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You’re Paying Too Much For Live Clicker. Here’s why.

Email personalization is a necessary part of any brand’s marketing these days. The bad news is that it can be hard to achieve at scale. The good news is that there are tons of solutions out there to help marketers do just this. 

Companies like Live Clicker have emerged as leaders in the email personalization space. Until now, Live Clicker has been one of your best options to achieve your email personalization goals. Today, Zembula can help you personalize your emails for much less money and with less effort than Live Clicker. 

Here are some of the reasons you’re paying too much for Live Clicker. 

Zembula is more flexible 

Live Clicker uses things called apps for personalized email image creation. Apps are hardcoded images that can only handle specific things. This means only one data source per image at a time, making it difficult to create sophisticated personalization campaigns. They are not flexible to use and can seriously impede a dynamic marketing campaign. 

Zembula, on the other hand, doesn’t use apps. Our approach is to give you the power of using your data the way you see fit. You can connect any data source to our platform and use that data in any image. All you have to do is drag and drop it into place. Use any combination you’d like! It’s easy to use and flexible.

Zembula is more affordable

Our pricing is transparent (it’s even on our site!). No surprises here. You get access to all features in every plan without any restrictions for the low price of $0.50 per 1,000 impressions. Our baseline commitment is just $3,000 a year so it’s affordable to test the waters with us. You get all the power of email personalization for way less. 

Our support is here for you

Our platform works the way you need it to. You won’t need to submit endless support tickets, but if you need a little help, we are here and ready! 

We hate support that isn’t, well, supportive. Zembula is on hand to help you with whatever you need via live chat and direct email communications. No more support tickets that take forever to get resolved. Our time to market is lightning fast. 

When it comes to email personalization tools you have so many options. Most of these tools have similar feature sets, but Zembula’s price will set you up for the best possible ROI. Live Clicker can help you personalize your emails, but you might want to reexamine your choice. Zembula is easier to use and easier on your budget. Let us prove it to you! Check out our site. 

A Woman With Wavy Hair Wearing A Yellow Shirt Stands Outdoors In Front Of A Windowed Building.
Cheyenne Miner
Director of Marketing

Cheyenne is the Director of Marketing at Zembula where she gets to collaborate and coordinate with a team of marketing masterminds. On the weekends, you can find her in the backcountry of the Pacific Northwest, or not, because they don’t have cell towers out there.

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4 emails you need to send in your loyalty program campaigns

When it comes to creating good email campaigns, you’ll rarely ever encounter a situation where just one email is good enough.

Of course, one email is better than none, but you can do a lot more, and catch some low hanging fruit, with campaigns that have multiple emails. 

A welcome series is something that might come to mind with this concept. Most brands will have a handful of emails in a welcome campaign to help build some brand loyalty, engage customers, and ideally move them through the sales funnel. 

The same concept should be true of loyalty programs too. All too often, brands send one, or worse, no emails to reards members and then call it a day. When building good brand loyalty, it’s critical to keep in touch with your customers, that’s where your rewards program email campaign can come into play.

Here are a few emails you should include in your loyalty program campaigns. 

Welcome email

A welcome email isn’t only for when someone signs up to your email list. You should also send a welcome email when a customer becomes a part of your loyalty, rewards, or VIP program too. 

A good welcome email will explain the basic details of your loyalty program. The program’s details might be obvious to you, but want your customers to read your email and have a solid understanding of how the program works and how to use those rewards.

Points updates

Most people don’t stay completely up to date with exactly how many rewards or points they have for a given brand or store. So, this provides you with an excellent opportunity to stay in touch with your customers. 

There are a few approaches you can take here. 

One is to include your customer’s points or tier level in every email you send, including transactional and marketing emails. It’s easy to have a quick line at the top of the email with this information, and it helps to remind your customers where they stand. 

Another approach is to send out regular loyalty specific emails that also include point and tier information. Far too many customers say they never receive an email after signing up for a loyalty program; don’t let your brand fall into this trap.

