
Get Better ROI From Your Active Campaign Emails With Ratings and Reviews

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In 2021, email remains one of the best marketing channels for B2B and B2C businesses. It outperforms social media channels like Facebook and Twitter by 40x. 

Active Campaign is one of the most popular email service providers for businesses that range from solopreneurs up to some medium-sized businesses. It gained its popularity with an intuitive workflow, deep email segmentation capabilities, and a flexible pricing structure to match size. 

Zembula allows you to get the most out of Active Campaign. With Zembula, you can add powerful new features without custom development. Among these features are user-generated ratings and reviews, which are among the most powerful tools to increase your marketing ROI.


Ratings and reviews help you sell more.

User-generated ratings and reviews are one of the most powerful additions you can add to your marketing messages. That’s because, in a nutshell, ratings and reviews help you sell more. All we need to do is take a quick look at retail giants, like Amazon, and notice that products that have more reviews sell more than ones that don’t. 

The reason ratings and reviews are so effective is because they signal to potential buyers that others have trusted your brand and obtained what they were looking for. It’s this social proof that drives new customers to leap to buy from your brand. Additionally, rating and reviews are a great way to answer questions that may not be addressed in your marketing messaging. 

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Simple integration and powerful results

One of the biggest strengths of using Active Campaign is its ability to separate your subscribers into different segments and create personalized messages based on their data. Zembula allows you to add ratings and reviews that are also personalized and have the added benefit that they can be updated at the moment of open.

Zembula Platform Ratings and Reviews

In practice, this means that you can send personalized ratings and reviews to your segments, and they can see the most updated information directly from their inbox. This increase in visibility helps our clients see significant gains in click-through rates and ultimately in sales. 

From an integration standpoint, Zembula is as easy as it gets. All you need to do is copy-paste a few snippets of code, and you’ll be able to start building your emails with ratings and reviews. 

If you’re looking for ways to get more ROI out of your Active Campaign email campaigns, give our email experts a call, and we’ll find the best way to make the most significant impact possible on your email marketing. 

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