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The Ultimate List of Email Personalization Stats

If you don’t yet understand how important email personalization is to growing and sustaining your business, you may be falling behind your competition. But the good news is you can catch up quickly.

Customers expect direct, personal engagement. They want to be treated as individuals. They don’t want to waste their time looking at things that don’t matter to them. Talking to people as a group or herd no longer works. It doesn’t resonate with today’s consumers. Especially when your competitors may be doing a better job of treating their customers as special.

But talk is cheap, right? Maybe you’re the type that needs cold, hard facts to be convinced. We got you. Read on for the ultimate list of email personalization stats. We’ve pulled the 16 most relevant statistics to demonstrate the importance of personalization. And if you’re not convinced after this, well… good luck to you.

16 Stats That Prove You Need To Be Personalizing Your Emails

1). 52% of consumers say they’ll go somewhere else to find what they’re looking for if an email is not personalized.

2). Segmenting campaigns leads to a revenue increase of up to 760%!

3). 59% of people say that email marketing influences their buying decisions. See, people are listening to you. But if you really want to engage, you’ve got to treat them each as individuals.

4). If your competition isn’t personalizing, you can beat them to the punch. Studies show that only 20% of retail companies are personalizing their emails.

5). Personalized emails are opened 82% more than generic emails.

6). Personalized abandoned cart emails work! In fact, 60% of shoppers returned to complete their purchase after receiving one.

7). And sending three abandoned cart emails leads to 69% more orders than through a single email.

8). Emails with a personalized subject line are 26% more likely to be opened.

9). 74% of Baby Boomers consider email to be the most personal means of communicating with their brands of choice. Now imagine how effective you could be at reaching them if you were truly personalizing your outreach.

10). More than 80% of consumers reported that they will open a welcome email. That’s one of the most effective deep personalization opportunities available to you.

11). Nearly 75% of respondents reported that they hate being shown content that’s not relevant to them.

12). Another study suggests that personalized emails produce six times more transactions than non-personalized emails.

13). 43% of people who unsubscribe from an email list say it’s because the content isn’t relevant.

14). Targeted and personalized emails are responsible for 58% of all revenue.

15). 75% of consumers reported that they are more likely to buy from a company that knows their purchase history and uses it to recommend other products they may like.

16). By simply addressing your customer by name, you can increase the chance that your email is opened by 35%.

How Zembula Can Help You Personalize

There’s personalization. And then there’s deep personalization. Zembula makes it easy to go beyond surface-level to get to the really good stuff that truly inspires action.

Addressing a customer by name is great, but it’s just the beginning. You should go beyond a name by including 1:1 animation, making your emails kinetic, asking your customers for their opinions, using personalized images, sending personalized promotions, and reminding your customers of their loyalty status.

None of it is hard to implement with Zembula. You can harness the data you’re already collecting and use it to much greater effect, creating a deep personalization experience.

Set yourself apart. Win consumer trust. And see an increase in transactions. Personalization with Zembula makes it all possible. Learn more about what might work for you.

A Person With Short Brown Hair Smiles At The Camera. Behind Them Are Various Posters, Chairs, And Equipment.
Marc Sheforgen

Marc Sheforgen writes email service provider content for Zembula. Beyond that, he’s all about parenting, coaching kids, record collecting, travel, and adventure. If it’s fun, he’s for it.

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How Smart Banners™ Can Boost Your Loyalty Campaigns

Most marketers know that it’s easier to sell to an existing customer than convince a new one to buy, and it’s cheaper to retain a current customer than acquire a new one. That’s why brands invest in creating loyalty programs. 

And while loyalty programs can be a great source of revenue and build long-term trust with customers, it’s not something you can (or should) set and forget. You’d be surprised how many brands aren’t tapping into the power of their loyalty programs.

In many cases, you can do so much more with your loyalty program; there are a ton of opportunities to create more personalized content and messaging. Smart Banners™ can help make a difference. Loyalty program-specific banners help increase messages visibility, add more personalization to your emails, and make it easier to convert. 

Why loyalty programs matter to brands

In theory, a loyal customer will keep coming back to your brand and buying. So, their lifetime customer value is often much higher than someone not dedicated to your brand.

The stats play that theory out. 

It’s easy to see how critical loyalty program customers are to most brands, so it’s time to start doing more for them. 

Loyal customers are more likely to buy and will buy more. Plus, they’ll share their great experiences with their friends and family and post ratings and reviews. Highly engaged loyalty program members are a brand’s best friend.

So, you want to reward them, which means creating better emails that are more personalized to their needs and interests, all while highlighting where they stand in your loyalty program. 

Here’s how to do it with Smart Banners™.

