
Why Smart Banners™ Are Your Brand’s Missing X-Factor

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Wouldn’t you love a way to give your customers the information that’s most important to them, regardless of what email they’re reading?

Sounds like a dream, right? You send out a newsletter that also lets your customers know they have items in their cart. Or your welcome email highlights personalized shipping information for customers who recently purchased.

The ability to include multiple pieces of information in one email to increase message visibility isn’t a pipe dream. With Smart Banners™, it’s a reality.

Your brand can do all sorts of cool stuff that gives your customers critical up-to-date information with personalization and keeps you top of mind.

Here’s how.

Level up your customer experience

All too often, brands think about the message they want to send and not how that message is received. No matter how amazing your product or service might be, if your customer is struggling through a bad experience to get information about it, they are going to move on to your competitors.

Smart Banners™ can help you avoid that.

zembula dynamic decision engine smart banners

The Zembula platform uses an AI-powered Campaign Decision Engine to run through your selected data and customer parameters and, within milliseconds, chooses to display the best banner for your reader’s needs.

This gives your readers the information they want and need. And it goes a long way toward building an excellent customer experience, which matters more than ever for consumers today.

Plus, happy customers who are given a simple and easy way to engage and take action also help you get more conversions. That’s a good win-win situation for both you and them.

Let’s take a look at a few ways you can put a Smart Banner™ to good use in your own email campaigns.

Real-time information all the time

One way your brand can stand out from the crowd is to give your customers real-time information in every email.

Since Smart Banners™ will update at the moment of open (not the moment of send), your readers are going to get the most up-to-date information possible every time they open their emails.

With these personalized banners, you can give your customers updated information about their abandoned carts, shipping notification, loyalty reward campaigns, plus a lot more. There are over a dozen options to choose from.

Check out the example below.

beard company abandoned cart

In this case, a standard every day newsletter can be transformed with an abandoned cart reminder email.

Having a Smart Banner™ sitting right at the top of the email daws the eye. Not to mention, you can add gifs and images to each banner, keeping your customer’s interest.

Another huge benefit of these types of motivation bars is they are another way to personalize your customer’s emails. As you know by now, consumers want the emails they get from brands to be targeted and personalized to their specific needs and interests.

Here’s another example of how you can use a Smart Banner™ in a different way.

In this email, you can see the Smart Banner™ is being used as a way to update the customer on shipping.

Even though your standard shipping confirmation and update emails are usually among the most opened email you can send, having another way to personalize it has its benefits.

The big one, again, is the real-time tracking information. When it comes to shipping, your customers want to know where their stuff is, and they want an easy way to track it. Giving them that information, especially where they know all they have to do is open the email to get updates, helps them and you.

They get the information they need whenever they want it, and you benefit from not having to answer tons of where is my order calls, which can end up swamping your customer service team.

Stand out from the crowd

Today, the inbox is crowded. You need to do everything you can to make your brand rise above the competition. One way to do that is to give your customers personalized up-to-date, real-time information in every email. Including a Smart Banner™ is just one approach you can take to start doing that.

Make it easy for your readers to track their packages, buy the stuff they’ve left in their cart, and get points updates right from their inbox. They’ll love you for going the extra mile.

Want to learn more about how Smart Banners™ can transform your emails? Take a look at our latest guide for email marketers. In it, you’ll learn our best tips and tricks for making the most out of Smart Banners™.

Click here to get your copy.

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