
Get more engagement and better ROI from your WhatCounts email campaigns with ratings and reviews.

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When choosing an enterprise-level email service, you need to look at its capabilities and look at how the platform will fit into your current workflow to support your brand’s goals. The problem is that often many enterprise-level solutions have a rigid structure that forces you to change how you do things. WhatCounts focuses on being flexible enough to adapt to your needs instead of the other way around. 

Zembula complements this flexibility by allowing WhatCounts users to add user-generated ratings and reviews to their campaigns without the need to make any drastic changes to their workflow or have to deal with any complex implementations.


Your customers expect to see other customer’s opinions on your products.

Ratings and reviews have become a necessary aspect of just about every business that sells its products or services online. And there’s a good reason for that. Products that have more product reviews get more sales than products that have fewer or lack reviews at all. That’s because ratings and reviews signal to other customers that they have invested their trust in your brand to purchase your product and encourage them to buy. Additionally, customers go to reviews to find insight or information on your products that may not have been included in your original marketing material. 

Zembula allows you to use this powerful tool in your email campaigns while integrating with your customer data. This means that you’ll send the most relevant reviews to your customers, which increases the relevance of the information presented. Additionally, Zembula allows you to update the data even after you hit send. That way, you can be confident that your customer will always get the most relevant and updated information. 

Zembula Ratings and Reviews Content blocks

Copy-paste integration and WYSIWYG user interface

Zembula was developed for marketers, not programmers. As such, we had to make sure that integration with your existing email service was as seamless as possible. That’s why all you need to do to add Zembula’s functionality to your email software is to copy-paste a few lines of code into your email template, and you’re all done.

Zembula Platform Ratings and Reviews

On the usability side of things, Zembula uses a WYSIWYG interface which makes adding the different modules fast and intuitive. No need to learn a new system or read pages upon pages of user manuals. 

Set up a free call with one of our email experts so that we can show you how you can add ratings and reviews to your email campaigns and give your marketing ROI a significant boost. 

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