Why Adding Variety to Smart Banners™ Matters

Sometimes, you hit upon a great email offer. It gets higher than normal engagement rates, more people click through, and you see a boost in revenue. 

But, over time, the effectiveness of that messaging slowly starts to dip. While still above average, the numbers keep decreasing until that email performs exactly the same as the rest. 

You didn’t do anything wrong per se; it’s simply that your message didn’t drive action anymore. And a big reason behind that is your readers might have stopped registering it as something new and exciting. It faded into the background.

It’s a painful slide, but it happens more often than not. So what can you do? You could keep trying and testing new campaign ideas and hope to find one that hits. Or, you can increase your message variety. 

It’s easier than you think — especially with Smart Banners™. Here’s how to do it.

Meet customer expectations

If there’s one thing today’s customers demand, it’s this: personalization in their email communications. Unfortunately, for most brands, that’s hard to do at scale. Get a list past a few hundred people, and personalizing relies on segmentation. 

Until now, enter Smart Banners™. Adding a Smart Banner™ into the mix allows you to send 1:1 levels of email personalization to your customers automatically. 

Sending personalized content gets rewarded. A study found that Gen Z and Millennials are more likely to penalize a company for poor communication. So what does personalization have to with message variety? A lot.

Add more to the mix

What makes Smart Banners™ so unique is they combine personalization and variety seamlessly. There are dozens of Smart Banners™ to choose from for any situation. Each of them allows you to personalize everything from abandoned cart notifications to flash sales. So you never have to worry about sending stale or boring messages again.

For customers, that matters. We know attention spans are down, and competition within the inbox is greater than ever. That makes it much harder to stand out and get the clicks and engagement you need to boost your bottom line. 

Here’s where Smart Banners™ can make all the difference. You can choose from a variety of templates and personalize them as needed. All you have to do is add a snippet of code to your email templates, hook up your data sources, and set parameters. Then, the right banner is displayed to each reader based on your set parameters — instant variety. 

No more stale and boring messages

The best way to grab your reader’s attention and get more clicks and conversions? Smart Banners™, of course. Implementing these into your email marketing strategy can help ensure message variety, drive engagement, and keep readers interested in what you have to say.

Here are a few of our favorite examples.

Want to get hyper-personalized? Use your Smart Banners™ to highlight local events. Tap into your location data and send readers who live nearby special discounts or invites to shop in-store.

Rather than send yet another email reminding a customer to download your app that might get ignored, use a Smart Banner™ to make the message impossible to miss.

If you’ve got customer’s keeping an eye on sales and deals, why not go out of your way to let them know when they can save? It can go a long way toward building trust in your brand.

Your customers are probably used to abandoned cart emails by now. But what about a Smart Banner™ that shows them the exact product they’ve left behind and lets them know about financing options?

Want to learn more about what Smart Banners™ can do for your emails?

We’d love to show you a few more examples of how Smart Banners™ can transform your emails while driving increases in engagement and revenue. 

We share some of our best examples, tips, and secrets in our latest guide: The 2022 Email Marketer’s Guide To Smart Banners™.

Get your copy today by clicking here.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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5 Ideas for Zembula Smart Banners™ for Holiday Campaigns

When preparing for the holiday season, you have to get creative. Unfortunately, you can’t always rely on the messages that converted in the past. The same old stuff isn’t going to work as well during the busy winter months and the lead-up to Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BF/CM). 

But, it’s harder than ever in a world where competition is stiff, and consumers can get deals anywhere. So, you need an arsenal of tools to help you stand out from the crowd, catch your reader’s eyes, and, most importantly, inspire engagement. 

We’ve got something to help: Smart Banners™. With Smart Banners™, you can not only personalize every email you send but add message variety into the mix. Your emails will stand out because they are personalized and attention-grabbing. That mix will help your emails stay relevant longer. 

Interested in how Smart Banners™ can help you this holiday season? Here are a few ideas. 

In-store events

Although the growth of online shopping has exploded over the last few years, customers still love shopping in-store. So, think about special events you can host in-store to help increase your foot traffic during the holiday season. 

One approach is to center events around VIPs and loyalty program members. Use the data you have on your best customers to treat them to early access to Black Friday deals or other special holiday sales.

