How to Combine Animation and Personalization in Your Smart Banners™ Strategy

When you open your email, which brands catch your eye? Which messages from them are you more likely to open? 

Chances are, you ignore most brand emails, even in your own inbox. But when you choose to open and click, it’s probably because of a couple of key factors: you trust that brand, and the content they send is personalized and interesting. 

After all, with so many messages waiting for us throughout the day, who has time to open boring un-personalized emails? If you don’t, you can’t expect your customers and readers to either. 

So, that means you have to stand out. Smart Banners™ offer a way to personalize your emails and use animation to make them engaging. Here’s how to use them in action.

Make your emails more personalized and dynamic

Imagine sending emails with 1:1 levels of personalized animation. With Smart Banners™, it’s not a pipe dream. Instead, it’s something you can start incorporating into your email strategy today. 

Dynamic emails catch the eye and drive user engagement. They allow you to go beyond talking at your readers and customers. Using dynamic email helps you view your communications as a way to continuously build trust through engaging storytelling that brings your messages to life.  

And Smart Banners™ help you increase the personalization of every email you send. With these banners, you can send a steady stream of personalized content to every one of your customers and readers based on everything from their past purchases to their shopping behavior, location, last appointment, loyalty status, and more. 

We’ve found that brands that use personalized animations see a 30% lift in click-through rates and over a 100% increase in revenue. That shows you the power of dynamic email. 

Animated Smart Banners™ in action

What makes Smart Banners™ so special is they help you go beyond personalization. With dozens of options, you can increase the visibility and variety of the messages you send, removing the same old boring content and replacing it with something that your readers will love. 

Here are some of our favorite examples of animated Smart Banners™.

How about using a Smart Banner™ carousel to tell a story? Combining three banners around one topic, in this case, a membership subscription box, you can alert your customers to an upcoming charge and recommend new products too.

You can also use another series of carousel banners to encourage your members or readers to upgrade. It’s a great way to upsell products to current members that include a reminder and features related product reviews.

This banner uses a simple animation to push the eye toward financing options. Since you can pull in abandoned browse and cart data, it’s a personalized way to let customers know a different option to complete their purchase.

Don’t forget to incorporate Smart Banners™ into your welcome series — it’s the perfect way to start learning more about your readers to reward them with more personalized messaging later.

You can also use Smart Banners™ for triggered emails. Personalized animated shipment updates like this one make it easy for your customer to see exactly where their package is in the process.

Embrace the power of personalized, dynamic messaging

Smart Banners™ can help you get there. Using the Zembula platform, you can drag and drop your way to emails that are always personalized, interesting, and engaging. 

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It’s simple to get started. Use our templates, or create your own, connect your data sources, add a snippet of code, and you’re ready to get started. From there, you can easily drag and drop animated content right into your message templates. 

And if you’re worried that animations may break, we’ve taken care of that too. The animated pixels are lightweight and work with most email service providers. If they don’t, your reader gets shown a live image instead of an animated gif. 

Ready to learn more about Zembula’s Smart Banners™? We’d love to have one of our experts show you how the platform works. Click here to get in touch, and we’ll set you up with a demo. 

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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How Smart banners™ Make Email Personalization Easy

Today’s customers don’t want to be seen as just a number anymore. Instead, they care about the experience they have interacting with a brand. From emails to SMS to shopping and post-purchase, it all matters. 

If you can’t deliver something personalized to their interests and needs and have a two-way conversation with them, they are far more likely to move on to another brand. That means you need to have personalization as a key part of your overall marketing strategy. 

But how can you offer that level of personalization at scale, especially if you have a huge list? Smart Banners™ can offer one solution, allowing you to personalize at scale with engaging messaging that drives action.

Here’s how to use Smart Banners™ to incorporate more personalization into your email campaigns. 

Why personalization is easy with Smart Banners™

Smart Banners™ make email personalization easy, and that’s due to Zembula’s AI-powered Campaign Decision Engine. When you use the Zembula platform, all you need to do to get started: pick your email templates, hook up your data sources, add a single snippet of code to your templates, and you’re good to go. 

zembula dynamic decision engine smart banners

From there, the Campaign Decision Engine will run through your Smart Banner™ options and pick the one that will best fit your customer based on the parameters you set. So someone with an abandoned cart will get that banner while someone else who bought a product will get a shipping banner, and so on. 

