How Restaurants and Food Retailers Can Use Smart Banners™ to Reach More Customers

If you are a resturant or food retailer, you know how important it is to reach customers. Here’s where Zembula’s Smart Banners™ can help.

Liz Froment

Do you want to fill more seats in your restaurant (or get more buyers for your products)? Then it’s time to turn to email marketing. And not just any type of email marketing; you want to get hyper-personalized with every message you send. 

When you do that, it’s so much easier to connect with your readers, encourage action, and boost conversions and revenue. 

So, hows do you drive that action? We’ve got a secret weapon that can help your brand: Smart Banners™.

Here’s how to use them to help transform your emails.

Why email marketing matters for restaurants

Email is one of the best marketing channels to reach your customers. It’s a great way to speak to your customers where they are and build a connection. But more and more people want personalized emails, and as a restaurant, you can still deliver.

Use email to let your readers know what’s cooking at your place. Tell them when you have news, exciting offers, and special events. Email is a fantastic way to share photos of your best recipes, highlight someone on the team, and reward your most loyal customers.

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But scaling that conversation is hard. Until now. Here’s how Smart Banners™ can make a difference. These dynamic banners sit at the top of every email you send and showcase a personalized message.

Smart Banners™ in action

If you want to check out how your restaurant or food retail store can start using Smart Banners™ to send out real-time personalized emails, we’ve got you covered. Here are a few examples you can test out.

Chances are you have a ton of customer data at your fingertips. And one you can lean on in your emails is location information. Use Smart Banners™ to let customers know when you have a new menu item at their local store.

Smart Banners™ are also great tools for enticing customers to engage and take action. For example, add in pricing or inventory information like discounts, special offers, or when products are selling out fast.

Smart Banners™ can do even more for you if you have a loyalty program. Show your customers their most recent loyalty status, let them know how far they are from their reward or offer bonus points when they buy during a specific time.

Do you want to reach even more potential customers? Add an SMS campaign into the mix. Email and SMS are perfect compliments to help you send more individualized messages to your customers. 

Want to try Smart Banners™ for yourself?

We thought you’d never ask! Zembula’s Smart Banners™ enable you to reach more customers with personalized content at scale. And it’s easy. 

As a restaurant owner, we know you have a lot on your plate. So you don’t have time to fiddle with code and worry about complex processes or workflows. With Zembula, the heavy lifting is done for you. 


Our AI-powered Campaign Decision Engine automatically pulls the personalized messages that will matter most to your customers. All you need to do is hook up your data sources, set your display parameters, and add a small snippet of code to your email template. Then, you’re ready to go. Your emails automatically get sent to the right people with the most relevant message.

If you want to test it out, get in touch. We’ll set you up with a demo and walk you through how to get started.

Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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