Product recommendations

Speaking of customer data, the holiday season is the best time to take everything you’ve been gathering all year and put it into action. And Smart Banners™ can help by making it easy to personalize the emails you send at scale. 

Browse Abandonment

Use your data to send your readers personalized product recommendations based on their browse and purchase history. That makes it easier to encourage additional purchases, and you can use your banners to remind them of other items they may want to consider as gifts. 

Shipping cut-off dates

Thrive Causemetics leaned on a pool of Zembula’s Smart Banners™ during the most recent holiday season to create personalized customer communication. One message that was very important to them was communicating shipping cut-off dates. 

Supply chain issues are still not entirely back to normal, so that can impact your customer experience. However, ensuring your customers know when the last day they can order to get their order on time is a helpful and appreciated tool you can use to stand out.

Inventory updates

What’s more frustrating than finding the perfect gift, only to get an email after you’ve bought that it’s out of stock and not arriving until after the holidays? Naturally, you don’t want your customers to deal with that, especially this time of year. 

So, use your Smart Banners™ to help your customers keep track of inventory updates. Smart Banners™ pull real-time information directly from your data sources. That means they can feel confident they’ll always have the most up-to-date inventory updates.

Deal of the day

Sure, BF/CM are the big focus days of the holiday season, but that doesn’t mean your readers aren’t looking for deals throughout the fall and winter. So why not reward your most attentive shoppers with special deals or buying days?

Offering a deal of the day or a flash sale on goods and services is a great way to keep engagement building throughout the holiday season. Use a Smart Banner™ to alert your customers to these deals and sales to encourage buying early.

Do more with Smart Banners™

Are you starting to think about how Smart Banners™ can help you this holiday season? If you want to send personalized, engaging emails and drive action, you don’t want to ignore the potential of Smart Banners™

We’d love to help you get started. Contact us and sign up for a demo. One of our experts would love to walk you through the Zembula platform and show you how Smart Banners™ can transform your emails.

Click here to get a demo today.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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Make Every Email an Abandoned Cart Reminder With Smart Banners™

If you sell anything online, you know that abandoned carts are a way of life. In fact, studies show that nearly 70% of shoppers abandon their cart at one point or another during the buying process. 

While that’s a very high rate, it doesn’t mean you can’t win some of these customers back and encourage them to complete the purchase. More research has found that over 40% of abandoned cart emails are opened, 21% will click, and over 10% will complete the purchase. 

So, retargeting customers works. If you send an abandoned cart series, you will likely get some customers to come back and complete the purchase. That’s good news. And Smart Banners™ can give you even more opportunities to win-back abandoned cart customers; here’s how.

Extend the life of your messages

One of the biggest benefits of Smart Banners™ is that they dramatically improve your messages’ visibility. Generally, if you want to try to win back an abandoned cart customer, you’d send a triggered short email series. If they buy, great, but if they don’t, the customer doesn’t often get another alert about their cart.

With Smart Banners™, your customer will see your message every time they open their email, whether it’s a newsletter, a shipping update, or a sale promotion. It helps extend the visibility of your messages and keeps reminding them to complete the purchase. 

Add more personalization

Customers today want personalized messages, it’s important to them, and you need to deliver. Smart Banners™ make it possible for you to personalize every message you send 1:1 — that’s been very difficult to do at scale before.

With each abandoned cart banner, you can add all sorts of personalized elements, including:

Adding personalization to your abandoned cart campaigns can help drive engagement and boost revenue since customers will be more likely to finish the transaction.

Make it easy to buy

A primary reason why customers don’t end up buying an item is that the check-out process is annoying or complicated. The more hurdles you put up during check out, the more likely you will lose a significant portion of your customers. You don’t want that to be the lasting experience your customers have about your brand.

Instead, Smart Banners™ make it easy to buy. Every banner comes with a built-in call to action. So your reader is ever only a few clicks away from completing their purchase, and it starts right from their inbox. It doesn’t get much easier than that. 

Let the Campaign Decision Engine do the work for you

Being able to personalize at scale is challenging. But, that’s where our AI-powered Campaign Decision Engine can do the heavy lifting for you — leaving you to focus on other marketing tasks.

To get started, it’s simple. Pick your templates from within the Zembula platform, add a snippet of code, and hook up your data sources. Then, you set the parameters for when your readers get a particular banner, and you’re set.

