seeing what the Smart Kicker™ can do for you, let’s chat!

Cheyenne Miner
Director of Marketing

Cheyenne is the Director of Marketing at Zembula where she gets to collaborate and coordinate with a team of marketing masterminds. On the weekends, you can find her in the backcountry of the Pacific Northwest, or not, because they don’t have cell towers out there.

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The Zembula Approach: Personalization for Revenue Optimization

We’ve been told how to measure success based on engagement, but that’s not the full picture. In fact, it’s not even the thing that matters the most. What really matters is revenue. 

So why have we been told that engagement matters most? Well, most personalization solutions can’t track revenue gain accurately. In an attempt to prove relevance, they’ve determined that engagement is what we should be looking for and that customer experience is worth forking over a ton of money alone! And, while this is sometimes true, and maybe even partially true all the time, wouldn’t it be great to also have revenue improvements as well? We are here to say that you can have both! 

Everything Zembula does is centered around getting you more revenue

We’ve flipped the script and made revenue the main success marker of what we can do. And that’s how it should be! Everything we do at Zembula is centered around revenue improvements. It’s all trackable and repeatable. 

Our Approach is built for revenue optimization

We recommend all our customers start with a minimum of six Smart Banners™ that feature their triggered messages. This is because your triggered messages are some of your most profitable. Our Smart Banners™ increase the visibility of these messages to 100% of your promotional emails. More chances to convert your customers with content that you know works!

Personalization that increases revenue

Our Smart Banners™ increase revenue by improving visibility of highly converting content, but we take it a step further with the ability to hyper personalize these messages. You can take any of your data sources and plug them into your Smart Banner™ content. This gives you an even more powerful revenue improvement tool. 

Additionally our Campaign Decision Engine, makes sure each and every customer gets the most relevant use case to them in every moment. 

Want to learn more about this? Check out our most recent Z-Talk for more. 

Cheyenne Miner
Director of Marketing

Cheyenne is the Director of Marketing at Zembula where she gets to collaborate and coordinate with a team of marketing masterminds. On the weekends, you can find her in the backcountry of the Pacific Northwest, or not, because they don’t have cell towers out there.

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How to Make Every Email an Abandoned Cart Email

According to research, about three-quarters of the people who visit your site and put something in their shopping cart abandon it. That’s a lot of potential lost sales.

Well, not so fast. Here’s where abandoned cart emails make a difference. The same research shows that in 2022, nearly 50% of abandoned cart emails were opened — the highest since 2017. Click-through rates for these emails hover between 8-9%.

That tells us there are conversions to be made from abandoned cart campaigns. And it helps explain why these are so popular. But what if, instead of relying on a two or three email campaign, you could turn every email into a cart abandonment message?

With Zembula, you can. Here’s how. 

Use the power of performative personalization

At Zembula, we want you to go further with email personalization. Don’t use it just for the sake of it with a single name or message here and there. Instead, go all in on personalization, making every email you send more relevant and timely to your subscriber’s interests and needs. 

That’s what we call performative personalization. It uses a data-driven approach to see what your readers want and respond to and then delivers high-impact messaging designed to generate more clicks and conversions.

By tapping into your customer data, you can see their interests and behaviors, which helps you generate messaging more aligned with their needs and speaks to them directly. 

You’re not guessing what you think they might want, you know. And that serves them better, builds more trust in your brand, and helps boost engagement and drives action. 

How to transform any email into an abandoned cart message

The answer lies in one simple pixel. Once on the platform, here’s how it works:

From there, we do the rest. Our AI-powered Campaign Decision Engine goes through your customer data and the rules you’ve set, determining the best display message — all within milliseconds.

The right Smart Banner™, in this case, an abandoned cart, gets displayed on every email you send your reader — from a weekly newsletter to product announcements.

And if your reader has nothing in their cart, the banner displays the next most important message in your hierarchy — maximizing conversions — or shrinks to an invisible pixel.

The best part? It’s all done automatically.

Your marketing team doesn’t have to set up a million rules, play around with code, or manually tweak and segment your list all the time. It’s still easy to run A/B testing, and if you need to change something up mid-campaign, you don’t need to stop the presses. Emails update at the moment-of-open, not send.

Surprise and delight

The top of every email is valuable real estate, and Smart Banners™ help you make the most of it. Use these as opportunities to surprise and delight your readers or offer more incentives to help them buy.

Let them know when something is going fast with inventory changes.

Highlight how other customers love this product with user-generated ratings and reviews.

