Email Personalization is Here to Stay! Here’s How to Use It.

If there’s one thing email marketers need to embrace right now, it’s this: email personalization is the new normal. Email personalization is no longer ‘nice to have’; it’s a must-have. 

And when we say email personalization, we mean real data-driven personalization that moves the needle, not the generic stuff. If you aren’t on the personalization in email bandwagon, it’s not too late. You have time to embrace it. 

Here’s how to get started. 

Understand the powers of email personalization

Consumers care about personalized content — they don’t want to get the same messages as everyone else. And they’re far more likely to provide their data, buy, and return again if they’re consistently served tailored messaging. But, historically, personalizing at that level of scale is hard, especially if you have a big list. 

That’s where Zembula makes it simple. We connect your customer data with our AI-powered Campaign Decision Engine and do all the heavy lifting for you. Our tool runs through all your customer data and display parameters, determining the best display message that’s personalized for each reader.

With Zembula, you can turn every email you send into something tailored to each reader, from top to bottom. With Smart Banners™, Smart Blocks™, and Smart Kickers™, you have multiple opportunities to personalize your emails with timely and relevant information. That helps keep your message visibility high and drives more engagement and action. 

Personalization is the way to get more clicks, conversions, and revenue out of every email. Marketers have found that personalizing emails contributes to profitability, and brands that invest in personalizing email marketing earn more than competitors. 

Optimized personalization to drive revenue

The big difference between brands that see success with personalization and those that don’t often comes down to data. Rather than personalizing emails for the sake of it, instead be strategic. 

That’s where performative personalization comes into play. This strategy focuses on revenue optimization and uses data-driven insights to deliver personalized messaging that is more likely to drive engagement.

Our customers have implemented performative personalization, seeing a 10-17% lift in revenue, higher click-through rates, and improvements in customer experience. That’s a combination you can’t beat, and it contributes to more revenue and happier customers.

How to incorporate more personalization in emails

So, do you want to see how you can start adding more personalized messages to your emails? We thought you’d never ask! 

Here are some of our favorite examples of email personalization in action. And with Zembula, it’s simple to get started with these (and add even more).

One underrated way to personalize your emails is using the reader’s name. Sure, plenty of brands use a “Hey Name,” but we’re talking about going beyond that and really embracing name personalization everywhere.

Another great way to hyper-personalize your emails is to use location data. Send your readers updates on what’s happening at their local stores. Or use weather data to tie into flash sales, events, and promotions.

Abandoned cart emails are perfect places for email personalization. Get rid of the generic email and instead use a personalized Smart Banner™ that shows the item, product ratings, and even loyalty information to help complete the purchase.

Speaking of product recommendations, this is another opportunity for personalization. Use your customer data to highlight products related to what they’ve previously bought or browsed, include other customer ratings and reviews, and increase your conversions.

Suprise and delight have long been a tried-and-true method for marketers, and personalization ties into it perfectly. Use email personalization to remind customers when a product is about to ship or when it’s time to refill a product they’ve purchased and make it easy to buy.  

Ready to embrace personalized emails?

Once you’re ready to start personalizing more emails, the process is easier than you think. We’d love to walk you through it and how personalized emails can do much more for your brand. 

Get in touch today, and one of our email marketing experts will walk you through the process and highlight how Zembula can help. We’re ready to hear from you! 

Click here to request a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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What is ROAS?

There are many ways to determine your marketing campaigns’ success. Revenue and conversions are two. But what about really digging into the numbers? What can you learn from them to help you optimize performance and get more out of your campaigns?

That’s where return on ad spend (ROAS) can be a marketer’s best friend. In a world where data is increasingly important, yet it’s often more challenging to find the signal in the noise, a key performance indicator like ROAS can help measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. 

Curious about how you can do more with ROAS? Let’s dig into this marketing metric.

Why ROAS matters

Return on ad spend is a marketing metric measuring how much revenue your business earns for each dollar spent on advertising. It may sound similar to return on investment (ROI), and it is, but in this case, the ‘investment’ you’re tracking is your digital advertising spend. This measures your effectiveness and returns on a specific part of your business — digital advertising.

Essentially, ROAS helps marketers determine the effectiveness of advertising efforts. And can help you optimize for more revenue. The higher your ROAS, the better. It shows your marketing is connecting with your potential customers. For example, if you make $7 for every $1 you spend, your ROAS is 7:1. Traditionally, a good ROAS is considered around 4:1, and an average one is around 2:1, so you can use those numbers as a benchmark.

One benefit of return on ad spend is you can measure it throughout your marketing efforts. It’s just as easy to view it through your entire digital ad spend or break it down far more granularly into specific campaigns. 