Motivational emails

With your loyalty rewards platform, you have a lot of good data on your customers right at your fingertips that you can use to personalize emails. That means you can create smaller lists of customers who are just a few points away from the next tier or reward level.

When your customers are only one or two purchases away from the next level, you can send an email reminding them. This kind of email also serves as a great motivator to get your customers to buy. You can take it to the next level by including items that they’ve previously looked at or have in their shopping cart in this email to entice them even further. 

You can take the same approach with emails that announce hitting a reward level or when a customer has enough point to buy something. For travel brands, especially, this sort of email can really encourage customers to cash in those points for an upcoming trip.

Birthdays and anniversaries 

Look, part of the reason why any customer joins a loyalty program is because they want to get some special VIP perks. Makes sense, right?

Here, you can take the easy route to start and dig into your customer relationship management (CRM) tool and gather birthday information. Once you have that, you can automatically schedule a special birthday email to your loyalty members that offers a special something, including a free gift or bonus points.

If you aren’t collecting birthday information, you can also use the day your customer signed up for the rewards program. Create anniversary emails and give away the same perks as you’d find in a birthday email. It’s still a great way to remind customers of your loyalty program without needing additional information from them.

Get creative

As you can see, there are plenty of different emails you can send for your loyalty programs. So get creative. 

Don’t discount the opportunities from creating a variety of emails that you can use as part of your overall loyalty campaign strategy. Showing your customers that you do care and that their participation in your program means something, can go a long way to building loyalty.

Liz Gravatar
Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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Why You Shouldn’t Be Paying As Much As You Do For Movable Ink For Email

Email personalization has become an integral part of almost every brand’s marketing strategy. Consumers now expect to find relevant information in their inbox that is tailor-made for them personally! 

Marketers have done their best to adapt. We now collect and use more data than ever to personalize our emails, and we’re getting better at it! But that doesn’t mean it’s not still challenging.

One of the biggest challenges marketers face when it comes to creating highly personalized emails with their data is the cost, which can range up to the 10’s of dollars CPM!

Movable Ink is a popular choice among marketers when it comes to personalization tools, and it was one of the best choices, until now. Zembula has figured out a way to get you the same personalized email content for a fraction of the cost. Plus, we’ve made it more accessible and easy to use! 

Here are some of the ways Zembula outshines Movable Ink:

We let you use your data the way you want it (no apps!)

Traditionally, email personalization was brought to you by way of apps within a solution like Movable Ink. Apps are coded email images with narrowly defined data points from one source. This means that each image can only contain one data source and the design and development takes quite a bit of time. They are inflexible and hard to change once they have been produced.

While Movable Ink uses apps to bring data to your email creation, Zembula lets you use the data straight from your existing marketing stack to personalize your emails. You can connect any number of sources including your ESP, commerce platform, your website, your CRM, or anything else you have plus any available API. You don’t need to code your images, just use our editor to drag and drop elements into place. Our flexibility is key to letting you use your data in new and creative ways.

Our Smart Banners™ help brands increase revenue by 10+% in every email send

A Smart Banner™ is a dynamic banner that programmatically serves different content and use cases per-individual recipient as determined by our Campaign Decision Engine. The Smart Banner™ and Campaign Decision Engine are unique to Zembula and give brands the power to personalize all their emails, add important information at the top easily, and increase revenue by 10+% for every email send. Want to learn more about Smart Banners™? We wrote an entire book on them!

You can drag and drop your data on to your images with our editor

At Zembula we believe that marketers should have the power when it comes to flexibility and making changes on the fly. This is why we’ve designed an easy to use editor that puts all the power of your own data at your fingertips. You have total control over your content; making changes and scheduling new content takes a matter of minutes. This means more autonomy in your department (your marketers will thank you!).

Zembula is priced as a utility

Zembula offers unlimited plans. So you get all power of email personalization for a fraction of the cost. Plus it’s easy to use and lets you use your data in a flexible way! 