That means your customers and readers will get the best performing Smart Banner™ to help inform them and encourage action. But if your customers don’t meet the parameters you set, nothing changes with your original email. The banners turn into an invisible pixel. 

Email personalization in action

Now that you know how Zembula can create personalized Smart Banners™ without hours of coding or manual adjustments, you probably want to see a few examples. 

We thought you’d never ask. Check out some of our favorite ways to add more personalization to your emails with Smart Banners™.

A personalized reminder like this is a great way for a financial institution to encourage customers to add more to their policies, review their current coverage, or set a time to chat with an expert.

If you use a membership or loyalty points program, letting customers know when they may expire is a helpful message that can build trust with your brand.

Abandoned browse and cart Smart Banners™ are common triggered email messages. But make them more personal by highlighting the product and including other customer reviews.

Don’t forget about the power of location data. Retailers, including restaurants, can use Smart Banners™ to personalize both favorite items and what’s happening at local shops.

Another way to benefit from location-based data is to bring weather forecasts into the mix as another form of personalization. Use it to feature weather-based sales or local special events.

You can also use Smart Banners™ to update your customers and readers on pricing and inventory changes for items they were browsing, abandoned, or had on their wish list.

Lean on a Smart Banner™ to gather critical information about your customers, such as their birthdays, so you can send them more personalized messaging in the future.

Smart Banners™ can also be great tools for reminding readers and customers of everything from upcoming events to product replacements, new features, and updating information. 

Learn more about Smart Banners™

If you want to see everything you can do with Smart Banners™, you may be interested in checking out our recent guide for marketers. In it, you’ll learn our favorite tips and tricks to make the most of Smart Banners™ to transform your email campaigns.

Click here to get your own copy of the Marketer’s Guide to Smart Banners™. 

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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Why Use Smart Banners™ For Email Personalization

Email personalization is powerful. Customers who see personalized messages in their inbox are more likely to engage with the email. 

So, it makes sense that you’re missing a huge opportunity to connect with your customers and drive revenue if you aren’t sending personalized emails. 

But, historically, there’s been one big problem: email is hard to personalize at scale. Segmenting and tagging can help, but it is way more difficult for your readers to feel like you’re speaking to them 1:1.

Unless you’re using Smart Banners™. With Smart Banners™, you can take your personalization to an entirely new level — without needing to spend hours on coding or other manual tasks. 

Here’s why you need to consider Smart Banners™ if you want to personalize your emails.

Embrace the power of personalization

If you want to cut through the noise and clutter of your readers’ and customers’ inboxes, you must find a way to stand out. Personalization can help you do it. 

However, the key is you need a strategy. Simple personalization like a Hi, [Name], or personalized subject line isn’t enough. You need to go further to make an impression on your customers and drive engagement

That’s where Smart Banners™ can make a difference. With Smart Banners™, you have built-in personalized messaging that speaks to your customer’s needs and interests. It’s a great way to grab their attention right away, and it helps boost clicks and conversions. 

How to personalize emails more effectively 

Another problem marketers run into while trying to personalize is it’s time-consuming. If you have to play around with code, wait for your tech department to fix errors, or manually input tags and segments, that takes a lot of time away from marketing.

Stop worrying about data entry. Instead, let your emails get personalized automatically. Zembula’s Campaign Decision Engine does the work for you — choosing the best personalization campaign for your customers based on the parameters you set. All you need to do is add a snippet of code to your email templates, hook up your data sources, and you’re ready to go. 

Then, regardless of the email you send — from triggered campaigns to newsletters or shipping updates — a Smart Banner™ appears, personalized to each reader. And, if a customer or reader isn’t within the parameters you set, the Smart Banner™ shrinks to an invisible pixel, so your email sends as normal.

How Smart Banners™ can improve your email personalization

Want to see a few personalized Smart Banners™ in action? We have dozens of templates to choose from, giving you a wide range of flexibility. You can find a banner that will work for you whether you’re a retail store, eCommerce shop, travel agency, fitness brand, or financial company. 

Plus, with plenty of options, you don’t need to worry about your readers losing interest in seeing the same message over and over. There’s built-in variety

Use a banner that pulls in your customer’s name and their location data to give updates on what’s happening at their local branch or shop. Take it a step further and invite them to special events.

Build FOMO by having Smart Banners™ that update your customer, in real-time, about inventory changes, so they won’t miss out on a product they browsed or put in their cart.

Smart Banners™ can go beyond sales, shipping, and abandoned cart notifications. They’re also a great way to keep your customer updated on transactional information, such as returns.