That way, whenever you have a potential customer who has left something in their cart, they’ll automatically get an abandoned cart Smart Banner™ in their emails. If they haven’t got any abandoned items, they’ll get a different Smart Banner™, or the banner will shrink to an invisible pixel. 

Ready to win-back more customers?

We thought so! Smart Banners™ can make all the difference in your abandoned cart campaigns, turning every email you send into a reminder. 

No more hoping a short abandoned cart series moves the needle. Now, your customers will have the opportunity to complete their purchase from every email you send. 

Interested in learning more about what Smart Banners™ can do for your business? Check out our guide, The Marketer’s Guide to Smart Banners™.

Click here to get your copy.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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The Ultimate List of SMS Marketing Stats

Don’t make your customers come to you. Instead, bring your messaging directly to them.

The best way to do that is by reaching your customers where they spend most of their time — on their phones. Successful marketing outreach has moved beyond email to now include text messages or SMS.

There’s no better time to start an effective SMS marketing strategy than now. In fact, if you don’t get started quickly, you’re likely to fall behind your competitors.

Don’t believe us? Take a look at some cold, hard facts.

25 Stats That Highlight the Importance of SMS Marketing

1. Studies show that people read their text messages very soon after receiving them. In fact, 34% of people open and read their texts within five minutes of getting them.

2. America is clearly addicted to cell phones, with 97% of Americans owning one.

3. Americans check their phones about once every 10 minutes.

4. Younger Americans — those aged 18 to 24 — check their phone an average of 190 times a day.

5. And it’s not just America. By 2023, it’s estimated that 80% of people worldwide will own a cell phone.

6. 48% of consumers reported that they prefer receiving brand updates via SMS, compared to just 22% for email.

7. People don’t mind being reached by text. 91% of consumers reported that they would opt in for text messages from their favorite brands.

8. To reach younger consumers, you’d better be available on their phones. 75% of Gen Z and millennials shop online using their smartphones.

9. Want to really understand how important cell phones are to younger consumers? 75% of millennials say they would rather lose their ability to speak than to send texts.

10. 63% of millennials say that text messages are less disruptive than other forms of communication.

11. 96% of marketers using SMS reported an increase in revenue.

12. Phones are driving internet traffic. 54% of web traffic comes from mobile devices.

13. 91% of consumers report an interest in signing up for text messages.

14. There’s room for you to stand out. Just 39% of businesses use SMS marketing.

15. And only 21% of businesses are using SMS to deliver rewards to loyal customers.

16. But you’d better hurry. 56% of American retailers plan to increase their SMS marketing budgets.

17. Consumers send more than four times more text messages using their phones than they do emails.

18. Tracking notifications offer big opportunities. 80% of consumers prefer receiving tracking information by SMS.

19. Reach your customers at all hours. 90% of phone users report checking their phones within 30 minutes of waking up.

20. Consumers are four-and-a-half times more likely to reply to text messages than emails.

21. For customer support, more than 50% of consumers say they prefer text messages to phone calls.

22. Ever wonder if your customers are seeing your messages? 98% of SMS messages get opened.

23. Email, on the other hand, only has a 20% open rate.

24. Almost 70% of consumers say they would interact with businesses via text message.

25. 54% of consumers report being frustrated when they are unable to text a business.

Zembula Can Take Your SMS Strategy to the Next Level

With Zembula, you can use your data to create sophisticated, personalized, and even animated SMS messages.

Don’t just send boring text messages like everyone else. Bring your messages to life! Tell a story. Engage with your customers. Animated SMS messages — made easy with Zembula — can help you stand out.

Marc Sheforgen

Marc Sheforgen writes email service provider content for Zembula. Beyond that, he’s all about parenting, coaching kids, record collecting, travel, and adventure. If it’s fun, he’s for it.

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How Smart Banners™ Helped Thrive Causemetics Streamline Holiday Emails

Thrive Causemetics is a luxury beauty brand. Beyond selling 100% cruelty-free, vegan products, Thrive Causemetics also deeply cares about supporting women-led causes, which is funded through their Bigger Than Beauty™️ campaign.

Since a portion of every product purchased goes to the campaign, boosting the bottom line means more than simply increasing revenue, it helps others. 

