How Zembula’s Campaign Decision Engine Personalizes Emails For You

Email personalization is so important. For many consumers, it’s what distinguishes you from other brands. Do it right, and you’ll build a loyal base of customers who will buy from you often. 

Ignore personalization, or don’t go deeper than the basics, and you run the risk of getting sent to the archive folder. Consumers are tired of the same boring emails with no variety, relevancy, or personalization. 

So, that means you need to stand out. And it’s harder than ever to do it. But, there are things you can do to make a difference; Zembula can help. Here’s how. 

Personalization at scale is easier than ever

One of the biggest challenges email marketers have faced is delivering personalization at scale. That’s why you still see so many emails with basic personalization, a hello [name], or a personalized subject line.

Trying to dig in and deliver real personalized content that’s timely and relevant was very hard with a list of any size — until now. That’s where Zembula’s Campaign Decision Engine comes in. 

It helps make personalization at scale quick and easy. The AI-powered decision engine does all the heavy lifting automatically. That leaves your team to focus on other marketing activities and strategies to improve customer connections.

The Campaign Decision Engine in action

Do you want to make your personalization really stand out? Do you wish you could send relevant messages to every customer that recommends products, updates them on package tracking, and gets them to engage?

It sounds like a dream, and now it’s possible to enrich and segment your content for personalization using customer data.

Here’s how it works:

With Zembula, you use your customer data (from sources like your CRM, eCommerce, and loyalty programs) to set up display rules in our platform. Then, when you send your campaigns out, the decision engine runs through your parameters and selects the best message for each user. That decision gets made in microseconds; there’s no delay.

The messages display via either a Smart Banner™ or Smart Block™ and updates at the moment-of-open. So, even if you need to make a quick tweak, you can do it without needing to pause and re-set your entire campaign.

That means one can get a package tracking update, one will see an abandoned cart notification, and one gets a happy birthday message. And you don’t have to do any additional segmenting or personalizing your content.

If your customer doesn’t meet your display rules, the block or banner disappears into an invisible pixel. So, they still get your email messages just as you intended.

This gives you the opportunity to send more personalized messages to your customers without needing to run endless A/B tests or swap out code. All you need to do is add a snippet of data to your email template and hoop up your data sources, and we take it from there.

Level up your personalization

Now, you have the chance to massively improve your message visibility and variety. Using Smart Banners™, for instance, you can choose from a message pool that includes:

Imagine being able to select from a list of a dozen or more options to send to your customers. That helps ensure they will never get bored of seeing the same messages from you because you have built-in variety with your campaigns.

Plus, that added personalization translates into more engagement through clicks and conversions. For example, a recent case study from Thrive Causemetics highlights how they used promotional Smart Banners™ to help personalize their emails and saw a 10-17% revenue lift in the emails that featured the banners. 

Learn more today

If you want to learn more about how Zembula’s Campaign Decision Engine can help improve your brand’s approach to personalization, get in touch. We’d love to set you up with a demo so you can explore the platform.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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What Movable Ink is Missing

Movable Ink has been the top choice for email personalization in the past. It’s helped many marketers do what they previously couldn’t, and has allowed brands to innovate with personalization in email. And while Movable Ink was the best solution for this up until a few years ago, it’s not anymore. 

Zembula is much easier to use and gives you even more personalization power for your emails. Zembula can do so much with your data and it gives you the ability to earn up to 10-17% more revenue for every email send that contains Zembula content. 

Changing the way brands do personalization

“How can this be true?” you might be wondering. Well, Zembula is changing the way that brands do personalization with Smart Banners™.

smart banner close

A Smart Banner™ is a dynamic banner programmatically serving different content and use cases per-individual recipient as determined by rules or groups you set up or that are automatically determined (AKA our Campaign Decision Engine — we’ll go over this later).

Smart Banners™ help brands bring their highest converting content to all their emails via a small banner at the top of every email. This helps brands increase the visibility of their most critical and top-performing content to 100%. 

zembula dynamic decision engine smart banners

The best part about our Smart Banners™ is how they are selected. Our Campaign Decision Engine allows marketers to determine which banner or content is served to an individual under different circumstances or data conditions. These conditions can be set by you or can be automatic based on data like behavioral, for instance. This way your message is always relevant and your content is always fresh! 