Start your customer’s journey with you by asking them about themselves, so you can use that data to give them a better and more personalized experience.

Send personalized reminders to your customers about everything from new products in stock to items they need to refill to data they should enter in your app to stay on track.

Improve your customer’s experience with personalized Smart Banners™

Customer experience matters more than ever before. So you need to make it a key part of your overall marketing strategy. By implementing Smart Banners™, you can ensure every email you send speaks your customers directly and treats them like an individual, not just a number. 

Want to learn more about Smart Banners™? 

Learn how Thrive Causemetics implemented a Smart Banner™ playbook and saw a 10%+ boost in revenue. Check out our on-demand webinar here.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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How to Capitalize on Your Transactional Emails with Smart Banners™

Transactional emails present a fantastic opportunity to activate and reengage your customers driving them to take more action. So are you capitalizing on that?

These emails have a much higher open rate compared to traditional marketing messages and newsletters. So, with more eyeballs on your content, it makes sense you want to find ways to make the most of what your readers are seeing. 

Here’s where personalized Smart Banners™ can make a huge difference. Using Smart Banners™ in your transactional emails adds another layer of personalized messaging and helps you do it at scale. That can help you improve your click-through and conversion rates, boosting sales and revenue. 

Here are a few examples of Smart Banners™ for transactional emails in action.

What are transactional emails?

Transactional emails include shipping and billing notifications, welcome or loyalty member registration emails, messages about account information, reminders, and so on. They’re basic emails that are typically just there to update your customer about actions on their account. 

Boring, right?

Not so fast. Traditionally, transactional emails have been pretty straightforward, just the facts, ma’am, sort of stuff. But, to consumers, transactional emails are very important. 

Zembula smart block with various data sources

Data shows transactional emails have 2x the open rates of other emails and a click-through rate of 5-10%, with over 40% of emails getting clicks after open. Those are much higher than other non-transactional emails. 

So, that means if you aren’t finding ways to connect with your readers and customers through your transactional emails, you’re missing out. But that doesn’t mean adding a few extra links without much thought and hoping they get clicked. You need to make transactional emails a key part of your overall email marketing strategy. 

How Smart Banners™ make your transactional emails stand out

Every email you send is an opportunity to connect with your readers — it’s not something you want to take for granted. Building trust takes a long time, so it’s vital you always keep the customer experience and what they want top of mind. 

Smart Banners™ make it easy to add personalization to your transactional emails. All you need to do is add a snippet of code to your email templates and hook up your data sources. Set the parameters you want for when each customer will get a Smart Banner™, and Zembula’s Campaign Decision Engine takes care of the rest. 

Our AI-powered tool runs through customer data and your parameters and, within milliseconds, picks the best banner for them. That helps you get more engagement with your emails, driving action. 

What makes Smart Banners™ special is you can add these to any email you send. So keep your transactional triggered emails firing, and add Smart Banners™ to your other emails to ensure your customers get the message.

Here are a few ways you can add Smart Banners™ to your transactional emails. 

Sending reminders is a great way to get customers engaged. Use a Smart Banner™ to let readers know when their free trial is ending, or it’s time to upgrade.

Smart Banners™ offer another way to give your customers updates about specific transactions like return or processing information. They don’t have to search through their inbox for the latest news.

Up-to-date shipping data is a must-have for every brand today. Smart Banners™ let you add this info to every email, and since they update at the moment-of-open, it’s always the latest data.

More companies use subscriptions as a way to generate revenue. Smart Banners™ let your customers know when items are about to ship or the last day to update their order, so they never miss out.

Want to learn more about Smart Banners™?

We’d love to show you the power of Smart Banners™ and how they can help transform your emails. 

Get in touch, and one of our experts will set you up with a demo and explain how Smart Banners™ can work for you. Give it a spin and see how your customers respond to more personalized emails. 

Give Smart Banners™ a try today. Click here to speak with our experts for a demo. 

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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Your Email Personalization Strategy Needs Smart Banners™. Here’s Why.

Every brand needs an email personalization strategy. If you don’t have one, you’ll get left behind. And that means going beyond a Hey [Name], or personalized subject line. Your messaging needs to feel like 1:1 communication, not a blast email sent to the masses. 

Customers demand it. They want to see communications from companies specific to them, their interests, and their needs. And if they don’t? Data shows they are less likely to engage with your messaging or buy. That needs to be top of mind with every marketer today. 