Show them how they can use their loyalty points to complete the purchase.

And with animated image personalization, it’s easy to highlight more than one product or showcase different angles. 

Get more from your abandoned cart emails

Now you can see just how much difference personalized, relevant abandoned cart messaging makes. So why not give it a shot in your email campaigns?

We’d love to show you how. Get in touch, and one of our email marketing experts will walk you through the Zembula platform and highlight how it can help your brand convert more abandoned carts. 

Interested? We thought you’d never ask! Click right here to request a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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5 Unique Email Personalization Examples From Our Own Clients

Every marketer knows email personalization is essential. Today’s consumers are over the boring, basic, and generic. If your messaging isn’t tailored to their interests, behaviors, and needs, then it’s that much more challenging to get traction. 

If your open, click, and conversion rates are down, a lack of hyper-personalization may be the answer. But if you’re stuck for inspiration, we’re here to help. 

We want to share some of our favorite and unique email personalization examples from some of our wonderful clients. That way, it’s easy to see personalization in action and the difference it makes for customers. 

Thrive Causemetics

We all know how crucial Black Friday and Cyber Monday are to eCommerce brands, so email personalization is key. If you’re not personalizing, your readers can (and will) move on to someone else’s brand. This past holiday season, Thrive Causemetics went all in on personalization.

They used personalized Black Friday and Cyber Monday Smart Banners™ on their promotion emails, including a banner highlighting shipping cut-off dates. These were not only informative for readers; they drove action. 

Thrive Causemetics has seen a 10-17% lift in revenue on promotional emails using Smart Banners™.

Hat Heaven

Hat Heaven sells some of the coolest hats on the market. As their eCommerce store expanded, the marketing team honed in on their loyalty program as a way to go above and beyond with personalization. 

Smart Banners™ make a big difference here. Using a personalized Smart Banner™, loyalty members can see items left in their cart and how they can use their current loyalty points to help pay for them.

It’s a great way to use personalized loyalty points in action and help encourage shoppers to buy. And with a Smart Banner™ like this, they’re only a click away from completing their transaction.

Bully Bunches

Personalized email isn’t the only place to reach consumers today. You also need to include SMS. Thankfully, with Zemubla, it’s easy for your SMS and email messaging to work hand in hand. Bully Bunches is a perfect example

Using a personalized Smart Banner™, they’re enticing readers to get on their SMS list by throwing in a little surprise and delight with a coupon to help drive action. Now, they can grow their SMS list and include personalized text messages in their marketing strategy. With Smart Banners™, they’ve seen an 8% increase in revenue and a 17% lift in conversions.

Smart Banners™ give you valuable real estate right at the top of every email you send to have personalized messages help boost engagement.

Makeup Cartel

Makeup Cartel uses six targeted personalized Smart Banners™ to help them catch subscribers’ attention and drive more revenue. One of our favorites is their birthday banner

It’s personalized, animated, and definitely eye-catching. But beyond that, it pulls in customer data to pick products they show shoppers will love. And they use a personalized discount code to save — a fantastic use of our name everywhere approach in action.

Including animated product images is a perfect way to ensure your reader’s eyes are drawn right to revenue-generating requests.

City Mattress

With an extended buying cycle, brands like City Mattress need to get creative with their email marketing. That’s where personalization and Smart Banners™ come into play. Abandoned browse and cart banners help, but another cool feature City Mattress uses is a referral banner. 

screenshot of smart banners used by city mattress in email marketing

Everyone wants to have a good night’s sleep. So City Mattress uses its referral program to help reward the customers who spread the word. 

It’s a great way to spread the positive word about the brand, benefit current customers, and continuously build a new referral engine for leads.

Add more email personalization with Zembula

If you want to see better results from your email marketing efforts, we’d love to help. With the Zembula platform, personalization at scale is easy. No more stopping and starting campaigns, adding manual updates, or tweaking code — we do all the heavy lifting for you.

That leaves you more time to analyze data, see what your subscribers crave, and develop great promotions and copy to boost your revenue. 

Interested? We’d love to show you. Get in touch and request a demo today.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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Our Favorite Email Personalization Stats

If you know anything about Zembula, it’s we love email personalization. And it goes beyond driving conversions and revenue. 

Adding more personalized emails into your marketing strategy helps benefit your readers too. They get a better customer experience, build more trust in your brand, and, yes, buy more. 

If you’re still not sold on the benefits of email personalization, that’s ok. We’ve compiled some of our favorite email personalization stats to help you see just how important it is to your brand. And how you may miss out if you’re not all on it. 

