
Drive More Engagement on Your Communicator Email Campaigns With Ratings and Reviews

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Sending large amounts of email is challenging from several perspectives. One of them is you need to make sure a significant portion of your audience opens and reads your emails. Because of that, it’s important to keep an eye on your deliverability rates since you can be flagged as spam if it’s too low. Additionally, if you expect to get sales and conversions from your campaigns, you need your subscribers to open your emails. 

Communicator is an email marketing suite with several solutions to help you optimize the deliverability of your campaigns. You can make sure your emails end up being read by your audience, and they stay away from their spam folder. 

Zembula complements Communicator’s built-in capabilities by giving you additional tools to create more engaging content compelling your audience to read your emails.

Communicator ESP

Ratings and Reviews Are Critical to Your Customers’ Decision-Making Process

User-generated ratings and reviews have become a commonly used resource for almost every online shopper. Buyers have grown used to reading these to inform their decision-making process. And in simple terms, brands that have more user reviews typically get more sales than brands that don’t have any, or few, reviews. That’s because having a lot of ratings and reviews signals that your brand is trustworthy, and it will be safe for them to buy from you. 

Zembula’s ratings and review content blocks let you add ratings and reviews to your email campaigns. This way, you can deliver the information your customers are looking for directly to their inbox. 

Our ratings and review block can be integrated with your customer data so you can send personalized content to your subscribers. The ratings and reviews block can include other personal data that makes your email more relevant to your customers too. This way, they can see the information they’re interested in without having to navigate on your website. So when they reach your website, they are ready to buy.

review content box

Add New Features Without the Need to Call Your IT Department

Zembula’s integration has been made as simple as possible. To add all of our tools, you just need to copy-paste a few lines of code to your email. No need to call your IT department or go through a tedious integration process. You can start sending your emails within minutes if you choose to. 

The user experience was designed to be familiar for anyone who’s been using email marketing software for any extent of time. Simply drag and drop the blocks where you want them, and you are good to go. 

Click here to set up a call with one of the email experts to find ways in which Zembula can help you get more of your email opened and read by your subscribers. 

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