
3 Ways To Use Performative Personalization in Email: Start Sending Messages That Convert

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In today’s uber-competitive race for consumer attention, effective personalization is crucial for marketers who want their messages to stand out. But personalization isn’t just about getting attention. It’s about driving real, tangible, measurable results.

It’s not enough to call a customer by name and think that you’re doing something special. News flash: That’s the same thing everyone else is doing.

Performative personalization means going beyond basic personalization. It’s about meaningful engagement that improves key performance indicators such as click-through rates, transactions, and overall revenue by creating a tailored experience for each individual.

Let’s look at three ways you could be tapping into the data you’re already collecting to create deeply personalized content that not only engages your audience but also grows your business.

Crush It With Performative Personalized Triggered Messages

Triggered messages, such as order confirmations, cart abandonment notifications, and loyalty program updates, can be made so much more effective with meaningful personalization. By incorporating customer data like browsing history and past purchases, you can tailor your messages to each customer’s unique interests, offering relevant recommendations or limited-time promotions that resonate with them.

The beauty of Zembula is that it makes it easy for you to do a lot more with your data. And our personal favorite is performative personalization because that’s where we repeatedly see people getting results.

Animate Your Data To Make It More Engaging

Go beyond static messages. That’s kind of like just using a name once and calling it personalization.

To send messages that connect, bring them to life. You can hook any data source to Zembula’s content builder to easily drop personalized content into your email templates. Then, combine your creativity with our animation tools to create attention-grabbing, dynamic content that people can’t help but notice.

Drive Revenue With Performative Personalized Promotions

Generate conversions by reminding customers of products they care about — things they have in their cart, items they’ve browsed, and past purchases. Zembula’s Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ let you programmatically serve tailored promotions and special deals, turning generic emails into personalized messages that drive revenue.

Remember, your customers don’t all care about the same things. You’ve got to stop sending the same messages to everyone on your list. The better option is performative personalization or using data-driven insights to identify what each customer wants to see. Combine that with a targeted product or service promotion, and you’re going to see a boost in conversions and revenue.

Don’t Do the Same Things and Expect Different Results

Personalization is no longer optional for brands that want to stay competitive. But to truly drive results, you need to take it a step further with performative personalization and see a real ROI.

Think of how cool it would be if each of your customers had their own experience with your brand and if that experience was actually one that the customer themselves, through their shopping behavior, chose.

Zembula’s solutions help you leverage your data to create content your customers have never seen before. By using AI to evaluate all of your variables, we can help you deliver the right content to the right person so that each individual has a unique brand interaction.

These three ways to use performative personalization in email are barely scratching the surface of all that’s possible.

If standing apart is important to you, check out more of what we’re doing at Zembula.

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