Making sure customers have a good experience and return to shop again becomes even more important during busy times like the holiday shopping season. Thrive Causemetics wanted to find a solution to help streamline their holiday marketing campaigns, so they turned to Smart Banners™ for help.

Here’s what happened.

The challenge: Provide up-to-date information for shipping cut-offs and sales notifications.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the biggest holiday shopping events of the year. For many brands, it represents a significant portion of their yearly sales. So getting it right matters.

Research from last year’s shopping events shows a few eye-raising stats:

So for any brand, it’s crucial to have a strategy that communicates your sale events and other essential information to your customers. 

That’s one area Thrive Causemetics wanted to focus on — finding a way to keep their customers up to date on critical information without needing to spend hours manually updating their data. 

The solution: Use personalized Smart Banners™ to communicate timely information

It’s increasingly difficult to stand out in your customer’s inbox. Attention gets pulled in a million directions, and there are always distractions. Unfortunately, that means your messaging visibility may suffer — your customers could miss out on critical information, resulting in a negative experience. 

In 2021, many retailers and eCommerce brands faced another unknown challenge, supply chain issues. That made keeping in touch with customers even more important, but it’s difficult to do at scale without manual processes and workflows. 

Working with Zembua, Thrive Causemetics used Smart Banners™ to implement a message pool with timely holiday information, including:

Using Smart Banners™ helped ensure Thrive Causemetics customers always had the best information at their fingertips and a personalized, easy-to-navigate shopping process. 

The results: A streamlined workflow and a 7% boost in revenue during BFCM

The positive results for Thrive Causemetics were twofold. First, they used Zembula’s Campaign Decision Engine to automate their efforts, saving the team time and reducing the need for manual processes. 

And second, Thrive Causemetics saw a 7% increase in revenue during Black Friday/Cyber Monday events.

Zembula also integrates seamlessly with your existing marketing stack. Thrive Causemetics used Smart Banners™ with Klavyio to ensure customers got the right sales messages and critical shipping information.

Learn more about Smart Banners™

Do you want to streamline your holiday messaging and boost revenue? 

Smart Banners™ can help you automate while delivering personalization and improving message visibility. Check out our latest guide on Smart Banners™ and learn some tips on how you can start implementing them for better results. 

Get your copy of the guide here.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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Five Fall Email Marketing Ideas for Your Next Campaign

When you think about fall email marketing ideas, there’s probably one big flashing arrow pointing to one major event: Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM). 

There’s no doubt BFCM drives a ton of traffic and sales for many retail and eCommerce brands. However, your fall marketing doesn’t have to begin and end there. There are plenty of other holidays or special events during late August, September, and October you can lean on to send a few short and sweet campaigns. 

Here are a couple of ideas to explore. 

Back to school

This may be the most obvious fall campaign to explore, but it does depend on your brand. However, don’t think if your products aren’t for kids, you can’t create a back-to-school campaign. You can. And have fun with it; think out of the box.

There’s always a way to still engage with adults. Reframe back to school as a way for adults to celebrate or treat themselves (with your products). Retailers and eCommerce shops can take a ‘learning something new’ approach and highlight specific products. Or, focus on educators, give them a discount, gift with purchase, or incorporate donations into your promotion.

Start of fall/end of summer

Another fall email marketing tip can fall under the general changing of seasons. Pretty much every brand can find a tie-in to that. Get people in your store to check out the newest stock, promote items in fall colors, and have people come in for a fresh look or style. There are tons of options.

If fall weather is much cooler where your customers live, Here’s where using location data can help too. Use Smart Banners™ to change your promotions based on location data. If you want to flip the script, focus on an end-of-summer promotion. 

Checkups and reminders

For some retailers and service providers, fall is a busy time. That also means it’s a great time to send targeted email campaigns, especially educational ones, to your customers.

Try some of these:

Using small promotions and campaigns to check in with your customers can help you stay top of mind.

Use your calendar for other opportunities

Depending on your primary audience, you may be able to create campaigns around specific days and events. Get creative with it and have fun. For example, send emails around:

Sending an email with a quick promotion or a flash sale giving customers a discount, extra loyalty points, or free shipping can drive some conversions and revenue. 

And, don’t forget that with Smart Banners™, it’s easy to send personalized messages to each of your customers.

Prime customers for BFCM

It’s rarely too early to get some thoughts about BFCM prep on your schedule. After all, long-term planning often goes a long way. So, why not let your customers get a sneak peek at what you’re planning?

