
How to Start The New Year Right With Reveal Marketing

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What is your New Year’s resolution? Every holiday season, during December, we think forward and start planning our lives for the next year. Setting a resolution is a great way to keep yourself accountable and ensure you keep improving with each passing year.

This New Year, we here at Zembula challenge you to set a marketing resolution for yourself too! What do you want to accomplish with your marketing content in 2018? How do you want to measure your progress to make sure your skills stay sharp? If you know anything about Zembula, you know that our true passion is reveal marketing. This New Year, we encourage you to set a resolution to incorporate reveal marketing into your campaigns next year!

So what is reveal marketing? Well, reveal marketing is a special type of interactive content that drives higher engagement levels and click-through rates than regular static content. Reveal marketing requires viewers to interact with a portion of your message, by sliding, swiping, unzipping or flipping your content. Once they interact, a hidden portion of your message is revealed to them!

This marketing approach utilizes proven psychological principles like curiosity and fear of missing out (FOMO) to boost engagement. In fact, reveal marketing content is shown to drive 2X more conversions than static content. At Zembula, we’re so passionate about reveal marketing, we’ve built our whole platform around it!

Now that you’ve set a New Year’s resolution to start using reveal content in 2018, what are the next steps?

First, it helps to learn about the 6 core psychological principles that give reveal marketing its power.

Curiosity: Curiosity helps drive potential customers from passive involvement to active engagement, and that translates into increased opens and clicks in email marketing.

Fear Of Missing Out: You know, that feeling that you’re missing some fun somewhere? That any event you aren’t at is the best time ever? That someone’s Instagram feed is way more exciting than yours? That’s the fear of missing out (FOMO) and marketers can use it to their advantage.

Operant Conditioning: This theory was created by B.F. Skinner and it essentially found that a reinforcing response to an action can be strengthened to increase the likelihood of that action being repeated again. Pavlov and his famous dogs are a great example of this!

Near Miss Theory: A near miss is a special kind of failure to reach a goal, one that comes close to being successful. Near misses are widely believed to encourage future interaction, even in games of chance where the probability of winning remains constant from trial to trial.

The Ikea Effect: Psychologists have found the more effort we exert in an activity, the higher the value we place on it. When Harvard Business School studied this, they dubbed it “The Ikea Effect.” It means that because you built that coffee table, to you it’s worth more. You’ve placed a higher value on something because you became emotionally attached to it while creating it.

Endowment Theory: When we build an emotional connection with something, we think it’s worth more than something that is the same in every single way except one- it’s not ours. This one could be one of the reasons why you’ve got a closet full of old clothes that don’t fit anymore, a garage full of golf clubs, or an email inbox with 5,398 messages.

After you’ve learned about these key psychological principles, Zembula has even more resources to help you implement reveal marketing campaigns in 2018. Check out our masterclass Reveal Marketing 101 and learn more about how to use reveal marketing to boost engagement with your messages in the New Year!

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