
10 Places to Add Email Capture Forms for Better Conversions

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As much as technology has advanced over the last decade, there is still one big truism in marketing: the money is in the list. 

Focusing on improving your email marketing is one of the easiest ways to grow your business. It helps you both get new leads and convert current customers. 

The facts bear that out. 

Check out these data points:

Ok you know email is important to the growth and long term success of your business. That’s step one. 

For step two you need to get people to opt-in to your list. This is the part that causes a lot of brands problems. 

But here’s a simple solution, put email capture forms in high converting places on your site. If you’ve got an email opt-in form in only one or two places, then you’re missing on a huge opportunity to attract more readers. 

Here, we’re going to highlight the places on your site you should add email capture forms to increase your conversion rates. 

1. Pop-ups

There’s no doubt you’ve encountered a pop-up from time to time. These forms literally pop-up as you browse a page. These are traditionally some of the highest converting email capture forms you can use. 

But you can take pop-ups a step further and be strategic with them too. One way is via an exit-intent pop-up which appears as a user is about to leave your site. 

2. Landing page

Have you made a landing page that’s solely dedicated to asking people to sign up for your emails? It’s a basic tactic, but it works because it gives readers a binary choice, sign up for your stuff or exit the page. Plus, a landing page is perfect to link to in social media descriptions.

3. Welcome mat

A welcome mat is similar to a landing page. When you land on a page your message and call to action will appear and cover the whole screen. But, unlike a landing page a user can close out the welcome mat and continue using the site as normal if needed. 

4. Blog posts

If you’re like most brands, your blog content is a huge part of your marketing strategy and it’s likely your main source of traffic. Don’t let that go to waste. Instead, as part of your content planning, know what email opt-ins you’re going to offer on your blog posts.

5. Slide in

Slide-in’s are great because you can get really specific and set how they appear and when they appear. That’s a cool feature that can help segment your list and target specific types of website visitors. And don’t forget, the more eye-catching and interactive, the better your conversions!

6. Sidebar

customer acquisition

Most brands will cite a sidebar opt-in as one of the first places they stick a sidebar. However, this placement is a double edged sword. On one hand, the sheer amount of website visitors you get will help raise your conversion rates. But, on the negative, these are so common many people simply ignore sidebars. 

Here’s one way to help spice things up, make an interactive sidebar opt-in, something that catches the eye and drives an irresistible desire to click. Interactive content is just one way to make your sidebar immediately stand out from the crowd.

7. About page

Did you know that your about page is often one of your most trafficked pages on your website? Take advantage of this and add an email capture form here too. It’s a really simple way to snag a few more potential customers. 

8. Menu bar

Speaking of other pages on the menu bar…this is another often overlooked spot to grab the attention of readers. After all, most people’s eyes immediately go to the menu bar when they visit a site. Add a menu page that for an email capture form and give it an eye-catching title that gets people clicking.

9. In the comment box

If you’re creating content that is getting people talking then you’re already on the right track. Now that you have visitors who want to leave a comment, make it really easy for them to also subscribe to your emails. You can add a simple checkbox that allows them to jump on your list. 

10. 404 page

Sometimes links just get lost into cyberspace. Having a 404 error page that has some copy on it is a good place to start. But, consider taking it a step further and offering your apologies, via email. Offer readers a small gift for your mistake and they can sign up to your list to get it.

How many of these can you fit on your site?

Just adding even a handful of these email capture forms can make a dramatic difference in your conversion rates and grow your list. 

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