The Ultimate Guide to Email Personalization for Marketers

Personalization is a powerful tool in any marketer’s arsenal. But nowhere is it more potent than in email marketing.

As competition for consumer attention intensifies, crafting tailored, relevant messages is crucial to standing out from the crowd.

Zembula gives you an innovative way to transform your email marketing. We give you proprietary tools for leveraging your data to create performative personalization or the kind of personalizing that actually impacts your bottom line.

This post is going to dive into some of the benefits of email personalization and give you the information you need to add it to your marketing strategy.

Going Beyond a Name

The days when just using a customer’s name in your email was enough are long gone. Make no mistake: Name personalization name is still critically important. But you’ve got to do more to win attention.

Your customers receive dozens of quasi-personalized emails every day. Standing out requires deep personalization, something that addresses your customers’ specific needs, wants, and tastes.

Zembula’s unique Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ allow you to take personalization to the next level. They empower you to personalize your email messages with 1:1 animations made from your own data.

That means that each customer receives a message crafted specifically for them rather than a generic message sent to everyone. This is what real email personalization looks like, and it’s the secret to building customer loyalty and enhancing customer lifetime value.

Leveraging Your Existing Data

The beauty of Zembula’s solution lies in its simplicity. It’s all about more effectively using the customer data you already have. We help you take information like where your customers live, what they’ve bought, and what they’ve considered buying and use it to build personalized messages without consuming all of your time.

This means that you can regularly send personalized emails for things like:

Zembula allows you to use data from CRM, ESP, eCommerce and retail management tools, loyalty programs and ratings and reviews to get super deep with your personalization.

The result?

Attention-grabbing, detailed customer experiences that can completely set you apart from your competition.

Why Personalized Experiences Matter

Remember, nowadays, customers expect at least some kind of personalization. But there’s still plenty of room to carve out space by going deep with your personalization approach.

To reach your customers on a meaningful level, it’s not about price or selection. Everyone can compete with the same tools for that kind of thing.

You’ve got to give your customers something they’re not seeing everywhere else. Something that speaks directly to them. Something that grabs their attention and then keeps it because all of the content is relevant to their interests.

At its core, personalization is about valuing your customers as individuals. It’s about showing them that you know who they are and what they want.

Bringing Your Messages to Life

We’ve established that email personalization is key. But how you deliver that personalization is just as important. You’ve got to win attention.

By integrating animation into your email templates, you can transform static messages into dynamic and engaging experiences that compel your audience to take action. Imagine, for example, providing your customer with a vibrant, animated representation of a product that they left in their cart or a lively promotion targeted precisely to their interests.

Zembula’s user-friendly content builder allows you to easily connect any data source to create these personalized animations. Your customers’ data combined with Zembula’s animation tools results in content that your customer isn’t seeing anywhere else.

Ready To Go Next Level?

Effective email personalization can give you wins on so many levels. Transactions, customer retention, and brand loyalty are just a few of the highlights.

But remember, there’s personalization (the same as everyone else), and then there’s deep personalization (the stuff that’s going to set you apart). Which one are you going to go for?

If you’re ready to elevate your business and foster enduring customer relationships, you’re our kind of people.

Let’s build something special together! Click here to request a demo.

Marc Sheforgen

Marc Sheforgen writes email service provider content for Zembula. Beyond that, he’s all about parenting, coaching kids, record collecting, travel, and adventure. If it’s fun, he’s for it.

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9 Benefits of Email Personalization for Your Business

Business today is cut-throat. Carving out space in the thinnest of margins becomes incredibly important for businesses that will succeed. In this quest to set yourself apart, one tool has emerged as a game-changer: email personalization.

No longer can companies rely on a one-size-fits-all approach. Modern customers seek and appreciate a personal touch. They are far more likely to engage with a business when they feel valued and understood.

But the question is: What specifically do you get out of personalizing your emails? And where does Zembula fit into this mix?

Let’s dive into the details and uncover nine incredible benefits of email personalization.

Maximizing Returns With Email Personalization

Companies exist to generate profits, and email marketing is a powerful tool for driving those much-needed sales. Research indicates that personalized emails deliver six times more transactions than their non-personalized counterparts. That’s the name of the game in what we like to call “performative personalization.”

