You're Paying Too Much For Live Clicker. Here's why.

Cheyenne Miner
Director of Marketing

Email personalization is a necessary part of any brand’s marketing these days. The bad news is that it can be hard to achieve at scale. The good news is that there are tons of solutions out there to help marketers do just this. 

Companies like Live Clicker have emerged as leaders in the email personalization space. Until now, Live Clicker has been one of your best options to achieve your email personalization goals. Today, Zembula can help you personalize your emails for much less money and with less effort than Live Clicker. 

Here are some of the reasons you’re paying too much for Live Clicker. 

Zembula is more flexible 

Live Clicker uses things called apps for personalized email image creation. Apps are hardcoded images that can only handle specific things. This means only one data source per image at a time, making it difficult to create sophisticated personalization campaigns. They are not flexible to use and can seriously impede a dynamic marketing campaign. 

Zembula, on the other hand, doesn’t use apps. Our approach is to give you the power of using your data the way you see fit. You can connect any data source to our platform and use that data in any image. All you have to do is drag and drop it into place. Use any combination you’d like! It’s easy to use and flexible.

Zembula is more affordable

Our pricing is transparent (it’s even on our site!). No surprises here. You get access to all features in every plan without any restrictions for the low price of $0.50 per 1,000 impressions. Our baseline commitment is just $3,000 a year so it’s affordable to test the waters with us. You get all the power of email personalization for way less. 

Our support is here for you

Our platform works the way you need it to. You won’t need to submit endless support tickets, but if you need a little help, we are here and ready! 

We hate support that isn’t, well, supportive. Zembula is on hand to help you with whatever you need via live chat and direct email communications. No more support tickets that take forever to get resolved. Our time to market is lightning fast. 

When it comes to email personalization tools you have so many options. Most of these tools have similar feature sets, but Zembula’s price will set you up for the best possible ROI. Live Clicker can help you personalize your emails, but you might want to reexamine your choice. Zembula is easier to use and easier on your budget. Let us prove it to you! Check out our site. 

Cheyenne Miner
Director of Marketing

Cheyenne is the Director of Marketing at Zembula where she gets to collaborate and coordinate with a team of marketing masterminds. On the weekends, you can find her in the backcountry of the Pacific Northwest, or not, because they don’t have cell towers out there.

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