
Email Captures That Work: The Psychology Behind the Best Email Capture Campaigns

 In Marketing Psychology
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If you’ve been reading our blog lately you know that we’re obsessed with marketing psychology. For those who are new to the game, marketing psychology refers to the practice of applying proven psychological principles like curiosity to the creation of marketing campaigns. When you’ve got the psychology on your side, you’ll see higher conversion ratings and better customer engagement.

One of the best places to apply marketing psychology is to your email capture campaigns. When you work with proven psychological principles you won’t have to worry about proving your campaigns Return on Investment (ROI). That’s because capturing your customer’s email has never been easier than when you apply marketing psychology to your interactive content strategy.

Today, we want to talk about 5 of the best email captures. That’s right, we’re giving you our secrets and sharing how we conquer the email capture! For each of the 5 methods, we’ll break down the marketing psychology at work as well.

Add a Sidebar

Traditional pop-up ads can be highly annoying for website visitors and can actually turn your customers off to your marketing messages. Instead of taking over the customer’s screen to offer a newsletter sign up, why not create a sidebar to discreetly display your message without interrupting the reader’s experience? It’s proven that humans have an attention span of only 8 seconds, so your reader’s eyes are sure to wander while they peruse your blog article or webpage. Take advantage of that wandering eye and put an email capture on the screen in a sidebar. Your message is highly visible without being too intrusive.

Create Custom Landing Pages

If you’re not doing it already, one of the best steps you can take for your email capture campaigns is to create a custom landing page for each targeted effort. Having a landing page for your campaign ensures a buyer’s interest by requiring a click through before displaying your offer. Be sure to follow psychological design standards and make your email capture landing page bright and keep it uncluttered.

email capture

Use a Slide-In

We already talked about how traditional pop-up ads can annoy a customer and don’t do you any favors in working toward that email capture, but there’s a new kid on the block when it comes to pop-up advertising. Slide-Ins are a non-intrusive way to get your customer’s attention by utilizing an interactive content box that slides into the corner of the screen after the reader has scrolled a certain percentage down the page or stayed on the page for a given time limit. Since the Slide-In doesn’t interrupt the viewer’s experience at all, it doesn’t carry the negative associations of a traditional pop-up. Throw a form for your email capture into a Slide-In and watch your engagement and email list grow!


Offer Incentives

There’s never been a customer that doesn’t love discount offers and freebies. Incentivising your consumers to engage through special offers or discounts is a tried and true technique for capturing their email addresses. By fostering a reciprocal exchange, you’re building customer loyalty and positive feelings of brand association. Use your next discount or special offer to create an email capture campaign and add them to your next direct email campaign. Combine this strategy with a custom landing page and rest easy while your email list expands.

Trigger Curiosity

One of marketing psychology’s biggest principles comes in the form of curiosity. Activating a customer’s sense of curiosity causes neurochemical reactions that are similar to those produced during memory creation. Essentially, if you can make your customer curious you can make them remember your message and brand. One of the simplest ways to activate a sense of curiosity is by asking a question. Try integrating a question into your next email capture campaign, and offer the answer as a piece of custom digital content, like a whitepaper, delivered to the reader’s email. You’ll see why this marketing psychology technique is so effective when the email addresses start pouring in as customers can’t wait to have their sense of curiosity satiated.

Now that we’ve covered our 5 favorite ways to run an email capture campaign, you’re ready to get started today!

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