Standing Out in the Marketplace

Statistics reveal that only 20 percent of retail businesses effectively personalize their emails. This offers a golden opportunity for those ready to embrace personalization fully. Through emails that address customers by name and provide relevant and individualized information, businesses can set themselves apart from the crowd, gaining a significant advantage.

Building Lasting Relationships

An ongoing, personalized relationship leads to brand loyalty. This doesn’t happen by coincidence but by actively making customers feel valued and important. Zembula streamlines this process, allowing businesses to provide customers with intriguing content that’s pertinent to them.

Capturing Attention

How about bringing your emails to life? Zembula provides a platform for you to animate your data, which can spark customers’ interest, inspire them and even entertain them. Animated emails offer a way to win and maintain customer attention. A static email is a dead email.

Moving Unwanted Inventory

It’s not always easy to sell overstocked items. And broadcasting a blowout sale to your entire list may have limited impact. The magic lies in finding the individuals who are interested in the things you have too much of. With Zembula, you can leverage data to target specific individuals, leading to more successful sales.

Reducing Unsubscribe Rates

Hyper-personalized emails keep customers coming back. They keep them engaged and excited and in anticipation of what’s coming next. And they reduce the likelihood of unsubscribes. It’s about meeting individual wants and needs and leaving behind the strategy of sending identical, uninspiring emails.

With Zembula, you can connect any data source to our platform and let our AI tools do all of the sorting for you.

Building Real Brand Loyalty

Performative personalization is all about better using the data you’re already collecting to generate more revenue. Things like past purchases and browsing history. We can help you harness that information to send personalized campaigns that foster brand loyalty. Zembula’s Campaign Decision Engine allows you to segment and enrich your content, setting display rules so that each unique user gets the best content for them.

Personalizing Promotions

Personalizing your promotions based on what each individual customer wants to see is the key to improving customer engagement. With Zembula, you can include targeted promotions in every email you send, ensuring that each customer sees the offer that appeals specifically to them.

Keeping Customers Informed

Customers appreciate valuable information like product ratings and reviews, tracking information, abandoned cart reminders, and discounts on items they are considering. Zembula helps you provide those details.

It’s Easy To Start With Zembula

Deep personalization is the future of email marketing. By using data and technology, you can step up your game and increase not only customer engagement but also your bottom line.

If you’re ready to unlock the potential of email personalization, a Zembula demo is just a click away.

Marc Sheforgen

Marc Sheforgen writes email service provider content for Zembula. Beyond that, he’s all about parenting, coaching kids, record collecting, travel, and adventure. If it’s fun, he’s for it.

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Our Favorite Email Personalization Tips

It’s no secret. At Zembula, we love email personalization. And it’s one of the most important ways to connect with your subscribers, drive action, and improve revenue. 

When personalization in email is done right? Well, it’s an amazing thing to see. Your readers open your emails, click, and buy more — building up that lifetime customer value

But a lot of brands still aren’t going all in on personalization. Sure, covering your bases with the basics is better than nothing. However, that means you’re missing out on the potential personalization can do for your business. 

Here are some of our favorite email personalization tips to help you get started.

Start adding names everywhere

Name personalization has been around for a while now. And there’s no doubt it’s a great place to start personalizing email. But it shouldn’t end with using it once in the subject line and at the greeting and calling it a day.

Instead, use a name everywhere approach. Call attention to products, recommendations, loyalty points, abandoned carts, and more by highlighting these areas with your reader’s name.

Look how adding name personalization multiple times draws your eyes around the email versus just having it once.

Tap into performative personalization

Personalization just for the sake of it won’t cut it with your readers anymore. They’re too savvy, and they know real personalization when they see it. 

That’s why, to stand out, you need to move beyond the basics and find data-driven insights highlighting the personalized messaging that drives action. We call it performative personalization. 

Using Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™, you can send individualized messages to every one of your readers automatically. Performative personalization delivers deeply personalized content, which in turn, increases engagement and revenue. 