How to calculate return on ad spend

Yup, it’s equation time. The formula for ROAS is pretty simple. 

Here’s how it works:

ROAS = Ad revenue / Ad spend

Take your total advertising revenue and divide it by your total advertising spend, which gives you ROAS.

For example, if you get $50,000 in revenue from a campaign and spend $10,000 on digital advertising for that campaign, your ROAS is 5:1, which is very good. 

Although the equation is straightforward, many marketers still have trouble finding the total numbers. While getting your revenue from a campaign is relatively easy, it’s more difficult to determine your exact ad spend. That’s because many different factors go into it besides just dollars spent. You may also want to consider labor costs for the people creating and running the campaigns, vendor costs, and commissions.

How does ROAS apply to email marketing

You can apply ROAS to your email marketing strategy by tracking the revenue generated directly from your campaigns. There are a few ways to do it, such as:

ROAS isn’t just for digital advertising spend. So, don’t limit your data to just that. When viewed through the lens of email marketing, ROAS has a bunch of benefits that can be helpful in determining the effectiveness of your email marketing.

With the importance of email personalization to generating revenue, you don’t want to ignore this data — and ways to improve it.

What are some of the benefits of return on ad spend?

Calculating and understanding ROAS offers several benefits that can help your brand. For email marketing specifically, here are a few of them:

Get more from your ROAS

If you’d like to see how email personalization can help drive clicks and conversions — improving your ROAS and generating more revenue — we’d love to chat. 

Click here to request a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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How Content Plays a Role in Improving ROAS

Messaging matters. Every marketer knows that instinctively. And when it gets down to brass tacks, your content and messaging can make or break your email and SMS marketing campaigns. 

So, how can you tell if your messaging is falling short?

Look at your return on ad spend (ROAS). ROAS is a key performance indicator (KPI) that helps marketers evaluate the efficiency and profitability of a marketing campaign. You can apply it to your overall marketing spend or get granular and go on a campaign-by-campaign basis. 

But let’s look at how you can tap into ROAS to determine your content’s effectiveness — and how to improve it.

Why ROAS matters for messaging

Return on ad spend determines how much revenue is generated to the amount spent on advertising. It helps you see the financial performance of your marketing efforts. 

By analyzing the ROAS of different email campaigns, marketers can determine which content resonates best with readers, driving action and boosting engagement. When you know which messages, images, and CTAs get more clicks and conversions, it’s much easier to maximize revenue optimization and get the most out of your campaigns

Here are a few areas where ROAS can help you make better decisions around your marketing strategy:

How content can enhance return on ad spend

How you communicate with your subscribers plays a huge role in the success or failure of your brand. And today’s customers? Well, they are savvier than ever. They know what they want, and understanding what moves the needle with them can dramatically improve your conversions and revenue. 

You can’t leave it up to chance or hope something resonates. Instead, there are some key areas you can target that can help you improve your ROAS and keep customers happy.

Go all in on personalization

Embracing personalization is one of the most important things you can do to connect with your readers and improve your revenue. Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ make it easy to automate personalization at scale. And we’re not talking generic stuff. This is performative personalization, which uses data-driven messaging proven to drive engagement.

Don’t take our word for it — our amazing clients have seen a 10-17% lift in revenue using our approach. And when you focus on providing more personalization, you’ll see more clicks, conversions, and revenue, all while improving the customer experience.

Keep messages relevant and timely

Sending timely and relevant content ensures readers always get value from your messages. Here’s where personalization helps you stand out, too. You can take any message you send, add a personalized Smart Banner™, and ensure it’s relevant to the reader.

You also want to make sure your highest-converting messages get more visibility. That’s why our approach helps you focus on adding personalized, triggered content to your promotional emails. Why keep some of your most valuable, most clicked messaging as a fraction of your total send volume when you can ensure it’s always seen?

Don’t forget about personalized animation

Want to really enhance the engagement of your emails and SMS campaigns? Start including personalized animation in your messages. It helps not only make your messages more eye-catching, but they often convey what you want to say far better than text alone.

Use animation in SMS to tell a story or take your customers on a journey without overloading them with text. In email, it’s an amazing way to enhance content, like showing multiple abandoned cart items or rotating product images. 

Zembula can help you get more from your messaging

Whether it’s email or SMS, we know how to make it easy to send valuable, personalized, and relevant content to every one of your readers. Doing so is the first step in building genuine trust with the people on your list. 

Over time, that can lead to more loyalty and repeat purchases and improve the lifetime value of your customers. Each of these can do wonders for getting the most out of every email you send. 

Want to learn more about how Zembula can help? We’d love to chat. Contact us today to request a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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How to Personalize Smart Blocks™

It wasn’t all that long ago that personalizing emails meant adding the reader’s name at the top and calling it a day. And while that’s been effective for a while, today’s consumers demand more from brands. 