Let’s take a look.

Personalization matters to marketers

First, take a look at what other email marketers have to say. About 90% think that personalizing marketing efforts significantly contributes to profitability. 

And companies that invest in personalizing email marketing earn 40% more than their competitors. Additionally, research has found that incorporating more personalization can lower acquisition costs by 50%, improve spending efficiency by 10-30%, and boost revenue by 5-15%.

All of this data means you’re leaving money on the table if you aren’t investing in email personalization as a critical part of your overall marketing strategy and budget. 

Email personalization gets results

The brands that are all in on personalization are seeing real results. 

Our clients have. Thrive Causemetics has seen a 10-17% boost in revenue using personalized Smart Banners™. And after implementing more email personalization, Bully Bunches saw an 8% lift in revenue and over 17% increase in conversions.

But you don’t have to take our word for it. Check out some of these stats. 

When every click matters, personalization helps you stand out from the crowd and build a better relationship with customers. In turn, that results in more opens, conversions, and revenue from your emails.

Consumers want more personalized content

You’ve heard the old phrase, ‘Give the people what they want.’ Consumers have strong feelings about personalization and how they want it from brands.

Nearly three-quarters of consumers are frustrated when their shopping experience is impersonal. And that lack of personalization impacts younger generations even more. Around 70% of millennials feel frustrated by brands sending them irrelevant emails. But, those who prefer personalized emails are 28% more loyal

But generic personalization doesn’t cut it. Consumers know the difference between personalization for the sake of it and what drives the needle. While 80% of consumers are more likely to buy from brands that tailor personalized experiences, another 63% will stop buying from brands that use poor personalization tactics.

With Zembula, it’s easy to personalize your emails, SMS, and landing pages with a unified look, feel, and individualized touch. That helps you meet your customers where they are and deliver an outstanding experience.

Do you need help with email personalization?

We’re here to solve your problems and make personalization at scale easy and automated. And here’s one last stat to show why automation matters; automated emails generate 320% more revenue than non-automated ones.

With the Zembula platform, the heavy lifting is done for you, leaving time to do what you do best — connect with your customers and add more people to your list. 

So if you’ve been struggling with finding ways to add more personalization to your messaging, we’d love to help you do it. 

Click here to get in touch and request a demo. One of our email marketing experts will help you get started.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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How Personalized SMS Is the Key To Unlocking Customer Loyalty

As a marketer, your job comes down to understanding two things about the people you’re trying to reach: in what format they consume information and the style or tone of communication that resonates.

If you can bore down to the essence of understanding the intersection of how your target consumer wants to receive information and what style of messaging gets their attention, the rest is just details.

News flash: People are getting more information on their phones than from anywhere else. Boom! That’s the first piece of information that you need to understand.

The second part may not be quite as obvious, though it should be once you understand a bit more about consumer psychology. And that is that to get respect, you’ve got to give it. People want to be spoken to as individuals, not as a group. It’s called personalization, and it’s the second key to your success.

That’s what we’re talking about today: How to combine SMS, or text messages delivered to phones, with personalization. Do that, and you’ve found the key to unlocking customer loyalty.

Meet Your Customers Where They Are

There’s no sense knocking on a door when you know that nobody’s home. It’s the same thing with marketing. Why send a message to a place where nobody is looking? To be successful, you’ve got to go to where your people are spending their time. And, like it or not, we all know that’s on the phone.

That’s why SMS marketing in 2023 is critical. The first key to building customer loyalty is to make it easy for your customers to find you. Don’t make them come to you. Instead, bring your messaging directly to them.

Consumers themselves send more than four times more text messages using their phones than they do emails. So it stands to reason that if they are on their phones sending texts, SMS marketing is the best way to reach them.

With Zembula, you can use your data to create sophisticated and even animated SMS messages. Don’t guess. Instead, create messages that get attention and actually convert them into transactions.

And you can do it all using the customer data you’re already collecting — things like browse history, purchase history, and location data. Zembula gives you the power to use that data to create engaging, personalized messages that hit on just the right topics at just the right times.

Did you realize that 97% of Americans own a cell phone? And that they check their phones about once every 10 minutes? Let’s not overthink this. The place to reach your customers is on their phones.

Personalization Is the Key to Conversion

Now that we know where to reach consumers let’s talk about creating the kinds of messages that they won’t ignore. It all comes down to personalization. That is the single biggest key to building brand loyalty.

