
Zembula’s Personalized Ratings and Reviews Put You Ahead in the Email Race

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In the race for consumer attention, it’s not the strongest that survives. It’s the most relevant.

If your emails don’t stand out, you’ve got no chance.

So how do you stand out? How do you make yourself relevant?

By adding user-generated content, first with ratings and reviews. Then by personalizing that content so you’re only sending it to the people who want it.

Zembula makes it simple. Not only can you easily add ratings and reviews to your emails, but you can personalize each message.

Zembula lets you create email images that contain your data. You cut and paste a single snippet of code, and after that, you don’t have to touch the code at all.

If you’re using Omail by Omeda, you’re set. Installation is a snap.

Send Personalized Messages Utilizing All of the Data You’re Collecting

Think of how much more effective your emails could be if you could include the ratings and reviews you know would drive transactions and you could personalize each message.

We all are sensitive to the idea of sending too many messages to our customers. Well, what really makes for “too much” is irrelevant. People don’t mind getting emails about things they are excited about. It’s all of the other stuff that they start to associate with “junk.”

If you can include user-generated ratings and reviews and can then send them to a highly targeted audience, your chances for increasing transactions are incredibly strong.

Zembula Ratings and Reviews example

And it’s not just ratings and reviews. You can send personalized emails to harness whatever data you might be collecting, including tracking information, cart abandonment notifications, rewards points status and more.

Pairing Omail by Omeda and Zembula Is Simple

While Zembula itself is not an email service provider, it will work seamlessly with whichever one you’re using, including Omeda. Integration is free and supported.

Once Zembula is installed, unleashing its power is straightforward and intuitive. This is very much a What You See Is What You Get platform.

ratings and reviews header

There’s no need to invest in customized development. You’ll simply use the email editor to drag and drop your data into content blocks. And you won’t have to go back to the code to do it.

Get up to 200 million impressions at a rate of $0.50 per 1,000 with Zembula’s base price.

Contact Zembula when you’re ready to make your emails matter more.

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