
3 Ways to Improve Your Emails in the Next 30 Days

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At some point, every marketer asks how they can improve their email rates. After all, for as tough as it sometimes feels to move your open, click, and conversion rates in the right direction, minor improvements matter.

Email is still the best way to connect with customers, and for eCommerce brands, email is everything. It’s how you reach customers, sell your products, and provide support. With the customer experience mattering more than ever, it’s critical eCommerce brands find ways to stand out and connect with consumers. 

Making improvements doesn’t have to be as daunting as you think. You can make changes to your emails right now to help move your numbers in the right direction.

Here are a few ways to start.

Focus on personalization

A perfectly personalized email can do a lot for your customers. It will send them the information they want, drive engagement, and start building long-term trust in your brand. 

beard brand generic email phone mockup

Sounds good, right? But many retailers and eCommerce brands are still doing the bare minimum when it comes to personalization. Sure having a name in your subject line is a good start, but it’s not nearly enough. 

You want to take it to another level. Look at your customer’s purchase history and browsing data. From there, it’s so much easier to start building a picture of what your customer is interested in and the products they like. When you’ve got that data, it’s so much easier to generate an email that always offers some level of personalization. 

Make sure to include personalized product reviews and recommendations. That will get your customers to start taking more action with your emails, boosting click and conversion rates. 

Think about the customer experience

Customer experience it’s more than just a buzzword or a flashy marketing trend. You can expect it to continue to drive consumer decisions well into the future. 

As technology becomes more advanced, consumers understand they can demand more from brands. To be sure, personalization is a part of it, but so is a consistent brand experience across channels and great interactions with customer support. If you’re missing the mark on any of these, you are very likely losing business. 

So going on in on the customer — giving them the content they want, providing value, offering more personalized services, being hands-on with support — makes all the difference. 

dynamic welcome email

You can do that through your emails in a couple of ways:

  • Create better content to share with your customers, like how-to videos, buying guides, and special tips.
  • Make engagement a two-way street, ask customers about their likes and interests.
  • Be proactive when it comes to support. After a customer buys is not the time for radio silence, send post-purchase emails to keep that positive experience going.

Add Smart Banners™ to your emails

Ok, you get it, more personalization. But, how can you do it without needing to rip through your email lists, segment readers, and test everything? That takes way longer than a month.

We hear you, and that’s where Smart Banners™ are lifesavers for marketers. Add a Smart Banner™ to any email template. You determine the data you want the banner to use, and with just a snippet of code, you’ve got personalized content in every single email you send.


And the best part? You don’t need to do all the time-consuming stuff — no tweaking template codes, no testing, no segmenting. Zembula’s Decision Engine does it all for you. Then, when your emails are sent, our AI tool optimizes the best Smart Banner™ for each customer within a fraction of a second.

As soon as they open their email, they’ll see personalized content. From package tracking updates to abandoned cart notifications to flash sales and deal of the day specials, it’s all there.

Want to learn more about email personalization? Interested in giving Smart Banners™ a try? Get in touch and schedule a demo. We’d love to run you through some examples of how you can improve your emails.

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