How Smart Banners™ Helped the Virginia Lottery Automate and Streamline Lottery Email Updates

Every year, tens of millions of people buy lottery tickets with the hopes of winning big. So, to generate interest, lottery brands must keep consumers up to date on the ever-changing jackpot prizes, drawing days, and lottery results. 

So Virginia Lottery turned to Zembula and implemented Smart Banners™ to help keep their players up to date with critical information about Mega Millions and Powerball jackpots. 

Here’s what happened.

The challenge: Find a way to easily automate lottery updates for customers 

With jackpot amounts for Mega Millions ranging into hundreds of millions of dollars, it’s no surprise buyers wanted to be updated on the jackpot and winning numbers. 

That was the challenge for Virginia Lottery. But, the team found it difficult to automate and personalize information at scale. Plus, they needed to keep in mind that numbers and drawing dates change frequently. Virginia Lottery had another goal, too. The marketing team wanted to find a way to easily display Powerball and Mega Millions jackpot amounts, specifically on days that would align with the drawing dates for each game.

The Virginia Lottery team wanted to utilize their email marketing better. Ideally, the marketing team hoped to automate key dates and jackpot information to customers and keep a great player experience while removing time-consuming and error-prone manual processes.  

The solution: Use personalized Smart Banners™ to personalize information

Virginia Lottery worked with Zembula and implemented Smart Banners™ to solve these challenges. 

virginia lottery smart banner

Together, the team at Virginia Lottery and Zembula created a Smart Banner™ that displayed lottery jackpot values in real-time. Since Zembula updates at moment-of-open and not moment-of-send, data can be automatically updated while campaigns send without needing to stop or pause them to do manual changes.

Using Zembula’s AI-powered Campaign Decision Engine, Virginia Lottery could create rules within the platform dictating when images would display on particular days. Then, when a jackpot amount hits all the parameters the marketing team sets, the Smart Banner™ appears in the emails. 

And if the parameters aren’t met, the banner shrinks to an invisible pixel, so nothing about the underlying email changes — it’s business as usual. 

The results: Smart Banners™ help streamline processes and remove manual updates

For the Virginia Lottery marketing team, Smart Banners™ made automatically sharing the latest Mega Millions and Powerball jackpot amounts easy. There was no need to manually add images, which helped streamline the processes and reduced potential errors. 

virginia lottery case study quote

With so much on their plate already, marketers know the value of having more effective workflows that help reduce the risk of mistakes. That can save your team from headaches and provide more time to focus on player engagement and creating more emails that drive a positive player experience. 

For lottery brands, that’s an essential way to stand out from the competition. 

Learn more about Smart Banners™

Do you want to find a solution to streamline your processes, remove tedious manual updates, and send personalized customer emails? 

Zembula has the solution. 

Learn how Smart Banners™ can improve how you connect with your lottery customers and give your brand more opportunities to drive engagement. 

Click here to connect with one of our experts and get a demo today.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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How Browse Abandonment Messages Can Help Your Brand

You may have a secret weapon waiting in your data to help re-engage your customers. But are you using it?

With browse abandonment messages, you’re letting customers know via email or SMS that they should come back to your site and consider buying the item they were viewing. 

These messages can be as powerful as abandoned cart emails and texts, and your brand can see a big boost in revenue if you start incorporating them into the mix.

What is browse abandonment?

A browse abandonment message is an email or notification sent to a visitor after they view a product or category page on your site and then leave without buying anything. 

There’s no doubt you know about cart abandonment messages, which work similarly. They are both triggered emails based on consumer behavior. However, with a browse abandonment email, you don’t need to wait until something is put in a cart to send a message. 

Browse abandonment emails are a great way to put customer tracking data to good use. When you know the products they are viewing and potentially interested in, it’s a lot easier to send targeted personalized emails that try to drive re-engagement.

The data behind browse abandonment

A few years ago, SEMRush did a study that found only about 1-2% of customers who visit your page buy. That ties in with the idea that abandoned cart rates are around 70%.

The reality is the vast majority of people visiting your site are going to leave before they even consider buying. But, if you can catch the attention of the 20-40% who stick around and browse pages and products to come back and buy, you have an opportunity to add to your revenue. 

Some industries are also more likely to have higher browse rates than others. Travel is one. Think about your shopping behavior when planning a trip. You don’t go to the first site and buy; usually, it’s about reviewing prices and seeing what’s out there before you buy.

But, it turns out that as with other types of triggered emails, browse abandonment notifications often have higher open, click, and conversion rates than sales emails or newsletters. Of course, you can also see the same numbers with abandoned cart emails.

So if you’re already running a cart abandonment campaign, it makes sense to incorporate abandoned browse messaging into your email and SMS strategy too.

Examples of abandoned browse messages 

What do these types of messages look like in action? Check out a few of these examples.

For companies with long sales cycles, such as mattress retailers, an abandoned browse Smart Banner™ can help customers keep you top of mind without pressuring them to buy before they’re ready.