When it comes to email personalization you have a lot of tools to choose from. While most of these tools will boast similar feature sets, Zembula’s price will set you up for the best ROI. Movable Ink can help you personalize your emails, but you might want to reexamine your choice. Zembula is easier to use and easier on your budget. Let us prove it to you! Check out the way we do things. 

A Woman With Wavy Hair Wearing A Yellow Shirt Stands Outdoors In Front Of A Windowed Building.
Cheyenne Miner
Director of Marketing

Cheyenne is the Director of Marketing at Zembula where she gets to collaborate and coordinate with a team of marketing masterminds. On the weekends, you can find her in the backcountry of the Pacific Northwest, or not, because they don’t have cell towers out there.

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Loyalty Program Email Best Practices

How are your loyalty program emails doing? Do you see solid open and click-through rates on the campaigns you’re sending out? What about redemptions, are they growing?

If the answer to any of these isn’t something positive, then you might have a problem with your loyalty program emails.

That’s ok, it’s not the end of the world, and the good news is it’s fixable. It might be that you aren’t following some standard loyalty program best practices, and those are dragging your numbers down. 

If you think that might be the case, keep reading. We’re going to cover some of the basics you need to consider for your loyalty and reward campaigns. 

Effective promotion matters at the start

When it comes to really reaching your customers and getting them excited for your loyalty or rewards program, promotion is a big deal because it helps build overall brand loyalty. If you are doing it wrong, or not at all, you’re going to miss out.

There are a couple of reasons why this is an opportunity. 

First, research shows that your customers want to get loyalty and reward program information by email. And personalized promotional emails have higher open and click-through rates. Second, it helps you stand out. The majority of brands aren’t sending out promotional emails about their loyalty programs beyond a welcome email. 

So, it’s critical to realize that your brand needs to promote your program effectively as a best practice. Easy ways to start doing that is including mentions of your loyalty program in your welcome emails and offering up rewards and points updates in every email you send, from sales to transactional.

Make your benefits clear

Great rewards programs generate revenue for your brand, and loyal customers tend to spend more. So those are two big reasons to make sure your loyalty campaign emails make it very clear how your program works and how customers can cash in on those rewards. 

Here, consider using some really nice graphics to start.

Sephora is one brand that does an excellent job with its loyalty program. You can see they have solid graphics that lay out exactly how the program works very clearly. Inserting this in the program welcome email can make a huge difference when it comes to educating your customers and encouraging them to buy.

Stay in touch

It’s also critical that you stay in touch with your rewards and loyalty program members. Loyalty emails provide an excellent opportunity to encourage your customers to buy. 

Here are a few examples of some emails you can send out under your loyalty program:

And those are just where you can start keeping in touch. If you want to go even further, you can. Combine the information you have in your loyalty rewards program tools with data from your customer relationship management tool, and you can go deep into personalization. 

As long as your emails stay specific to your reward program, and give your customers useful information, they’ll appreciate it!

Make it easy

Remember, one of the key metrics your brand cares about with loyalty programs is redemption. How many people are actually cashing in those rewards?

If you have low redemption and conversion numbers, one of the reasons why is you could be making the process too complicated. People are pressed for time and have little patience today if they have to spend 15 minutes figuring how they get something, they’re going to move on.

As you can see in this email from Chipolte, it’s very clear exactly what they want you to do.

So go through your emails, especially those where you’re offering redemptions, and make sure it’s really easy to click through and claim the reward. All too often, brands will do everything right and then ignore this part. 

Hand in hand with that is having a clear call to action button on your email. Make sure your reader knows exactly what to do and where to click where you want them to. 

Start with these

Once you’ve got some of these best practices down, re-evaluate your campaigns. See what’s driving the most engagement with your loyalty program members and double down. You might find even small improvements can make a noticeable difference to the bottom line. 

Liz Gravatar
Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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