You can use the lead-up to these events to tease items, offer ‘first look’ sales or specials, or create targeted gift guides. And, while you’re at it, entice your customers to take action early so they can save on shipping or beat the rush. Consider that in your campaign strategies if you’re concerned about inventory this season.  

How to expand your campaign reach

Do you want your campaigns to immediately get lost in your reader’s inbox or have your messages stick around for a while and make a real impact? 

More visibility is probably the answer, and we’ve got a solution to help you: Smart Banners™. Rather than send out one or two emails and hope they land with some of your customers, target specific readers with the personalized content and campaigns you want.

Smart Banners™ help you do this, allowing you to communicate 1:1 with your readers at scale. This helps you get more reach and visibility to your campaigns, extending the message over multiple emails.

To learn more about Smart Banners™, get in touch and schedule a demo. We’d love to show you the Zembula platform and how it can help you transform your emails.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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Six Ways to Use Smart Banners™ to Convert Window Shoppers

Across industries, about 70% of buyers abandon their cart. But what about the window shoppers — those who browse but never move items into their shopping cart? How do you win them back?

The solution for many marketers has been through browse abandonment campaigns. These automated emails trigger to send to customers and help reengage them. 

Browse campaigns have increased in popularity for several reasons, but the big one is the conversion opportunities. If you can target people who’ve browsed your site, that’s a much bigger pool of potential customers. 

Here’s how to use Smart Banners™ to take advantage of it.

Browse abandonment notifications

The easiest way to start is the most obvious. Use your browse abandonment notifications the same way you would approach cart abandonment. 

A Smart Banner™ can remind your customer about items they’ve looked at and considered purchasing. It’s a simple but great way to reengage them and connect. 

And you can use the data you’ve collected to send them more relevant emails related to the items they’ve been looking at, even if they haven’t bought them yet.

Highlight purchasing options

Financing options for items have become increasingly popular over the last few years — especially among younger generations of shoppers. 

Use a Smart Banner™ to get their attention and tell them two things. First, you noticed they were checking out a particular item. And second, there are financing options available.

If they want to complete the purchase, that might be enough to move someone from a window shopper to a customer.

Connect with loyalty members

It’s always a good idea to communicate more with your most loyal customers. These people are often the most invested in your brand, so reward them by making it easier for them to buy.

Unfortunately, many brands don’t capitalize on communication with their most loyal customers. Don’t fall into that trap. Instead, focus on areas where you can deliver personalized messaging.

This banner does the job by incorporating the reader’s loyalty points into the purchase messaging. So they’ll see their most up-to-date loyalty information and know they can use it to buy. 

Include ratings and reviews

We all know that the majority of customers who buy items both in-store and online do research first. And one of the things that persuade most customers is seeing user-generated content in the form of positive ratings and reviews from other customers. 

You’re undoubtedly already highlighting their five stars and positive ratings on your website. So use the same concept and bring UGC into your Smart Banners™. 

Use Smart Banners™ to showcase recent customer ratings and reviews for selected products. As a result, your customer gets the data they want, and it’s easy to take action and buy.

Offer free shipping or discounts

Another way to get a window shopper to move from browsing an item to buying is by offering them a discount or free shipping. Who doesn’t like getting a deal?

With Smart Banners™, it’s easy to feature coupons or shipping discounts on any item or customer segment. So, for instance, if you want to give your loyalty members a special treat, you can do it without having to set up completely new or different campaigns.

You control the parameters on the Zembula platform. Connect your data sources, set your preferred guidelines, and our Campaign Decision Engine takes care of the rest. 

Reveal price or inventory changes

Many window shoppers are interested in an item but are not quite ready to pull the trigger and buy right then and there. So, you want to try and grab their attention at the right time.

browse abandonment smart banner ecommerce

That’s another benefit of Smart Banners™. You don’t need to rely on hoping your readers see your browse abandonment campaign. Instead, Smart Banners™ ensure your message visibility lasts. 

FOMO is powerful for marketers, and Smart Banners™ help alert potential customers to pricing updates and inventory changes. That could just be the nudge your customer needs to help them decide that they want to make the purchase

Do more with Smart Banners™

If you’re curious about how Smart Banners™ work, we’d love to show you around our platform. 