A study showed that nearly 75 percent of respondents say they hate being shown content that’s not relevant to them. People lead busy lives. Nobody has the time to deal with stuff that isn’t specific to their interests. The default reaction to nameless messages that aren’t hyper-specific is to delete them.

For your message to be noticed, it must be laser-focused. You’ve got to address your customer by name, and you have to show them something that you know they want to see.

Once again, it all comes down to the data you’re already collecting. Zembula lets you harness that data to much greater effect. Instead of sending the same thing to everyone on your list, you can get super specific so that each person gets a message that feels totally unique to them and their interests.

Zembula’s Smart Banner™ and Smart Block™ technology makes it incredibly simple for you to automatically build personalized campaigns. Our AI-powered Campaign Decision Engine sifts through your data to choose the correct Smart Banner™ or Smart Block™ for each individual.

It all happens in just a fraction of a second, and it only takes a snippet of code to pull it all together.

SMS + Personalization: The One-Two Punch To Winning Customer Loyalty

Which of these two hypothetical companies would you be loyal to?

The one that sends you generic messages with a bunch of random stuff, most of which you could care less about?

Or the one that calls you by name and gives you an interesting offer on a product that you’ve been thinking about buying?

It’s pretty obvious. If you want to get on the right side of customer loyalty, you have to show your customer that you care about them. The best way to do that is to message them where they like to receive their information and to send them information that they actually care about.

Zembula makes effective SMS marketing so much simpler than you may think.

If you’re ready to see the results for yourself, let’s talk!

Marc Sheforgen

Marc Sheforgen writes email service provider content for Zembula. Beyond that, he’s all about parenting, coaching kids, record collecting, travel, and adventure. If it’s fun, he’s for it.

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How to Expand the Visibility of Your Abandoned Cart Email Messaging

A potential customer browses your online store, carefully selecting items and adding them to their shopping cart. They’re just a few clicks away from completing the purchase when they abandon their cart and leave your site. 

Sound familiar?

It’s a frustrating scenario many eCommerce businesses face. But fortunately, there’s a powerful tool at your disposal to recover those lost sales: abandoned cart Smart Banners™.

Smart Banners™ allow you to add more visibility to your abandoned cart messaging. With them, you’re more likely to reach potential customers and have them complete the sale. 

Why abandoned cart emails are important

When customers abandon their carts, it doesn’t always indicate lost interest. More often than not, external factors or distractions interrupt the purchasing process. We’ve all been there; your kid needs you, the doorbell rings, you get a phone call. And by the time you’ve taken care of those tasks, you’ve forgotten about that cart.

Abandoned cart email messaging provides a unique opportunity to re-engage these potential customers and guide them back to completing their purchase. Here’s why it matters:

Personalized Smart Banners™ are a perfect way to improve each of these while enhancing customer experience and their shopping journey.

And, with Zembula, it’s easy to add abandoned cart Smart Banners™ to every message you send; you’re not limited to just abandoned cart campaigns. That helps supercharge your message visibility, ensuring more subscribers see it and are incentivized to click.

The power of personalized Smart Banners™

Smart Banners™ offer a streamlined and automated way to enhance the visibility and effectiveness of your abandoned cart email messaging. These personalized banners enable you to captivate your audience with animated content tailored to each individual’s preferences and behavior. 

Here are a few examples in action.

Loyalty points

Reward your loyal customers by tying their loyalty points to a Smart Banner™. One really cool option to incorporate into your Smart Banner™ is showing your loyalty program members how they can purchase the items left in their cart using their points. 

They can take advantage of their loyalty rewards and see a lower price, which is a great motivation for someone to buy.

Financing options

Financing options have been a recent addition to the eCommerce landscape, but many customers really seem to love them — especially during heavy shopping periods like the holidays. 

With your Smart Banner™, highlight personalized financing options for the product, displaying affordable monthly payments that may make it easier for someone to complete the purchase.

Free shipping and personalized discount codes

With abandoned cart Smart Banners™, you can add free shipping notifications or personalized discount codes to your abandoned cart messaging. It’s another way to add to the sense of exclusivity to your messaging.

Using a tailored approach like this is another way brands can use Smart Banners™ to make customers feel valued and incentivize them to complete their purchases. 

Start converting more abandoned carts

In online shopping, abandoned carts pose a significant challenge for businesses. Customers who leave without completing their purchase represent lost sales opportunities — no brand wants that.

However, you can recover these potential customers and boost conversions with the right strategies. And that’s where Smart Banners™ stand out. 