Use Smart Banners™ to drive revenue

If our wonderful clients have one thing in common, it’s their approach to using Smart Banners™. We suggest they start with six banners primarily aimed at revenue optimization:

Each of these is a triggered message most brands run. And, as you probably know, triggered messages tend to get more eyes on them and help drive revenue. 

So why not use Smart Banners™ to take advantage? With a Smart Banner™ strategy, you include revenue-generating action-driving messages at the top of every email you send. Our clients have found a 10-17% increase in revenue with emails using Smart Banners™.

Tying email personalization into SMS

When done right, email personalization can do a ton for your brand, including working in harmony with your SMS messaging. Don’t stop including personalization around other areas of your marketing channels. 

zembula personalized sms email

With Zembula, it’s easy to carry over personalized messaging from email to SMS without losing a beat. You can still incorporate personalization, including customer names, customized links, and product images, in the same way as email.

That helps you meet your subscribers where they are, opening up communication as a two-way street, and boosting engagement.

Tailor your messages with Smart Blocks™ 

Smart Banners™ aren’t the only way to ensure your emails are always personalized for each reader. Smart Blocks™ also allow you to tailor every email you send while boosting engagement. 

Smart Blocks™ pull in zero-party data from users to personalize dynamic messaging blocks. So while your Smart Banners™ are for more revenue-generating actions, Smart Blocks™ help you stay engaged with your subscribers by communicating personalized information. 

Smart Blocks™ are great for product recommendations, highlighting customer reviews, sharing loyalty points updates, and more. Combine the power of Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™, and you’ve got a fully personalized email from top to bottom. 

Add more personalization with Zembula

If you want to finally start taking email personalization seriously, we’d love to help. Our platform makes it easy to automate email personalization with just a few clicks, helping you drive more conversions and revenue. 

Interested? One of our email experts would love to chat and learn more about your business. Click here to request a demo

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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Top Ways to Use Smart Blocks™

We believe very email should be personalized — from top to bottom with Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™. And not only that, but it should be easy to personalize at scale. 

That’s where Zembula stands out. Our platform pulls in customer shopping, browsing, and behavioral data, creating a personalized, engaging email that drives action and increases revenue. 

And the best part? It’s all automated for you. All you need to do is plug in your data, set your display perimeters, and we take care of the heavy lifting. That’s why our amazing customers have seen a 10-17% lift in revenue in personalized emails displaying Smart Banners™.

But what about those non-revenue-generating messages or the next-best actions? That’s where Smart Blocks™ come in. Here’s how to best use Smart Blocks™ to improve loyalty, streamline your customer journey, and drive more engagement. 

Smart Blocks™ let you tailor every email individually

The idea of sending out an email that reads like it’s just for one person has felt like a pipe dream for a long time. Sure, there’s segmenting, but can you ever break down a list enough that every reader gets their own message?

It’s been hard to do, especially at scale, without a lot of manual time and effort, until now. With the Zembula platform, it’s all done for you. The combo of Smart Blocks™ and Smart Banners™ means you don’t have to spend time tweaking code, starting and stopping campaigns, and manually individualizing messages. 

That’s where our system stands out. Every email you send is explicitly tailored to the recipient using the zero-party data they’ve already shared. Want to see a few examples of Smart Blocks™ in action? We thought so!

Pick from a diverse pool of experiences

Your shoppers have many interests and needs, so why limit what you can send them? Our AI-powered Campaign Decision Engine automatically runs through your customer data, display parameters, and picks the best-performing Smart Blocks™ for that customer. 

So by the time they open their email, they’re greeted with at least one, and often multiple personalized Smart Blocks™, including:

These are all perfect examples of dynamic next-best action content blocks. Save your most critical revenue-generating calls to action for Smart Banners™ and add a mix of personalization to every email with Smart Blocks™.

One of our favorite Smart Blocks™ is for product recommendations. It’s a perfect way to pull customer data based on browsing and purchase history to deliver a tailored experience to each reader. Plus, it’s another place to potentially generate more revenue in your email.

Combine a product recommendation Smart Block™ with user-generated ratings and reviews. We all know that consumers are more willing to buy when they see reviews from their peers. So showcase the positive ratings and reviews from products you know each customer will love based on their history.

