
What is Abandoned Cart Recovery

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Every marketer knows the stats behind cart abandonment. The vast majority of customers who put something in their cart will leave it behind. 

But that doesn’t mean they’re gone forever. You can re-engage these potential customers and win back their attention — and dollars — through a solid abandoned cart recovery strategy. 

Here’s how to get started.

A primer on abandoned cart recovery

Every potential customer takes a journey with you, from being aware of your product or brand to browsing products, buying, and then (hopefully) continuing the relationship after that. But the journey isn’t always smooth; there are a lot of stops and starts along the way. 

Shoppers abandon carts for many reasons, ranging from unexpected shipping costs to complicated checkout processes and a change of mind. But thinking these shoppers are lost and gone forever is a mistake. Instead, brands can recover a percentage of them who will then complete their purchases and keep shopping.

That’s where abandoned cart recovery comes into play. It connects you with customers who have added items to their online shopping cart but didn’t complete the purchase. Recovery messaging works too. Data shows that 45% of abandoned cart emails get opened, 21% get clicked, and of those who click, 50% complete the purchase.

So if you aren’t implementing a strategy to get these consumers back, you’re missing out on big-time revenue. 

How Zembula makes it easy

The conventional method of abandoned cart recovery is to send an email reminding the reader they’ve left something behind. And that method works, but you’re still potentially leaving a lot of conversions on the table because you’re relying on just one or two emails breaking through the noise. 

What if you could turn every email you send, from promotions to newsletters to shipping updates, into an abandoned cart message? With Zembula, you can. And the best part is it’s all automated for you.

Here’s how it works. 

  • Connect your data sources to the Zembula platform
  • Pick your email templates
  • Set your display rules
  • Add a snippet of code

That’s it. We take care of the rest. With this process, every time one of your potential buyers has something left in their cart, the rules display an abandoned cart Smart Banner™ on top of whatever email your send. 

That turns every email into a message designed to increase engagement and drive revenue. Our clients have found a 10-17% revenue increase in the emails using Smart Banners™ compared to those that don’t. 

And if your reader doesn’t have something in their cart, it’s no problem. They’ll either get a different display message that matches your rules, or the banner shrinks to an invisible pixel, and your email sends as usual. So now you can get this high level of personalization added to every email without manual processes or tweaking tons of code. Instead, it’s all done for you automatically.

Go beyond email

Abandoned cart emails have been a mainstay of email marketing for years now. But, as you create your abandoned cart recovery strategy, don’t forget to add SMS messages into the mix too. 

With Zembula, you can take the same personalized approach to your cart abandonment messaging across channels. 

That helps give your customers a more unified experience and gives you a way to meet them where they are and engage with the messaging they choose.

Get started today

Abandoned cart recovery, especially through email marketing, can be a valuable strategy for eCommerce brands looking to boost revenue and improve customer relationships.

We’d love to show you how Zembula can help you automate your abandoned cart efforts and engage with more customers. And our email marketing experts can show you how.

Get in touch and request a demo.

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