
How to Personalize Smart Blocks™

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It wasn’t all that long ago that personalizing emails meant adding the reader’s name at the top and calling it a day. And while that’s been effective for a while, today’s consumers demand more from brands. 

You have to do more than basic personalization. Instead, emails tailored to the reader — from top to bottom — will help you stand out. Smart Blocks™ make it easy to get hyper-personalized with the emails you send. 

If you’re looking for ways to add more personalized messaging to your emails and drive clicks and conversions, Smart Blocks™ are here to help.

Dive deeper into personalization in email

The customer journey is everything today. No consumer wants to feel like a nameless, faceless number in your email list. But, traditionally, it’s been hard to personalize at scale — too many manual updates, code changes, and starting and stopping campaigns to make fixes. 

However, at the same time, segmenting isn’t enough. It gets you part of the way there, but you still can’t personalize on a really deep level. That’s where the Zembula platform stands out. You’ll have a variety of opportunities to personalize emails automatically

Combining Smart Blocks™, Smart Banners™, and Smart Kickers™ means you have a perfectly personalized email from top to bottom. And not only that, the personalization is data-driven; it’s not just there for the sake of it. That’s what we call performative personalization. It’s using customer data through the right messaging to drive action and increase revenue.

How to add more personalization with Smart Blocks™

Smart Blocks™ play a special role in personalizing your customer emails. Now, you’ve got multiple options to add dynamic blocks throughout your emails. That lets you pick the messaging that most stands out to the readers and encourages engagement. 

Personalizing Smart Blocks™ is easy and automatic. It pulls in zero-party customer data, which you can use to supplement other customer information, such as their shopping and browsing history.

Here are a few different ways Smart Blocks™ help you increase personalization in email.

Have you considered you aren’t using your reader’s names enough? With name personalization, you can add Smart Blocks™ with the reader’s name — calling attention to product recommendations, reviews, and loyalty updates.

In this example, name personalization is used to draw the reader to revenue-generating Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™.

Another way to capture reader attention is to have your emails move through personalized animation. Smart Blocks™ are dynamic, so they can include animated images and text. Now you’ve got another way to get shoppers interested in what you’re selling.

For this email, the Smart Blocks™ feature a product with rotating images. And the blocks also highlight recommended products based on customer shopping history.

Loyalty information is another great use for Smart Blocks™. If you have a program, you need to speak with the members regularly — too many brands forget that. So having a loyalty Smart Block™ ensures you aren’t missing out on providing vital information.

Use loyalty blocks with other promotions and recommended products, and show readers how to use their points to purchase items in their carts. These can pack a one-two punch and turn into more conversions and revenue. 

Get more from your emails with Zembula

Consumers have less time and energy to build relationships with brands. You may only get one shot to stand out, and personalization is the way. 

It shows readers that you’re interested in their needs and are using their data to show them products most likely to drive interest and engagement. With Smart Blocks™, you can personalize your emails from top to bottom, giving readers a fantastic tailored experience that they won’t see from most brands. 

Get in touch to learn more about how Smart Blocks™ work. One of our email experts will walk you through how the Zembula platform works and where Smart Blocks™ can drive personalization. 

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