Browse Abandonment

The solution for your needs

Movable Ink doesn’t have Smart Banners™ or our Campaign Decision Engine. We are currently the only solution that provides our customers with these tools. The best parts about what we have to offer with these unique features are that they don’t require pixel stacking, meaning that one pixel controls all your content and you can use any number of data sources within the same image. This makes our solution extremely nimble and easy to use.

Adding a single snippet of code to each email template is all you have to do to get access to all your Smart Banners™. Then you can make any changes from the platform and they’ll be updated in your customers’ inboxes! 

Searching for a solution to up your email personalization can be a troubling task. There are many solutions out there, but none are quite like Zembula. Movable Ink has been good for the time, but Zembula is here to make things easier for the marketer and give them even more power over their data and content. Ready to see the difference? We’d love to chat with you. 

Cheyenne Miner
Director of Marketing

Cheyenne is the Director of Marketing at Zembula where she gets to collaborate and coordinate with a team of marketing masterminds. On the weekends, you can find her in the backcountry of the Pacific Northwest, or not, because they don’t have cell towers out there.

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Solve Boring Messaging With Smart Banners™

Do you open every email you get from brands? Probably not. There are plenty of reasons why. You’re busy. Or you don’t need to buy anything right now. And maybe, you’ve moved on to a competitor.

And then maybe there’s the biggest reason of all…the messages are boring. We have limited time and attention today. Life, work, family, sports, entertainment it’s all there, trying to compete for an increasingly smaller slice of the attention pie. 

So if you know something won’t get your attention from the start or just feels like the same tired and dull old messages, you’re going to skip it and move on to the things that do. 

Now, multiply your experience by billions of consumers out there feeling the same thing. Is it any wonder open rates are down, and marketers struggle to find a message that moves the needle?

How do you fix it?

Capture attention with personalization

There are a few ways to get a customer’s attention today, but one is through personalization. And the more personalization you can offer in your emails, the better. 

Where a personalized subject line and name greeting may have been enough a few years ago, that barely does anything today. Now, you need to take it much further — personalized image animation, product recommendations, and messaging all matter more than ever. 

coverting email to Smart Banners™

So does message relevancy. Sending the same promotional email to everyone on your list isn’t going to generate the engagement it used to. People don’t bother to click when they see the same repetitive irrelevant messages repeatedly. And eventually, they’ll stop opening it.

But, taking that email and adding personalized messaging and relevant information to it can be a game-changer, driving action.

How to add more message personalization

Ok, you know you need to level up your email personalization, so how can you do it? And more importantly, how is it possible to do it at scale without spending hours going through your email list?

Smart Banners™ is where you need to start. These banners deliver personalized information and key messaging to your customers that tie directly to their needs and interests based on your selected data parameters. 

Smart Banner Loyalty star banner

Suppose you want to target your loyalty members and boost engagement. Rather than risk getting your specific loyalty campaign messages lost in the shuffle, Smart Banners™ ensure they’ll see it regardless of the email they open.

That means you get more message visibility for special loyalty deals or reminders to cash in their points.

zembula dynamic decision engine smart banners

And, Zembula’s Campaign Decision Engine will send those messages automatically if the recipient isn’t a loyalty member, no problem. In that case, they’ll either get another Smart Banner™ that ties into the data that matters to them, such as a shipping notification, or the Smart Banner™ collapses to an invisible pixel. 

That means you don’t need to spend countless hours segmenting your lists and testing a million different messages. You can focus on the stuff that matters, not playing around with code.

Blast through the boring

Another benefit of Smart Banners™ is you can choose from a large message pool to add variety and relevancy to your emails. 

Thrive Causemetics is one example. They worked with Zembula to create a strategy that used a message pool of six Smart Banners™, helping to ensure their customers wouldn’t get hit with the same content all the time. 

thrive email with smart banner

The results? They saw revenue lift by 10-17% in the promotional emails that used the banners. 

You can do the same for your emails. Some of the Smart Banner™ options you can choose from include:

With that mix, you’re never going to need to worry that your emails aren’t sharing anything interesting or personalized. Instead, every email you send is going to catch the eye of your customer.

Ready to learn more?