Get in touch with one of our experts today. It will help you set up a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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How Zembula Helps You Personalize Your Emails Easier Than Movable Ink

Being able to personalize your emails easily is crucial to your bottom line. When personalization becomes too complex, it takes more time and sucks resources out of your company. That means more expenses and fewer campaigns or campaigns that don’t work as well. 

Movable Ink has been the top choice for email personalization until now. Zembula is changing the way marketers approach email personalization, and it’s much easier than using Movable Ink!

Let’s go over 4 ways Zembula is making email personalization easier and how it stacks up with Movable Ink.

You don’t need to add code to your website to drive any use case. 

Zembula connects to any data source or API you already have, so you don’t have to do anything extra! For instance, you can use your commerce platform to create abandoned cart content. This way is the best way because adding code to your site can slow it down and take development time. 

No stacking of pixels to serve multiple use cases. 

Zembula has a sophisticated Campaign Decision Engine. It means a single pixel can deliver any of thousands of messages you create in Zembula’s platform. You can control the content that any pixel displays from our platform, so you don’t need to edit email code. 

No need to merge endless data into the image URL

Zembula handles logic inside the platform and vastly reduces the need for extensive data being merged in from your ESP and passed through the URL every time you send an email. 

No hidden functionality that requires a developer to build out integrations and content.

Zembula’s platform is sophisticated and allows you to do anything a Zembula employee can do within the platform. There is no hidden functionality that requires custom code.

Email personalization is crucial to your success as a marketer. Being able to do it easily can be the difference between bumping up your ROI or breaking even.

Zembula is here to help you accomplish all of your email personalization goals easier than ever.

You will be surprised! Chat with us today

Cheyenne Miner
Director of Marketing

Cheyenne is the Director of Marketing at Zembula where she gets to collaborate and coordinate with a team of marketing masterminds. On the weekends, you can find her in the backcountry of the Pacific Northwest, or not, because they don’t have cell towers out there.

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Smart Banner™ Tips for Holiday Season 2022

Whether you are ready or not, it’s time to start thinking about your next holiday season. And this one is going to be a challenge! 

With consumer behavior shifting and a possible recession looming, you need to take advantage of the time you have now to get ahead. Personalization will be super important for increasing conversions and improving customer lifetime value

Using Zembula Smart Banners™ this upcoming holiday season is a great way to cash in on more revenue, but you need to do it right! We’ve got three expert tips we learned in the trenches. These are crucial to having a successful holiday season! 

Tip #1: Don’t use non-revenue driving Smart Banners™ for emails that aim to drive revenue.

If your goal is to drive revenue in an email, that entire email should be revenue focused. That means if you send out a Black Friday promotion, don’t add a call to join your loyalty program in the Smart Banner™. We have seen this play out in real life, and the conflicting CTAs take away from the brand’s revenue. 

Instead, try these smart banners in revenue-driving emails. 

  1. Use sale-oriented content 
  2. Showcase shipping cut-offs
  3. Show shipment or loyalty status

Tip #2: Automate where you can.

The ability to schedule content pertaining to sales and shipping cutoffs has been a lifesaver for our customers. 

Instead of changing over content at midnight or whenever your sale ends or changes, make sure to add a new Smart Banner™ to your block in the platform and set the time of display. This way, you can sit back and relax (or work frantically on other stuff — let’s be real).

Tip #3: Incorporate holiday-themed smart banners into your welcome series.

During the holiday season, you will have more traffic, and you will also likely see more people signing up to get your emails so they can cash in on deals. 

Don’t forget that your welcome series is a great way to engage with new subscribers and get them into lifelong customers once the season is over.

Use holiday-themed Smart Banners™ in your welcome series, and make sure to highlight your current deal! Your Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals are likely better than your new subscriber discounts, so making them aware of that can encourage a purchase even faster! 

If you’d like help planning out your holiday campaigns with Smart Banners™, we’d love to help and share any industry knowledge we have.

Make sure to reach out to schedule a strategy session today!

Cheyenne Miner
Director of Marketing

Cheyenne is the Director of Marketing at Zembula where she gets to collaborate and coordinate with a team of marketing masterminds. On the weekends, you can find her in the backcountry of the Pacific Northwest, or not, because they don’t have cell towers out there.

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