
Dude, Where’s My Order?

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Transactional emails like shipping and order confirmation emails aren’t as popular in the marketing world due to their lack of promotional content. While these emails aren’t directly raking in the dough, they are pivotal to the customer experience. Having a positive customer experience can bring shoppers back to your store, thus increasing the customer’s lifetime value. 


Shipping confirmation emails may seem simple, but there’s more to them than meets the eye. What are the components of a good shipping confirmation email? How can these emails quickly provide value without taking shoppers to a webpage? 


We’ll walk through some of our favorite shipping confirmation emails provided by the data team at MailCharts. Before we do, here’s a list of the top 5 optimizations you should consider making to your shipping confirmation emails:


  1. Make shipping emails clear, concise, and easy to skim for important details such as shipping address, order number, tracking code, etc. 
  2. Incorporate dynamic content such as live tracking for immediate, real-time updates.
  3. Add some wow factor with engaging images.
  4. Use shipping confirmation as an opportunity to upsell additional products, but don’t be too pushy about it.
  5. Add customer service details and FAQs where applicable for shoppers to manage their orders and improve their customer experience.


Without further ado, let’s dig into some shipping email examples! 


American Meadows

Subject Line: Your American Meadows Order Has Been Shipped

This email hits a home run in terms of keeping things simple and within the email: it contains a clear CTA for the shopper to track their package, but they don’t need to click out because the image above is actually dynamic content. The image updates each time the customer opens the email and let’s them know visually where their package is! This means one less click for the customer to view tracking information. They also add details on how to contact their customer service team and an FAQ page should there be any issues. Good job, American Meadows, we’ll give this one a 10/10.


Subject Line: Hello Charmer! Your BoxyCharm order is on its way!

Similar to American Meadows, Boxycharm uses images to share where their purchase is within the shipping journey. Although this is a static image, it does show where the package is at the point and time the email was sent, so it’s easy to pick up from a glance. Boxycharm pulls in the first name to address the email which adds another personal touch. They also clearly display the shipping address (and make it pop by using a different color). 


Subject Line: Your rocksbox set is on its way!

In addition to the shipping details, they provide on-brand imagery, a clear CTA button to track the purchase, and an opportunity to upsell by adding an ‘Add to Wish List’ CTA towards the bottom of the email. This brings the shopper back to the website to view more products and *fingers crossed* make another purchase.

Menlo House

Subject Line: Your Menlo Club package has shipped!

Within a few seconds, customers can easily skim Menlo House’s shipment confirmation email for key details like the ship date, tracking code, order number, and real-time updates. Like Rocksbox, they entice shoppers to return to their website to continue browsing and mention their refer a friend program and brand hashtag for social media.

You’ll notice that the first example contains live package tracking features. Live package tracking means that the order’s shipment progress is updated every time the email is opened. There is no need to click out to third party landing page to see the exact location of the shipment at every stage.  Live tracking not only gives brands a leg-up on the competition, but also builds the customer relationship. You can check out the Zembula package tracking guide to get started. For more shipping confirmation emails, hop over to MailCharts and sign up for a free account to start viewing email examples (we promise, we’re really cool).

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