Want to learn more about Smart Banners™? Check out our Email Marketer’s Guide to Smart Banners™ to learn how you can unlock the potential of your email. 

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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Make Sure Your Messages Stay Relevant With Smart Banners™

Timing, as they say, is everything. And that’s especially true when it comes to connecting with your customers in today’s fast-paced environment. 

If you miss the mark in your campaigns or send them yesterday’s news, forget it, you’re too late. Instead, your customer may move on to a brand that sends them messages and content that’s personal and relevant to their needs and interests. 

But, with so many people on your list, it’s hard to ensure everyone is getting a relevant message at scale, right? That’s the struggle of many email marketers. Sound familiar? That’s where Smart Banners™ can make all the difference

Here’s how.

Go beyond segmentation

Segmenting an email list has been a tried and true tactic for marketers for a while now. And, it works, but only to a certain extent. If you want to get your list as personalized as possible, there’s only so much segmenting you can do. 

Sure, it helps break groups down, but you need to go even further if you want customers to feel like they are getting individualized 1:1 attention from your brand. If you want your customers to feel like communication is a two-way street, Smart Banners™ can help you shine.

Don’t worry; you can still keep the segments you have. But by connecting your data sources to Zembula’s platform and selecting your parameters, our Campaign Decision Engine will choose the Smart Banners™ that match each customer. So when they open their email, a personalized message is waiting for them.

For example, one customer will get a shipping update, one will get an abandoned cart notification, and one will get a happy birthday message. Sending that sort of relevant personalization at scale is very difficult otherwise.

Get really personal

Personalization in email is the name of the game today. Customers not only want it, they demand it. If they don’t get the messaging and content that appeals directly to their wants, needs, and interests, you will end up in the archive folder.

Smart Banners™ let you personalize every email you send with timely and relevant messaging. Banners can help you with promotions, updates, notifications, and more. When you use your browsing, eCommerce, and other CRM data, you’re sending send emails that tie into products they’ve already bought, browsed, or added to a wishlist. That gets attention.

Examples of some of the messages Smart Banners™ allow you to send customers include:

Having an arsenal of personalized messaging ready to go makes connecting with your customers that much easier. And can go a long way toward building trust.

Send timely messages

No one wants to get a Black Friday or Cyber Monday email in December or a happy birthday email two months late. Getting those will raise customers’ eyebrows. That’s why keeping email messages timely matters. It also helps if the messages are personalized.

When every second you can get eyeballs on your stuff matters, you want to make sure customers know the emails you send speak directly to them. So by adding Smart Banners™ to your emails, you can rest easy knowing your customers will get timely and relevant emails all the time. 

Plus, it’s easy to expand that timeless to other campaigns, such as triggered emails. These campaigns often have a lot of opportunities for more personalization, so adding a bit of personalization can help you win-back customers and convert more sales. 

Make it easy; use Smart Banners™

When you use Smart Banners™, the messages are tailored to your customer based on the data you select. So there’s no messing around with different codes or needing to pause a campaign because something isn’t quite right. Instead, everything can be updated, adjusted, and fixed — while your campaigns are still running. 

So, are you interested in learning more about Smart Banners™? Then, you’ll want to grab a copy of the Email Marketer’s Guide to Smart Banners™. In it, you’ll learn how these banners can improve your email personalization and boost your revenue. Click here to get the guide.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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How Smart Banners™ Can Help Drive Your Personalization Strategy

We all know personalization is a key factor to email success today. But, many brands still aren’t using it effectively. 

But, when done correctly, personalization can be a core driver of revenue. And that’s especially true for your lifestyle and triggered email campaigns like cart abandonment, loyalty updates, and package tracking. 

So how can you make the most of personalization in email? Smart Banners™ can help make a huge difference. Here’s how.

Add personalization to every email 

Personalization at scale is hard once you go beyond a few hundred customers. And once your customers feel that you’re not speaking to them personally anymore, your engagement can suffer, resulting in a lack of clicks and conversions.

That puts marketers in a bind because all the data shows more consumers demand personalization in their conversations with brands. Smart Banners™ can help close the gap. Smart Banners™ sit at the top of every email and display personalized content for your customers. So they can see package delivery updates, loyalty points notifications, abandoned shopping cart reminders, and more. 