Using Smart Banners™ in your loyalty program emails

Loyalty program emails offer many opportunities for member engagement if you do it right. However, not communicating or leaving your members to try and search all over your site for their information isn’t the way to go.

Put your personalization front and center with your loyalty members.

With Smart Banners™, you can add a pixelated banner to the top of every email. For example, when your readers are members of your loyalty program, Zembula’s Campaign Decision Engine will show them a personalized banner showing them their unique information.

There is a range of options you can display to your members. For example, this one is pretty simple. It gives members up-to-date information on their points. That’s because Zembula’s emails update at the moment-of-open, not the moment of send, so your members will always see their most recent information.

But, just because the banner is simple doesn’t mean it’s not catching attention. Add in some animation, and your Smart Banners™ will turn into gifs, updating with personal data.

Now, what about adding even more to your Smart Banners™, including offering early access to sales and events or members’ only free shipping? That’s something nearly 50% of loyalty members expect as part of a program, by the way.

You can do it. You can also let your customers know when they’re about to hit a new tier in your program or when they’re able to cash in existing points and use them toward buying items. 

Messages like these help boost engagement and drive action. With a Smart Banner™, it’s easier than ever to click and convert. 

Make Smart Banners™ a key part of your loyalty program

What makes Smart Banners™ so fun is that you can do so many unique things that people aren’t seeing in their inboxes today. And, that’s not limited to your loyalty program. 

In an increasingly competitive world where attention is more challenging to get than ever, that makes you stand out. And it’s a serious competitive advantage. 

Want to learn more? Get in touch, and we’ll set up a demo for you to try and see for yourself.

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Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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How Smart Banners™ Help You Stand Out on Mobile Devices

The growth of mobile has been nothing new over the last decade. Yet, there are still brands that aren’t keeping mobile in mind when creating emails. 

By ignoring mobile, you’re missing a massive part of the marketplace, which goes for both B2C and B2B brands. Everyone opens email on their phone today. So, if you aren’t designing your emails with mobile responsiveness in mind, you are likely losing customers.

Here’s why:

Over 80% of all emails are opened on mobile devices. If someone opens an email and sees it’s not optimized, guess how many of them automatically delete it without a second glance?

Another 80%.

If you want to learn how to stand out on mobile, here’s what you need to do.

Understand mobile user’s behavior 

Something fundamental to understand is mobile users engage with email differently than those opening it on a computer — even when it’s the same person. 

Think about your behavior. When you open an email on your phone, do you want to endlessly scroll, squint at tiny letters, or try to click on a call to action that’s too small for your finger?

Probably not. That’s a lousy user experience. 

And it explains why even though more emails are opened on mobile devices, click-through rates there are lower. This benchmark study found that even though mobile users represent about 65% of email addresses, they generate only 18% clicks.

The same study found the 1st link displayed in an email opened on a computer has about a 1.2% click rate. On a mobile phone, the click rate is half that. 

That means even the very first displayed link in your mobile-optimized email is still likely to get a fraction of the clicks. And if a reader has to keep scrolling to find links, the click rates plummet even further. 

You’ve got one shot to make a first impression on mobile and get people clicking. 

Smart Banners™ to the rescue

Rather than hope your emails are good enough for mobile, you need to start designing them with mobile in mind. That’s where Smart Banners™ can give you a huge advantage.

With a Smart Banner™, you’re making sure that the very first click you want your reader to take is front and center.

Smart Banners™ sit right at the very top of your emails. So when your customers open their email on their phones, it’s the first thing they see. And, since each banner has a built-in call to action, there’s no need to scroll.

It catches the eye and boosts engagement from the second your customer opens their email.

That’s hard to beat. 

With a Smart Banner™, you don’t need to worry about your emails having a poor user experience because they aren’t optimized for mobile. The banners are responsive. They work on whichever device your reader users for their emails, giving them a consistent user experience across devices.

And the best part?

You can add a Smart Banner™ to any email you send. From your weekly newsletter to a shipping receipt or sale alert, you can increase the visibility of every message you send with a banner.

Want to learn more?

With Zembula, making your emails mobile responsive is easy. Use our drag and drop templates to design what you need.

And with just a snippet of code, you can connect your data sources to ensure your Smart Banners™ are personalized to each reader. That means your emails get another layer of personalization right from the start.

Use a Smart Banner™ to let your customers know when they’ve left something in their cart, there’s a sale or special event in your store, their package is on their way, or they’ve got loyalty points to redeem.

If you want to check out how Smart Banners™ work for yourself, get in touch. We’d love to set you up with a demo so you can take the Zembula platform for a test drive.