You need to go beyond basic personalization. Instead, emails tailored to the reader—from top to bottom—will help you stand out. Smart Blocks™ make it easy to get hyper-personalized with the emails you send. 

If you’re looking for ways to add more personalized messaging to your emails and drive clicks and conversions, Smart Blocks™ can help.

Dive deeper into personalization in email

The customer journey is everything today. No consumer wants to feel like a nameless, faceless number in your email list. But traditionally, it’s been hard to personalize at scale—there are too many manual updates, code changes, and starting and stopping campaigns to make fixes. 

However, segmenting isn’t enough. It gets you part of the way there, but you still can’t personalize on a really deep level. That’s where the Zembula platform stands out. You’ll have a variety of opportunities to personalize emails automatically

Combining Smart Blocks™, Smart Banners™, and Smart Kickers™ means you have a perfectly personalized email from top to bottom. And not only that, the personalization is data-driven; it’s not just there for the sake of it. That’s what we call performative personalization. It’s using customer data through the right messaging to drive action and increase revenue.

How to add more personalization with Smart Blocks™

Smart Blocks™ play a special role in personalizing your customer emails. Now, you’ve got multiple options to add dynamic blocks throughout your emails. That lets you pick the messaging that most stands out to the readers and encourages engagement. 

Personalizing Smart Blocks™ is easy and automatic. It pulls in zero-party customer data, which you can use to supplement other customer information, such as their shopping and browsing history.

Here are a few different ways Smart Blocks™ help you increase personalization in email.

Have you considered whether you are using your readers’ names enough? With name personalization, you can add Smart Blocks™ with the reader’s name, calling attention to product recommendations, reviews, and loyalty updates.

In this example, name personalization is used to draw the reader to revenue-generating Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™.

Another way to capture the reader’s attention is to have your emails move through personalized animation. Smart Blocks™ are dynamic, so they can include animated images and text. Now you’ve got another way to get shoppers interested in what you’re selling.

For this email, the Smart Blocks™ feature a product with rotating images. The blocks also highlight recommended products based on customer shopping history.

Loyalty information is another great use for Smart Blocks™. If you have a program, you need to speak with the members regularly — too many brands forget that. So having a loyalty Smart Block™ ensures you aren’t missing out on providing vital information.

Use loyalty blocks with other promotions and recommended products, and show readers how to use their points to purchase items in their carts. These can pack a one-two punch and increase conversions and revenue. 

Get more from your emails with Zembula

Consumers have less time and energy to build relationships with brands. You may only get one shot to stand out, and personalization is the way. 

It shows readers that you’re interested in their needs and are using their data to show them products most likely to drive interest and engagement. With Smart Blocks™, you can personalize your emails from top to bottom, giving readers a fantastic tailored experience that they won’t see from most brands. 

Get in touch to learn more about Smart Blocks™. One of our email experts will walk you through how the Zembula platform works and where Smart Blocks™ can drive personalization. 

Click here to request a demo. 

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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Personalized SMS Combined with Animation is Your Secret Revenue Hack

At the end of the day, growing revenue for your brand matters. Of course, doing it alongside building long-term customer relationships and delivering exceptional products and service helps. 

After all, every business is about the customers. You want to do everything you can to engage them and ensure they have a great journey through your funnel. 

That may mean looking at your marketing approach in a new way to find opportunities to stand out and make an impact. And that’s where we think animated, personalized SMS makes a huge difference. 

The magic of performative personalization

Email has always stood out when it comes to delivering personalized messaging. But now, you can apply the same approach to creating amazing customized content in your email to SMS tailored to each reader.

The secret? The Zembula platform, for one. We work seamlessly with your current SMS providers to help you deploy personalized messages with just a few clicks. That allows you to personalize at scale, meeting your readers wherever they are and boosting engagement. 

Performative personalization does the rest. It’s our approach to personalized messaging. Instead of relying on generic personalization that doesn’t move the needle, we use data-driven insights to highlight the personalized messaging most likely to generate revenue. 

With Zembula, you’re not guessing about what might move the needle. You’ve got the content you know that creates more conversions and revenue. 

Tap into animated SMS for even more personalization

The approach works for both email and SMS. And with SMS, you can add another fun element into the mix — animation. Let’s face it, today’s consumers are savvy. They know what they want (personalization) and are willing to move on when they don’t get it from brands.

So, marketers are under even more pressure to ensure they have the goods to deliver. Combining personalization with animation helps in a couple of major ways. 

Now, add personalization to the mix, and you have a powerful one-two combo that gets readers excited about your messages and eager to engage with them. 