Browse Abandonment

Smart Banners™ let you add personalization to every single email you send, from monthly newsletters to promotional updates, sale announcements and triggered transactional emails. Plus, when you incorporate these banners into your personalization strategy, you can take your best-performing emails and expand their message visibility. You can’t beat that level of personalization. 

Tap into unrealized potential

Our data has shown that triggered emails represent your most significant opportunity for getting more revenue. While these emails typically are about 10% of your total email send, they are often untapped sources for boosting engagement and driving action. 

Adding more personalization can play a big role in turning these emails into revenue drivers, and Smart Banners™ can help. Adding Smart Banners™ to your emails will help you get more visibility and longevity to your messaging, which helps lift conversion rates and boost revenue.

And the best part? You don’t have to spend months segmenting your list and running dozens of A/B tests to see how it works. Instead, Zembula’s Decision Campaign Engine pulls in your customer data and sends them the banner that will catch their eye and drive action. 

smart banner decision engine

Your customers will get the banner that mattes to them, helping them feel like you’re communicating with them on a 1:1 level. And that decision is made at the moment-of-open (or pre-open).

Speak to customers on a 1:1 basis

Customers today are tired of being spoken at; they want communication between them and brands to be a two-way street. It benefits your brand, too. Because the more you can learn about your customers, the easier it is to generate personalized content and messaging that speaks directly to their interests and needs.

Smart Banners™ let you speak to your customers as if it’s just you and them while also allowing your brand to do that with thousands of people. With a Smart Banner™, personalization is built in. You don’t need to do anything beyond hook up your data sources and add a few snippets of code. From there, you’re ready to start connecting with your customers on an entirely new level.

reminder and alert smart banners example

That can help your customers feel like they matter to you, build trust, and boost their confidence in your brand, translating into more clicks and revenue. And for brands, you can feel confident your messages are getting seen, and you’re standing out from the competition.  

Want to learn more?

If you’ve been struggling with ways to add more personalization to your emails, we can help. Get in touch today and schedule a demo. 

With it, you’ll learn how simple Zembula makes it to tackle personalization at scale. Using Smart Banners™, your messages will get more visibility, and you’ll be better able to connect with your customers. 

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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5 Ways Smart Banners™ Benefit Your Brand

Every brand wants to find something that can help give them the edge over the competition — a new tool, technology, strategy, you name it. 

With Smart Banners™, we think we’ve found a smart approach to help boost your click-through and conversion rates while keeping your customers engaged with personalized messaging. 

So what about the specifics? How do Smart Banners™ benefit your brand? We’ve got a few key examples.

Expanded message visibility

Smart Banners™ can help drive meaningful performance by increasing your message visibility, especially with calls to action. You’ve probably experienced this frustration yourself. Sometimes it can take a few tries to get the message out to customers, and even then, there’s no guarantee they’ll open it, never mind take action.

star rating animation

That’s why campaigns are rarely just one email. Instead, it may sometimes take upwards of three, four, or five emails to get the message across. It’s also a great way to get your customers to tune out. They don’t want to see you sending the same thing repeatedly. Smart Banners™ help cut through that by spreading your message across various emails without clogging the inbox.

Increased conversions with triggered messages

We’ve found that the brands who have worked with us to integrate Smart Banners™ into their email strategy have seen a 10%+ lift rate with conversions. That number is nothing to sneeze at, especially when you look at it through the lense of triggered messages. 

Triggered emails present a significant opportunity for adding more personalization and driving action. Since transactional emails tend to have higher open rates compared to promotion emails, why not capitalize on the potential? Use Smart Banners™ to add calls to action to every triggered email you send, increasing your chance for conversion.

Expand message variety

Attention spans rarely last today, so you need to find a way for your messages to make an impact right out of the gate. Otherwise, you’re going to find that your customers are going to start ignoring your emails and tuning you out. 

zembula dynamic decision engine smart banners

The same old pattern of sending multiple generic email messages doesn’t have the same effectiveness as it once did. So you need to find ways to change it up. Smart Banners™ make it easier to create unique messages and content for your readers that will keep their attention.

Personalization at scale

Every email marketer knows it becomes increasingly difficult to personalize content and messages as your list grows. That can have a negative impact n your list, especially as more and more consumers demand personalization in their interactions with brands.