The problem is personalization is often hard to do at scale, but Smart Banners™ make it easy — without spending hours playing with code or doing manual data entry. Instead, you can automate those time-consuming processes into something better, giving you more time to reach customers and improve their experiences. 

Here’s the good news, it’s easier to personalize than you think. We’ve helped companies just like yours drive better performance, higher clicks, and more revenue — all through personalization. 

How Smart Banners™ improve personalization

Today, you’ve got a ton of great data on your readers and customers. But are you using it to your best advantage? When you do, customers respond; they see personalized messaging and experiences that help boost customer satisfaction and make them more likely to buy.

Smart Banners™ allow you to get hyper-relevant in your messaging. You can pull all that good customer data, their interests, likes, what they’ve bought, clicked, abandoned, and browsed, and then create emails that deliver messaging, updates, and products that apply specifically to them. 

It’s hard to get that level of personalized messaging and experience without digging through the data, tagging, segmenting, and running endless A/B tests. Through Zembual’s AI-powered Campaign Decision Engine, your readers and customers always get the messages most relevant to their interests and needs, automatically.

Personalization in action 

All of that sounds good in theory. What about in action? Do brands see improvements in their customer experience and revenue when using Smart Banners™? 

You might be interested in some of our recent case studies with Thrive Causemetics and City Mattress. Both companies recently used Smart Banners™ with a few key goals in mind:

Personalized content helps, but going above and beyond with Smart Banners™ helped Thrive Causemetics see a 10%+ lift in revenue on promotional emails. And, during the competitive and busy Black Friday/Cyber Monday email rush, Thrive Causemetics saw a 7% boost in revenue. 

For City Mattress, Smart Banners™ helped add sophisticated personalization to their email mix. That’s driven higher engagement month over month, and emails with Smart Banners™ are their top-performing messages. Plus, City Mattress saw an improvement in customer experience and engagement.

screenshot of smart banners used by city mattress in email marketing

For a brand that sells products with a long buying cycle, staying top of mind and keeping customers engaged is a challenge. But with Smart Banners™, City Mattress was able to add personalized cart and browse abandonment, referrals, and seasonal sales banners into their campaigns. 

Smart Banners™ allow brands to get personal. You can feature recommended products, highlight ratings and reviews on items your customers have browsed or abandoned, and keep them updated on prices and inventory changes — all right from their inbox. 

Feel confident you’ll have a variety of messages that are always relevant to your customers and increase visibility. Since customers see their personalized banner regardless of what email you send, you’ll know you’re getting extra eyes on key promotions, messages, and updates.

Learn more about what Smart Banners™ can do for you

Are you interested in what else you can do with Smart Banners™? We hoped you’d ask!

Both Thrive Causemetics and City Mattress incorporated Smart Banners™ into their email personalization strategy to improve customer experience and boost revenue. That’s a win for everyone — brand and customer alike.

Get in touch if you want to see that kind of success, and use Smart Banners™ for your email marketing campaigns. We’ll set you up with a demo, and one of our experts can help highlight the power of Smart Banners™.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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How to Use Smart Banners™ to Boost Revenue this Holiday Season

The holiday season is when your business has the opportunity to stand out. But, with more customers buying each year, the holiday season starting earlier, and increased competition, you need to get creative. 

If you don’t, you may see a revenue dip as customers shop with someone else. Avoid that by leaning into Smart Banners™ this holiday season. Smart Banners™ can be a fantastic tool in your arsenal to help you reach more customers through personalized messaging that drives clicks and conversions. 

Sound interesting? Let’s dig into it.

What makes Smart Banners™ stand out

There are a few reasons why Smart Banners™ can help transform your traditional email marketing campaigns, including:

Now, combine all these factors and see why Smart Banners™ can help you stand out in a crowded inbox. It worked for Thrive Causemetics. 

The beauty brand used Smart Banners™ to augment their Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaigns and saw a 7% boost in revenue during their BF/CM event.

How Smart Banners™ drive action

Getting readers and customers to click is the name of the game when it comes to seeing a real lift in revenue over the holiday season. So, you have to get creative to help make that happen. 

The good news is Smart Banners™ are built to optimize engagement, attracting your reader’s attention through personalized messaging and then driving action with built-in CTAs. 

Here are a few examples:

Remind your readers about the products they were interested in with an abandoned browse banner. You can take it a step further by also letting them know if inventory is low or if the price has changed on it since they last visited your store.