Smart Blocks™ are customizable. We love taking a name-everywhere approach with them. Instead of using a reader’s name once in the email, put it everywhere. Name personalization draws the reader’s eye to each Smart Block™, adding more value. 

And don’t ignore the ability to get hyper-personalized with geolocation. There are few better ways to personalize an email than sending information about what’s happening in a shopper’s local area. Use it to send people to in-store experiences, promote sales, or send targeted promotions around weather and seasons.

There are so many possibilities for better email personalization

So don’t get left behind. 

Today, personalization matters more than ever. And if you aren’t going all in on personalized messaging, you’re missing out on conversions and revenue. 

Let us help change that. Connect with us and learn how to start creating personalized emails that drive engagement and create happy customers for the long term. 

Click here to request a demo.  

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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8 Expert Quotes on the Power of Email Personalization

You know we love email personalization. It’s pretty much our favorite topic to talk about, and for a good reason — it works. Email personalization is an incredible marketing channel that can help businesses succeed in marketing. 

But you don’t have to take our word for it. We’re not the only big believers in the power of personalization in email

We’ve gathered a round-up from a few brilliant marketing experts who share their thoughts on how personalization in email and your overall marketing strategy is vital and valuable for brands today. 

Experts sound off on email personalization

Here are some of our favorite quotes from marketing experts about the benefits of personalization and how it helps generate revenue and improve customer experience.

Embrace the power of email in your marketing strategy

“Email has an ability many channels don’t: creating valuable, personal touches—at scale. The power behind personalization is undeniable; the way to build stronger relationships is through dynamic content.”  – David Newman

David is the author of the Amazon #1 best seller Do It! Marketing helps entrepreneurs and executives become effective thought leaders.

You can’t deny the power of email as a marketing channel. And now it’s easier than ever to personalization at scale with email automation.

Use a reader-first approach to personalization

“Make the customer the hero of your story.” – Ann Handley

Ann is a best-selling author (multiple times over) and the founder of both MarketingProfs and Clickz. 

“No longer will people accept viral marketing. What consumers are expecting — and craving — is a more personalized, curated experience.” – Penny Wilson 

Penny has been the CMO of several well-known brands, including Hootsuite.

Customers want more personalization, so make them the center of every message you send. Smart Banner™ and Smart Blocks™ make tailoring your messages for each reader easy.

Relevancy in your messaging matters more than you think

“Personalization — it is not about first/last name. It’s about relevant content.” – Dan Jak

Dan is a CRM expert and a martech pro.

“Anticipated, personal and relevant advertising always does better than unsolicited junk.” – Seth Godin

Seth is a best-selling author (many times over) and a world-renowned marketing expert.

“Instead of planning targeted marketing campaigns in terms of what customers are searching for, growth leaders should plan for what they need, prefer and expect (sometimes before they even know it themselves).” – Tamara Grominsky

Tamara is the VP of Product Marketing & Lifecycle at Kajabi, and was formerly the Chief Strategy Officer for Unbounce.

Pull customer data to craft personalized, timely, and relevant messages. That way, every message shoppers get from your brand has something specifically targeted to their interests and needs.

Personalization helps drive better engagement 

“What if instead of trying to be amazing, you just focused on being useful? What if you decided to inform rather than promote?” – Jay Baer

Jay is the president of Convince & Convert and a well-known marketing expert.

“Reaching the inbox isn’t your goal. Engaging people is.” – Matt Blumberg

Matt is the founder Return Path, and has years of expertise in email marketing.

Email personalization is a must-have strategy for businesses that want to connect with audiences more deeply. Creating personalized email campaigns with timely and relevant content based on consumers’ needs and interests helps improve engagement, click-through, and conversion rates. 

Ready to embrace personalization in email?

Convinced that email personalization is everything it’s cracked up to be? We love to hear it. And we’d love to help you get more from your emails, improve customer experience, and drive revenue through personalization.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Zembula can help you personalize at scale automatically, get in touch. One of our email experts will learn about your brand, walk you through the platform, and show you how to implement more personalization in your emails. 

Click here to request a demo and get started.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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