Smart Banners™ make personalization at scale more accessible than ever. You connect your customer data sources, add a few snippets of code, and our AI-designed Campaign Decision Engine scans through possible personalization options and sends the winning outcome to your client at the moment-of-open (or pre-open).

Use existing data for promotion emails

If you already have data on your customers, you know how invaluable it can be for generating more personalized emails and content. So, why not tap into that for all of your emails? We already showed how you could use Smart Banners™ to boost triggered emails, but the same idea works for promotional emails too.

coverting email to Smart Banners™

You can take your most successful emails and use the data and information available in them in your Smart Banners™. So in the above example, if your abandoned cart notification campaign performs well, use that to create a banner and add it to a promotional email. It boosts the visibility of both emails and increases your click and conversion rates.

Take your emails to a new level

As you can see, the possibilities with Smart Banners™ are endless. You can use them to connect with your customers, build relationships, drive engagement, and lift revenue. It doesn’t get much better than that.

If you want to learn more about Smart Banners™ get in touch and we’ll schedule a demo for you today.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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How Smart Banners™ Use Customer Data to Boost Personalization

We all know personalization at scale is incredibly difficult. When customers want emails that are timely and relevant, simply segmenting and hoping for the best isn’t enough.

Even if that approach still engages some customers, you lose many more by sending out the same old generic messaging. So how can you get out of this mess and do better? 

One path is through tapping into customer data. With that, you have a treasure trove of information about your customer’s past purchases, location, and interests that can help you create relevant messages. 

But, how do you deliver them at scale? Smart Banners™.

The key to customer data

Today, we have more data than ever at our fingertips. That presents a huge opportunity to take that information and use it to create better, more personalized communication that improves your customer’s experience. 

You don’t need reams of data to start crafting personalized customer experiences. Their name is a start, but you can do better. 

Once you have more data, such as browsing, location, eCommerce, and loyalty information, it’s easier to take personalization even further.

Rather than sending out just promotional emails, Smart Banners™ allow you to take that message and add it to any email. For example, you can include personalization in triggered and transactional emails and weekly or monthly newsletters. That means virtually every message your customers get can feature some form of personalized content or messaging. 

For customers who crave this level of interaction and individualization from brands, this approach really helps you stand out.

The best way to personalize at scale

If you want to start adding more personalization to your emails, utilizing Smart Banners™ is a great way to do it.

Smart Banners™ take personalization beyond a first name. Instead, they can transform every email you send into a personalized message directed at each individual customer. 

And the best part? Running campaigns with Smart Banners™ actually saves you time.

All you have to do is connect your data sources and add a snippet of code. Next, pick your templates and set up your display rules. Then, as your campaigns are sent, Zembula’s AI-powered Campaign Decision Engine automatically sends the most relevant content to every user based on the parameters you select and performance. 

If you need to change your campaign or want to make a switch, you can do it on the fly—no updating new code or editing your templates. In addition, Smart Banners™ update at the moment of open, not send, so you don’t have to worry about broken images or need to pause your messages to make tweaks.

Smart Banners™ in action

Want to see a few examples of Smart Banners™ in action? 

Take a look at how your customer data can bring your emails to life, delivering relevant personalized messaging to your customers at exactly the right moment.

Let your customers know when they’ve left something in their cart, encouraging them to come back and buy. And, for extra motivation, include a discount or a countdown timer.

Tap into browsing data. Then, when a product your customer had their eye on goes on sale or starts running low on inventory, let them know via a Smart Banner™.

Package tracking is something every customer wants on their radar. So give them shipping updates every time they open one of your emails instead of making them search for it.

Use your eCommerce tools to follow customer purchases and set up reminders to go out when they may need a refill or a re-order. It doesn’t get any easier for a customer to click to buy than that.

Loyalty data is another great source of personalization potential. Let your program members know when they can cash in their points, are close to an upgrade, or are eligible for special deals or events.

The bottom line

Your customer data is the key to unlocking higher levels of personalization, which in turn, can help them get a much better experience from your brand. 

Smart Banners™ makes it easy to get started. To learn more, get your copy of the Email Marketer’s Guide to Smart Banners™ today.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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