Learn how City Mattress used Smart Banners™ to help boost its revenue.

Couple your browse abandonment Smart Banner™ with loyalty memberships and let your program members know they can use their points to help pay for their purchases.

Use your abandoned browse Smart Banners™ to update customers on inventory too. It’s a great way to remind them if something they liked is going out of stock and helps build a little bit of FOMO (fear of missing out).

Customers love seeing what other buys have to say about your products. You can’t replace that level of trust in their peer group — so use it in your messages. Smart Banners™ let you add customer ratings and reviews into the mix.

Sweeten the pot to drive more action. For example, use an abanded browse Smart Banner™ to give potential customers a limited-time discount or free shipping if they act now.

Don’t forget about adding SMS into the mix too. Nearly all consumers open and view text messages within just a few minutes of receiving them. So it’s the perfect tool for reaching customers with personalized messages through different channels to extend message visibility.

Learn more about Smart Banners™

Incorporating Smart Banners™ into your email marketing strategy will enable you to send personalized cart and browse abandonment emails at scale more efficiently than you ever thought possible.

To learn more about Zembula’s Smart Banners™ get in touch. One of our email experts will set you up with a demo to get started. 

Click here to request a demo today.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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What Is Real-Time Email Personalization?

Real-time email personalization harnesses your data. Having that information effectively allows you to dynamically change how you are presenting your brand to each individual customer based on recent shopping and browsing behaviors.

Say a customer goes to your site, browses around a certain type of product, adds an item to their cart, and then abandons the cart without making a purchase.

Real-time email personalization would mean sending that customer a hyper-specific email highlighting the product they were considering and incentivizing them to buy it.

Another example would be a customer’s birthday. A real-time personalized outreach might include an email to that customer wishing them a happy birthday and giving them a limited-time discount code.

Real-Time Email Personalization Defined

Real-time email personalization is all about using the data you’re already collecting to its maximum effect. It’s about setting yourself apart from the competition by doing things that show your customers that you care about them as individuals. It’s about doing more than just sending the same messages to everybody on your list.

The key is speed. It’s being able to pivot to react to a customer’s behavior. Or tweaking your weekly email newsletter so that each customer is getting a deeply personalized version of that message.

The problem for most marketers is that personalization takes time. But Zembula has proprietary AI solutions that allow you to automatically deeply personalize the emails you’re sending. Zembula makes it so easy that you’d be shocked at how quickly you can add this unbelievably effective weapon to your marketing arsenal.

Let’s look at a few of the ways that you can use real-time email personalization through Zembula to up your marketing game.

Turn Abandoned Carts Into Personalization Opportunities

Remember that example where a customer added an item to their cart but left the site without purchasing? Most eCommerce retailers would tell you that the abandoned cart is the bane of their existence. But what if we told you that abandoned carts could become opportunities to grow your business?

It all comes down to personalization. An abandoned cart gives you a great opportunity. If you can address your customer by name, show them what items they may have forgotten about, and personally invite them to come back, you’ve got a great shot at converting a sale and maybe even repeat business from that customer.

The key to turning this into a real-time personalization opportunity is to be able to spin up this kind of message without manually having to build it. That’s where Zembula comes in. Use Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ to include dynamic headers, body content, and footers that update live as your customer opens their email. 

Zembula’s solution eliminates the need for segmentation. It allows you to layer endless data sources into the same image. And it’s priced to scale as a utility so that you can use it in all your emails.

1:1 Animation

You can really stand apart from your competition by creating amazing-looking, personalized animation.

Personalized animation can add a 30% CTR lift and 109% increase in revenue. And with Zembula’s content builder, all you have to do is connect any data source and easily drop your content into your email template. From there, you can control the content from the platform.

Leverage First-Party Data To Greater Effect

The name of the real-time-email-personalization game is better using the data you’re already collecting. That means taking things like demographics, location, browsing behavior, and purchase history to build content that will be attractive to any given individual.

If your data tells you that a customer is interested in a certain product but, for whatever reason, hasn’t yet purchased that product, you can use your marketing skills and creativity to better incentivize that customer to buy.

Maybe it’s a simple inventory reminder that an item is back in stock. Maybe it’s a limited-time discount.

By whatever means you plan to attract that customer’s attention, Zembula makes it simple for you to use your data to instruct your marketing decisions. You can create incredibly effective dynamic content that converts.

Your Only Limit Is Your Imagination

These are just a few examples of what real-time email personalization can look like. Really, you can do just about anything you can dream up. The key is the data you probably already have.

If you’re ready to go beyond the same boring, see-through attempts at personalization that seemingly every retailer is doing, we’ve got solutions to help you stand out.

Schedule a Zembula demo to learn much more.

Marc Sheforgen

Marc Sheforgen writes email service provider content for Zembula. Beyond that, he’s all about parenting, coaching kids, record collecting, travel, and adventure. If it’s fun, he’s for it.

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