By including personalized and timely messaging to customers who abandoned their carts in every email you send, it’s easy to re-engage and nudge them towards completing their purchase. But how can you take your abandoned cart email strategy to new heights? 

We’d love to show you how. Click here to request a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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Name Personalization Isn’t Overdone — It’s Not Done Enough!

We know that personalized emails see more engagement from customers. So much so that now they demand it. The more personalization you can do, the better. It’s the best way to build a relationship, drive trust, and increase revenue over the long term.

So where to start?

What about the old reliable: name personalization? Adding “Hey [Name]” was among the first ways marketers started personalizing emails. 

But why stop with just that? Why not use names more, not less, in your emails? It’s time to take name personalization up a notch; here’s why.

Grab attention with the name everywhere approach

We like to focus on the benefits of performative personalization. It goes beyond personalizing emails for just the sake of it and calling it a day. Instead, performative personalization uses data-driven insights based on customer behavior to individualize emails (and SMS) in a way that drives revenue-generating activities.

But to do that, you need to grab your reader’s attention. You need a strategy that helps them build trust in your company so they’ll see and open your emails immediately. So what better way to do that than by using their name?

At this point, the “Hey [Name]” is so common in emails and subject lines, it doesn’t do much to move the needle. Most consumers expect it to sit there, so they gloss over it in the email. That means you aren’t using names enough.

One great place to start adding names is in a Smart Banner™. It’s a surefire way to grab attention right at the top of every email. And it’s especially great for mobile devices where real estate in the first scroll is so valuable.

But you can do more with names.

Instead, try a name everywhere approach. Here it is in action:

Look at the difference between these two emails. While both are personalized way more than your generic blast email, your eye starts moving to the name more with the email on the right. In addition, both the Smart Banner™ and Smart Blocks™ call attention to personalized messaging and insights by starting with a big, bold customer name on top. 

We’re trained to look for our names in emails and documents. We’re used to seeing at the start. But with the name everywhere approach, it disrupts the typical pattern. Now, our eyes move to our name, highlighting:

Suddenly, this email feels hyper-personalized to our interests and needs. Everywhere we see our name is a place to engage. 

This highlights the power of the name personalization approach. You can’t get this level of interest and engagement from using the name just once. 

Instead, go all-in on it. See where adding customer names to more places, especially places where you want them to take action, can improve your click-through and conversion rates. 

Personalize emails from top to bottom

If you’ve always wanted to personalize your emails at scale without the headache of manual processes and added workflows, you’re in luck. Zembula can make personalizing every email you send easy, boosting customer attention, engagement, and retention.

We’d love to chat if you really want to see how much you can do with email personalization. So set up a time to speak with one of our email marketing experts, and they’ll learn more about your business and how the Zembula platform can help you transform your emails. 

Click here to request a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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Why Smart Banners™ Belong at the Top of Your Email

Over half of email marketers struggle with raising click-through rates. Today, click-through rates across industries average between 2-8%, depending on the report. 

So how can you change these numbers and get more clicks? Smart Banners™. Personalized Smart Banners™ in your email marketing allows subscribers to click at the top of your emails. 

Here’s why it matters.

How Smart Banners™ help your emails stand out

Competition in the inbox today is fierce. The average person receives around 120 emails a day. To get opened, you must do a lot to stand out from the crowd — never mind getting a click.

Here’s where Smart Banners™ can give you a huge advantage. These dynamic banners sit at the top of every email you send, automatically displaying the same personalized messaging across desktops, mobile, and tablets.

And with the top of emails being such valuable real estate, you don’t want to waste it on something that’s not calling attention or driving clicks. After thorough research in 2022, we found when our clients used Smart Banners™ to promote revenue-driving actions; they saw an increase in clicks and revenue. 

Smart Banners™ can help boost conversions and revenue

Across industries, from eCommerce-focused pet-brand like Bully Bunches and fashion brand Hat Heaven to makeup brands like Thrive Causemetics and Makeup Cartel, our wonderful clients have seen real success implementing a Smart Banner™ strategy.

Smart Banners™ give brands a 10-17% lift in revenue compared to stand-alone emails. That’s a significant boost, and you want to take advantage of it.

Our client Makeup Cartel has a six Smart Banner™ strategy they’ve implemented that’s seen quite a bit of success with their readers. Five of the six banners are focused on revenue-generating messaging, while the sixth is for package tracking. 