Liz Gravatar
Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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How to Add the Perfect Mix of Personalization to Your Emails

Do you want to increase your open and click-through rates? What about improving engagement and driving action? Who doesn’t want to see more conversions and a boost to the bottom line?

Easier said than done, though.

Well, not so fast. While the battle for consumer engagement goes on, there are tools you have to help stand out. So, you might as well use them. One is increasing the personalization of your emails. It’s what your customers want, so it’s time to deliver. 

Here’s how.

Looking at the numbers

study from McKinsey on personalization in retail found huge results for the brands that focus on it. Check out some of this data:

This data paints a pretty strong picture of the importance of focusing on personalization — especially for retailers. When done right, the study states, “personalization allows retailers to do more than merely survive: it enables them to thrive.”

So, it’s even more important to continue to add personalized content and information to your emails. That’s going to be your best channel for reaching your customers, engaging with them, and helping to drive action.

How to add more personalization to your emails

Today, personalization strategies need to go beyond just a name. You must create emails that pull in multiple customer data points to give them a one-to-one individualized experience. There are a few key areas to start, and Smart Banners™ make really easy to add personalized messages into your emails.

A Smart Banner™ sits at the top of any email you send and will display the content that best matches your customer’s needs. So, rather than sending out a bunch of generic messages or having to segment your list into a million different groups, Zembula’s Decision Engine adds a banner with personalized content to your emails in a fraction of a second. 

Here are a few key places to use Smart Banners™ to add more personalization to your emails.

Loyalty campaigns

Your loyalty campaign is one of the places you can maximize the opportunities to add more personalization through email. Smart Banners™ can target your most loyal customers. Give them updates on their loyalty status, let them know when they can use their points to buy, or send them special offers as a thank you for being a member. 

Stock updates

Shipping has been in various stages of upheaval for the best part of two years now. So there are a lot of frustrated customers trying to figure out when items are back in stock. Smart Banners™ make it easy to share that information with them. 

Price updates

Use these banners to let customers know about prices. You can create some FOMO by having Smart Banners™ with flash sale announcements, driving traffic to the store. Or, get really personalized and let a customer know when something they were interested in before has a new price. 

Pickup is ready

Package tracking and updates are always something retailers, especially eCommerce brands, need to be on top of — otherwise, customers may inundate their support teams. With curbside pickup becoming more popular, use a Smart Banner™ to alert customers when their items are ready for them.

Abandoned cart

Abandoned cart rates are near 70% in most industries. However, sending an abandoned cart reminder email can convert 10-15% of customers. Those are good odds, right? So why not increase them with a Smart Banner™? Now, instead of hoping your customer clicks on one of your reminder emails, they’ll get a notice every time they open an email from you.

Want to give it a try?

We thought you’d never ask! Get in touch and schedule a demo today. We’ll walk you through how to start using Smart Banners™ to add more email personalization.

Liz Gravatar
Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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How Smart Banners™ Can Help Marketers Drive More Engagement

You want your brand to stand out. You want better engagement, more clicks, and conversions. And most importantly, you want happy customers who trust your brand and want to shop from you again and again.

But in an increasingly competitive market, with more email saturation, and customers getting tired of endless messages in their inbox, it’s harder than ever to stand out in a positive way. 

How can you reach your customers with personalized messages and content that boosts engagement and drives action? 

It’s called a Smart Banner™.

How Smart Banners™ can help you stand out

When activated, Smart Banners™ sit at the top of your emails; it makes displaying a personalized message easy

Zembula Dynamic Decision Engine Smart Banners

All you need to do is use a snippet of code to hook up your data sources (like your CRM, eCommerce, and loyalty program tools). Then, Zembula’s Dynamic Decision Engine will determine the best banner for your customers within a fraction of a second. 

When they open their emails, your customer will see a personalized banner including abandoned cart notifications, shipping updates, opportunities to redeem loyalty points, flash sale alerts, and more. And if there’s no need to display a Smart Banner™ to a particular customer, it will automatically collapse to an invisible pixel.

Smart Banners™ work whether you’re solely an eCommerce shop or if you have an online store and retail brick-and-mortar shops as well. Using customer data like location information, you can create Smart Banners™ that drive customer foot traffic to your store for shopping, special events, or curbside pick-up for items they’ve bought.

Want to see a few creative ways to use Smart Banners™ in action? Here are some of our favorites.

How to drive more engagement with Smart Banners™

Smart Banners™ help customers take action because when they open their email, they see messaging that’s hyper-personalized to them. 

That helps your customer see that you’re creating personalized messaging and delivering what they’re interested in — you’re not sending them the same tired message over and over again. Message variability helps make them more likely to click.