All of that helps drive more conversions and revenue for your brand. 

Data-driven results for more revenue

At Zembula, we focus on using data-driven insights to help personalize messaging and drive revenue. It’s true for email and SMS messaging. 

So what you can do is look at your biggest areas of opportunity to drive revenue through animated SMS messages. We have a few ideas.

An easy place to start is with an abandoned cart and browse SMS message campaign. These work really well in email, and it’s no different for SMS. In fact, the conversion rates are even better, so you don’t want to miss more opportunities to convert.

Another way to wow your clients with personalized, animated SMS messages is using geolocation. Consumers respond to weather-based messaging. For example, create a triggered reminder to highlight specific products when the local weather is bad.

Animation lets you stand out because you can tell a story through dynamic blocks rather than a few static words of text. Grab attention with name personalization, feature product images, and then provide personalized loyalty points — that approach will set you apart.

Make your texts move with Zembula

We love working with brands that take personalization seriously. That goes for both email and SMS marketing. And once you understand the synergy between the two, you’ll take your marketing strategy to new heights.

We’ll show you how to add animation to your personalized SMS messages and really stand out from the competition. And the best part? It’s a lot easier than you think. Our platform automates the process and does all the heavy lifting. 

Interested in learning more? We’d love to chat. Get in touch and request a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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5 Email Personalization Tools You Need to Try

Email personalization is vital. However, it’s not always been easy to optimize at scale — until now. There are some fantastic tools out there that let you dig into creating and sending personalized emails to help boost clicks, conversions, and revenue.

As personalization becomes increasingly important, it’s necessary to build it into every facet of your marketing. But marketers already have a lot on their plates, and it’s not always easy to find the time or the tools to make it work. 

That’s why we want to make it simple for you. Here are some of our favorite email personalization tools that help you turn data into better, more engaging, personalized messages. 

Let’s dig in!


If you’re a retailer trying to improve your email marketing engagement and generate more revenue, Bluecore can help. Retailers have tremendous amounts of customer data, but are you using that to help create one-to-one personalized messaging to drive action? Bluecore solves that problem for you. 

Bluecore tracks and predicts shopper behavior, launching triggered personalized messages that keep customers buying. Plus, their predictive models help you identify potential repeat customers, reducing churn and increasing repeat purchases.


In today’s marketing, building omnichannel experiences are more important than ever. Consumers want to switch between channels without losing personalization or part of the customer experience. That’s where Persado comes in.

Persado works across channels and uses generative AI to deliver the precise language that motivates shoppers to engage with your messages. The platform marries customer data and predictive behavior to find the best messaging to drive action — boosting both conversions and revenue for clients.


There are so many moving parts in any email. Marketers know this. You could run dozens of A/B tests checking everything from headlines to emojis and CTAs, never mind the content itself. Running even a fraction of those tests takes time and energy and could potentially cost revenue.

With Jacquard (formerly Phrasee), you don’t have to play the guessing game. Their AI-powered tool predicts content that should perform the best based on data. Once you have your campaigns up and running, it’s easy to optimize and based on real-time results. Phrasee helps automate your email personalization at scale.


Every retailer knows merchandising is a visual process. So you need to bring that to your email marketing. The more shoppers can see your products, get recommendations, and get style and trend information, the better for your brand. Stylitics helps create that at scale. 

Stylitics’ algorithm helps build a personalized shopping experience for consumers using AI-driven styling tools and dynamic catalogs. That makes it easy for brands to offer upsells, highlight recommended products, and create featured shops based on customer behavior and purchase data. 


Marketers have access to more data than ever, but finding the signal in the noise is difficult. If you ignore data, there’s no doubt you’ll miss out on potential chances to boost conversions and revenue. But spend too much time sifting through the data, and you may miss out on quick opportunities to pivot.

Segment is a tool that helps marketers get more from data, activating it for success. With Segment, you can feel confident your data is clean. That gives you a much more complete view of your customer’s interests and behavior and lets you jump on real-time information to reach your audiences at the right moment.


We had to include a bonus email personalization tool — Zembula! With our platform, email personalization at scale is easy and automated. We do the heavy lifting for you, using performative personalization, a data-driven approach to finding the best messaging that drives revenue. 

Using dynamic, personalized, and animated Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™, you can tailor every message you send to individual readers, giving them a customized experience in every email. Our amazing clients have seen lifts in engagement, conversions, and revenue using our proprietary email personalization tools. 

Pick the right email personalization tool for you

Email personalization will only become more important over the years, so you must ensure you’re doing everything possible to include it in your marketing strategy. 

We’d love to help! If you’re ready to personalize emails, get in touch. One of our experts will guide you through the process. 

Click here to request a demo.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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