
How to Grow Your Email Lists With Interactive Content

 In Interactive Content
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If you run a blog or any other type of online business, you know that generating fresh leads can be the most challenging part of marketing in the digital age. When our customer’s feeds are flooded with engaging content, it can be hard to stand out from the pack.

Luckily, interactive content backed by marketing psychology practices have proven themselves as an unbeatable way to generate online traffic. With the exponential growth of social media and the rise of “viral” culture, interactive content has become one of the most innovative ways to generate new email subscribers.

Today we’d like to take a look at just why these addictive, viral, and shareable pieces of interactive content are so successful at generating leads and proving ROI.

Interactive Content Allows You to Repackage Existing Content

If you’re anything like most marketers I speak with, you have a backstock of passive content that can help to inform your potential customers. In order to effectively generate leads, you need to make your content attractive to your readers. Interactive content is an amazing way to breathe new life into your existing content and convert potential customers into email newsletter members. It’s unbelievably easy to convert your existing content into interactive campaigns that will capture your reader’s attention at first glance.

So how do you do it? First, create an interactive campaign like a Slide-in overlay or an exit intent pop-up utilizing a stand-alone solution like Zembula’s interactive experiences. Next, bring your personalized and unique style to the campaign to captivate your readers. Finally, at the end of your interactive campaign, offer your readers a chance to sign up for your newsletter. This interactive approach will increase engagement and help you prove the marketing department’s ROI.

Gather Analytics to Understand Your Visitors

Interactive content offers a two-fold return. Not only will it help you better engage your visitors, but the analytics you gather can help you to better understand your target demographics as well. This data will allow you to better adapt future content to your target audience, leading to more engagement and better brand loyalty.

The better you understand your audience, the more adept you are in offering content that exceeds their expectations. Once you engage your readers, the more easily you can get information such as phone number, location, email, etc, from them, and turn them into qualified leads.

interactive content trends

Create opportunities for fun

I’ll let you in on one of the most influential aspects of interactive content… it’s fun! Fun content makes it easier to prove your value to your readers since your campaign is utilizing entertainment to connect with customers. Interactive content allows you to capture the attention of new viewers and create content that is viral and will contribute to bringing social traffic back to your online business where your sales funnels can continue the conversion work.


Drive social traffic

In order to properly take advantage of interactive content’s power, it’s important to encourage your readers to share their results with their social network. Make sure your share page includes a call-to-action that leads them to an article, product, or content on your website that you want to promote. Depending on the result, be sure to direct people to the content that suits them best. This will greatly increase your chances of conversion.

Not only is email marketing a staple of our industry, but it’s also effective at acquiring, engaging and retaining customers. Make sure you try all of these tips to boost your email list!

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