Product updates

Browse Abandonment Smart Banner Ecommerce
Stock Update Banner

Use Smart Banners™ to give customers updates about products they’re interested in based on their buying and browsing history. While Smart Banners™ are great for abandoned cart notifications, they can go way beyond these updates.

Banners can alert customers about pricing changes, like when a product they’ve browsed has gone on sale. Or you can use them to let customers know when an item they had their eye on is back in stock. 

Loyalty information

Smart Banner Loyalty Star Banner
Loyalty Status Banner

Smart Banners™ can do a ton to boost your loyalty program. Start with the basics, use a banner to ask your readers to sign up. 

From there, you can use banners to provide monthly points updates, let them know when they can redeem points for goods, or give them a special offer like 2x points during a weekend sale.

User-generated content

Trending Now Banner

Because Smart Banners™ can be customized, you can also use them to add in other customers’ ratings and reviews for products. For example, add a star rating and a customer review for abandoned or browsed items.

Since we know how much user-generated content helps drive buying actions, having these highlighted front and center can help encourage action.

Reminders and updates

Reminder And Alert Smart Banners Example

Customers love it when brands treat them like a person and not just a number. Smart Banner™ reminders help you stay top of mind with your customer by giving them personalized updates and reminders.

Let your customer know when it’s time to replenish an item they’ve bought. Or, give them a gentle nudge that a sale is coming to an end. And, if you track birthday or anniversary dates, use a Smart Banner™ to give them a special treat.

You can do so much more with Smart Banners™

At the end of the day, it’s about helping your customers take action. You want them to click and convert on your email messages, and Smart Banners™ help you do that.

If you want to learn more, get in touch and set up a demo today.

Liz Gravatar
Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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Turn Abandoned Carts Into Personalization Opportunities

You get a customer to your site. They shop around and seem to be finding what they like. They add a few items to their cart. And then…

Wait?! Where did they go? What happened?

The dreaded abandoned cart. The bane of an eCommerce retailer’s existence.

But while abandoned carts can be a bummer, they also present a chance to grow. 

Why? Because if you handle it right, an abandoned cart gives you a slam-dunk personalization opportunity. You may be able to turn an abandoned cart into sales that far exceed the one or two items the customer initially left behind.

The key, as it so often is with email marketing, is personalization. If you can address a customer by name, show them the items they’ve forgotten, and personally invite them to come back, you’ve got a great shot at converting a sale — and maybe repeat business.

Zembula Smart Banners™ to the Rescue

Zembula makes personalizing an abandoned cart campaign easy. By adding a Smart Banner™ to your email template, you can make it so when your customer opens an email from you, they see a personalized banner reminding them to complete their purchase.

You have total control over how often you want to include that kind of reminder as well as the placement. You can put personalized Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ at the very top, middle, or bottom of every email. Wherever you decide it’s going to make the most impact. And you can include these banners with every email or less often if you’re worried about annoying the customer.

Even better, you can get creative with your personalized cart abandonment campaign. Maybe you want to incentivize a customer to complete their order. Using the data you’ve already collected, you could offer them a discount on an item you know they’d like. Or you could entice them by including ratings and reviews about the products they left in their cart.

A Smart Banner™ gives you an easy way to hyper-personalize your email with 1:1 animations made from your own data. You can save time by automatically displaying the right message to each individual using the Campaign Decision Engine. Your Smart Banner™ can contain any combination of data sources and animations to increase your email engagement.

That means you can include a message in every email you send to a customer reminding them of their abandoned cart items. And by personalizing that messaging — with the customer’s name and by showing them you understand their individual taste — your emails can be so much more effective.

And if their cart is empty, no problem. Smart Banners™ automatically collapse to an invisible pixel if there is nothing to show.

Don’t Be a Statistic

Studies show that about 70% of online shopping carts are abandoned. That’s a huge number! And most retailers are just content to let seven out of 10 possible sales go unrealized. Don’t be like that. Just imagine the opportunity for growth if you could cut into that 70%.

The good news is that studies also show that 45% of abandoned cart emails get opened. And that’s not even including personalized campaigns. That means that if you take the time and effort to do it right, you’ve got an incredible potential to see huge results.

Why walk away from 70% of your potential sales? Especially when Zembula makes it easy to flip that number in your favor.

Are you ready to close more sales and to show your customers that you understand them as individuals? Getting started with Zembula is easier than you think. Take a product tour to learn more.

A Person With Short Brown Hair Smiles At The Camera. Behind Them Are Various Posters, Chairs, And Equipment.
Marc Sheforgen

Marc Sheforgen writes email service provider content for Zembula. Beyond that, he’s all about parenting, coaching kids, record collecting, travel, and adventure. If it’s fun, he’s for it.

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