
3 Tips for eCommerce Email Personalization

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If there’s a business model that requires email personalization more than any other, it’s definitely eCommerce.

In today’s competitive retail environment, you’ve got almost no shot at selling successfully and sustainably online unless you’re standing out. And research shows again and again that the way to do that is to make your customers feel like individuals.

That’s the secret sauce.

It’s not price-cutting.

It’s not an excessive selection.

It’s effective engagement. It’s showing your customers that you know what they like when they like it, how they like it, and then giving it to them!

Zembula has proprietary solutions that allow you to not just personalize your emails but to deeply personalize them. There’s a big, big difference. It’s all about the data you’re already collecting but not effectively using. We can unlock that data so that you have personalization opportunities that are limited only by your imagination.

Here are three tips for deeply personalizing your eCommerce emails.

Loyalty Programs That Convert

You’ve got to show loyalty to get it. Plain old customer loyalty programs are nothing unique. Almost everyone has at least the basics. But on most sites and accounts, you have to navigate through 10 or more clicks to figure out what your loyalty points can get you.

You can personalize any type of email that you send with a dynamic banner at the top that lets your customers know their loyalty status. Make it obvious to them. Show them how many points they have. Make it easy for them to understand what they need to do to reach the next level or bonus offer. Remind them of an ongoing promotion that can increase their current points total.


When you make loyalty status obvious to each individual customer, you are engaging them and subtly encouraging them to continue scrolling through the offers in your email so that they can see how they might be able to increase or use their points.

Personalized Flash Sales

Every email you send should include some sort of incentive for your customers. But remember, not every customer is motivated by the same things. The key here is to personalize your offerings, and Zembula makes doing that simple.

You can harness the data you’re collecting to identify what each individual customer wants to see. Then you can entice each individual with a personalized, limited-time promotion or flash sale.

If you can do all of that — and with Zembula, you definitely can — you’ve created an email that’s engaging, urgent and easy to use. That’s a recipe for success and one that you should be using with every email you send.

Invite User-Generated Content and Feedback

Give your customers an opportunity to express themselves and share their opinions. People like to be heard. Including interactive sections in emails is another trend that’s going to continue to grow. Having customer surveys or feedback questions are a few ways to show your customers that you’re listening and that you want to serve them better.

We all know that user-generated content helps driver conversion. Consumers trust ratings and reviews from other shoppers. So make sure you include a way to ask your customers to rate their purchases.

Feedback is another crucial tool for brands, you always want to make the customer experience as easy as possible. Use a Smart Banner™ to ask consumers about their shopping experience.

How Zembula Makes Personalizing Your Ecommerce Emails Easy

Zembula makes it easy to go beyond surface-level personalization to get to the stuff that really inspires customer action.

Addressing a customer by name is great, but it’s just the beginning. Doing things like including obvious loyalty status, including personalized flash sales and inviting customer opinions are how you are going to set yourself apart in the competitive ecommerce email space.

None of that is difficult to implement with Zembula. You can use the data you’re already collecting to much greater effect, creating a deep personalization experience.

If you’re ready to win customer trust and see an increase in transactions, let’s talk!

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