Customers are always looking for the best deal during the holiday season. So utilize a Smart Banner™ that lets you add special offers such as free shipping. That makes it easy for your customer to decide to buy.

With supply chain issues still impacting many consumers, staying on top of inventory becomes even more important this holiday season. Thankfully, Smart Banners™ can automatically alert customers to inventory updates and offer discounts.

Smart Banners™ aren’t simply for driving traffic to eCommerce sites. You can also use them to encourage customers to shop in-store in person. Use a banner that pulls customer location data to invite them to special holiday shopping sales or events.

If you have a loyalty program, Smart Banners™ are the perfect way to keep your members up-to-date on their points. And, you can use your banners to let your customers know when they can cash in their points toward a purchase.

Take your cart abandonment (and browse abandonment) messages to another level by adding financing information. For customers getting hit by rising costs this holiday season, having the option to finance purchases may be exactly what they need to feel comfortable buying.

Want to use Smart Banners™ for your holiday campaigns?

We’d love to help you transform your emails this holiday season. And Smart Banners™ can help you do it. 

If you want to give Smart Banners™ a try to see just how easy it is to add dynamic, personalized messages to your emails, get in touch. We’ll connect you with one of our experts, who will set you up with a demo of the Zembula platform. 

Reach out today to get started.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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Tips for a Cohesive SMS and Email Marketing Strategy

As a marketer, think of yourself as the conductor of the orchestra.

The violin section may sound beautiful on its own, but when you add in the violas and cellos, the music becomes more robust, more full.

The same is true for your organization’s outreach. Sure, it’s great if your company sends an email confirmation after a purchase. But it’d be that much better if that was followed up with a shipment tracking notification.

It’s your job to think in terms of your customer’s journey before, during, and after purchase. Tie each of those components together, and you’re going to come across to your customers as professional, service-minded, and trustworthy. That’s how you win repeat business.

There are no one-size-fits-all marketing strategies, but there are things you should be aware of to make your greatest impact.

Personalize Every Step of the Way

Personalized SMS and email help you build a relationship of trust with your customers. In turn, this can establish or reestablish loyalty. If you show your customers that you understand something about their situation and that you have solutions to make their lives easier, you’ll see results.

Provide deals unique to their needs, wants, and even location. Furnish quick and easy-to-read graphic information about their account. Produce real-time updates to help them keep track of their online purchases. These are just a few of the many SMS and email personalization tactics you can use to grow your business.

And while it might seem like an overwhelming task, creating personalized texts and emails that deliver results is not all that difficult if you have the right tools.

How Zembula Can Help You Tie Multiple Components Together

We can help you create a cohesive SMS and email marketing strategy. It’s actually much simpler than you may realize.

That’s because the biggest key to making it all work is data you probably already have. Zembula’s proprietary solutions make it simple for you to harvest your data and use it in very meaningful and effective ways.

Let’s think in terms of a typical customer journey.

Say you have a customer who has been shopping around your site but hasn’t made a purchase. Your data can tell you through their browsing or past-purchase history what they are interested in. From there, you can send a personalized text or email offering them a limited-time discount on an item you know they want.

Now, let’s say they buy that item. Well, of course, you want to thank them for their business. But rather than do that the same, borning way as everybody else, Zembula gives you the power to stand out. Send them an animated thank you that includes a personalized offer for their next visit to your site.

And once the product is on its way to your customer, why not send an animated text message or email giving them shipping information and updates?

That’s just one simple scenario. There are numerous other opportunities for you to think in terms of a cohesive and personalized approach to your marketing. The key is to take your customer by the hand and personally lead them through each step of their journey.

How It All Works

Zembula’s content builder lets you drag and drop your way to personalized content, including animated texts and emails that will win attention. Connect any data source and easily drop your content into your SMS or email template, then control that content from the platform. Zembula serves as the bridge between your data and your creative marketing.

The animations are lightweight gifs that load easily and work with almost all platforms. And if you run into a system that will not support an animated gif, you can display a conventional live image in its place.

Are you ready to bring your data to life and to tie multiple components together to create a cohesive SMS and email marketing strategy? If so, we’d love to help you create the kind of deeply personalized content that delivers results. 

Chat with us to learn more about how we can help.

Marc Sheforgen

Marc Sheforgen writes email service provider content for Zembula. Beyond that, he’s all about parenting, coaching kids, record collecting, travel, and adventure. If it’s fun, he’s for it.

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