These include:

With this strategy, the focus on clicks is at the top of your email, the very first thing your readers see. So they don’t have to scroll to get these very important messages. And on mobile devices and tablets, where consumers click less the more they have to scroll, you can feel confident you’ll always have message visibility.

Each of these helps drive clicks and improve conversion rate and revenue. And what makes them really special? Personalization. 

Personalization in email is critical to success

You aren’t going to get far today without personalizing emails. That’s no longer an opinion. It’s a fact. Consumers want emails personalized to their interests and needs beyond the generic. 

Smart Banners™ make it easy to give that to them. These banners let you move beyond basic personalization and become hyper-personalized with performative personalization. Performative personalization uses data-driven customer insights to choose the best display messages that drive revenue-generating activities.

So rather than sending a siloed abandoned cart message and hoping to re-engage with some of your shoppers, take it a step further. Also use a personalized abandoned cart Smart Banner™ to capture their attention and clicks. 

With the Zembula platform, you can start with an abandoned cart banner, then add:

Now, your email immediately stands out from the crowd. And since Smart Banners™ display on every email you send, you don’t need to worry subscribers will miss the message. You have multiple opportunities to get your call to action in front of shoppers. 

Smart Banners™ give you a whole new layer of personalization to add to your emails, assured to capture their eyes and attention — making it easier than ever to click. 

Learn more about Smart Banners™

Smart Banners™ are a game changer for email marketers, so you don’t want to miss out. If you’re curious how Zembula’s Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ can help your company, get in touch. 

We’d love to hear more about your brand and show you how Zembula can help you get more clicks and conversions from your current email marketing strategy. 

Click here to request a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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How Smart Blocks™ Make Email Personalization Easier

Personalization matters more than ever. But, it’s not always easy to accomplish at scale. If you have a large list, your team probably doesn’t have the time, energy, or expertise to manually update content, tweak code, or endlessly segment. 

And even if they do, you want them to use their time for better purposes, creating strategy, improving customer experiences, and generating more conversions.

With Zembula, you can do both. The platform makes it easy to personalize at scale — it’s all done automatically — leaving your marketing team more time to work on everything that moves the needle. 

Here’s how Smart Blocks™ help take email personalization to new levels. 

Create individualized emails in a snap

Imagine setting your emails up and never having to go back in and edit HTML. Sounds nice, right? With Zemubla, it’s just that easy. 

And using Smart Blocks™ is where you have the opportunity to really dig into your customer’s personal needs and interests to create a tailored email experience.

Pull zero-party data from your customers and then combine that with their purchasing, browsing, and consumer behavior to create 1:1 level individualization in every email you send.

You don’t need to segment your emails because every reader on your list will get content that speaks directly to them. This helps ensure every email has some form of hyper-personalization that helps increase engagement and conversions. We call it performative personalization. It uses data-driven customer insights to create a more tailored experience that drives revenue-generating opportunities.

From promotional information, product recommendations, user-generated ratings and reviews, and loyalty data, every time they open their email, Smart Blocks™ display the most up-to-date personalized details available.

While Smart Banners™ are often geared toward driving revenue, our clients use Smart Blocks™ to add extra layers of personalization to every email.

And, since Smart Blocks™ can feature personalized animation, including rotating product images and reviews, you’ve got a world of eye-catching images to capture reader attention and drive action.

That includes using a name everywhere approach to showcase your reader’s name in more areas of the email. When you can do that with every Smart Block™, it offers even more opportunities to demonstrate value and capture awareness.

Automation makes everything easier

Automation is a secret weapon for marketers, especially when it comes to personalization in email. Getting started with the Zembula platform is simple:

From there, we take care of the rest. Our AI-powered Campaign Decision Engine runs through customer data and your parameters and picks the best personalized Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ to drive more engagement.

With that part done for you, your team can focus on analyzing customer data and building campaigns that best reach their interests and meet their needs. That attention to detail can improve their overall experience, from their first visit to post-purchase interactions. 

Let Zembula do the heavy lifting

With the Zembula platform, you can get so much more from your emails. Built-in personalization, improved customer experience, and more engagement — all done for you automatically.

That makes your job not only easier but more effective and efficient. You don’t have to waste hours running through error-prone manual processes. Instead, it’s all done for you. 

Sound like a dream come true? We’d love to show you how your brand can start seeing a 10-17% lift in revenue like some of our clients. To learn more, get in touch. We’ll have you chat with one of our email marketing experts to show you the ins and outs of the Zembula platform.

Click here to request a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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